Pasta boys
Its been a hot minute since I’ve done one of these but here we are lets start
Heinemann MP32
I think I suggested these in my French weapons well I was kind of wrong .(will explain it)
anyway not much history here, the gun was designed by Heinemann to be presented to German army (German army was trying to rearm itself ) Heinemann MP-32 was not accepted and later Heinemann sold the rights to Belgium(German variant = 9mm /20 and 40 round mag)(It was apparently used in Chaco war)
so in French suggestion I suggested the same gun but the gun that Belgium used was FN Model 1935
which is copy of the gun but in different ammo (7.63)(40 round and 20)(you can kind of see the curved mag)

(This picture is Belgium variant)
Spasov M1936/1938
A MG designed by Captian Hristo Nikolov Spasov not much history but MG was designed to stop the Bulgarian army relying too much on German imported MGs. There was multiple variant designed between 1927 to 1938 with the model here being last one. All variants were rejected by bulgarian army(8 by 56 R mannlicher/20 and 40 box mag you can actually kind of see the box mag in the image/450-900rpm depending on the variant )
Spasov M1940 Machine pistol
A machine pistol made by Spasov based on Bulgarian luger to help again Bulgarian army with their lack of small arms . (8 and 32 round (can use Artillery luger mag))
Spasov M1939
A SMG developed by Spasov
(9mm/30 round/ 600 rpm)
Spasov M1944
Later variant of Spasov SMG(9x19mm Parabellum and
7.62x25mm tokarev (Russians can get the one chambered for tokarev round )/30 round / 600 rpm)
and there is modofication for this SMG its meant to Increase its fire rate up to 900
Simple history the weapon was developed after failure of joint project between Germany and Austro-Hungarian to manufacture a SMG (From my source Schwarzlose SMG was fruit of this project but due to dalays in pruduction both countries decided to go their own separate way with Germany manufacturing MP 18 and Austria coming with this machine pistol)
(16 round /900 rpm)
A selective-fire machine pistol variant of the M.12, sometimes referred to as the M.1912/P.16 , was produced during World War I for Austrian stormtroopers fighting on the Italian Front. This variant featured an extended 16-round internal magazine and a detachable shoulder stock. The M.1912/P.16 featured a fire selector which was fitted to the upper section of the trigger; switching the fire selector to automatic would disengage the trigger sear and produce rapid fire. The fire rate was around 900rpm. A few hundred examples were produced from 1916 to 1917.
Also there is variant of this machine pistol to make it similar to Villar Perosa named Doppelpistole M. 12
While we are here lets check an other gun with double barrel
W+F Bern Furrer Fliegerdoppelpistole 1919(Or Flieger-Doppelpistole)
The Doppelpistole was designed by Adolf Furrer in 1919 as a weapon for aircraft observers, although it never saw extensive use in this role, especially after the introduction of modern aircraft rendered the role of the observation gunner obsolete. Stocked versions were instead fielded in limited numbers by the Swiss Army for ground roles. By 1921, 61 units were in use by the Fliegertruppen near DĂĽbendorf. Production of the Doppelpistole was brief and the weapon was succeeded by the more practical Furrer MP41
(2*50 round/1900 RPM/r 7.65mm parabellum)
Steyr M1918
This is an early SMG of an unusual design, dating to around the World War I period. It is currently held in the Canadian War Museum in Ottowa. The maker is unknown, as there are no markings, although all the available evidence points to Austrian origin. It is chambered in the 9x23mm Steyr cartridge, the standard pistol cartridge of the Austrian Army of the time, and has shows obvious design influence from the standard Austrian service pistol, the Steyr M.12. It is built around the recoil action, with a reciprocating spring-loaded barrel that is designed to rotate against a cam slot on the barrel extension. The barrel extension engages a set of locking lugs on the bolt face. The recoil spring runs from the bolt through into the stock; note the partial in-line section of the stock through which the spring is housed. The gun is designed to fire from an open bolt and the cocking handle is a retractable tab located just underneath the adjustable rear sight.
This SMG is also significant in that it is the first known submachine gun to feed magazines from the pistol grip. Although the magazine itself is now missing, the magazine housing can be observed in the grip, with a mag catch located at the bottom. There is also an open ejector at the top of the receiver in which it seems possible to feed stripper clips, probably of the type used by the Steyr M.12 pistol. The intended magazine capacity is not known. On the left side of the receiver is a rotating fire selector switch, marked “D-E-S”, standing for the German words “Dauerfeuer”, “Einzelfeuer”, and “Sicherung” - full-auto, single-fire, and safety respectively. This feature in and of itself was quite forward-thinking for the time period, as the most successful WWI SMG, the Bergmann, did not feature a fire selector at all and fired in full-auto only. The earlier Fiat-Revelli SMG prototype from Italy did also have a similar selector.
(Magazine is unknown but if I had to guess based on resemblance alone I would say it could use 8 or 16 round M12 mags )
SIG MP 1918 submachine gun
This blowback-operated prototype was developed at SIG from around 1918 - 1920, under the direction of Gotthard End. It was chambered in the 7.65mm Parabellum cartridge and fed from Swiss Luger magazines of 8, 13, or 16 rounds. The design appears to have been influenced to some extent by the German M.P.18,I, a variant of which was later produced by SIG from 1920 - 1927. The SIG prototype submachine gun was made on an experimental basis only and was apparently trialed by the Swiss Army in 1918, but failed to generate sufficient interest and was never put into serial production.
Beretta Mod.18 fed from bottom
his is a proper Revelli-Beretta submachine gun feeding mags from the bottom. It appears that this was achieved by simply flipping the receiver (lifted straight from the Villar Perosa SMG) on its head, evidenced by the inverted cocking slot. The gun likely ejects straight upward, and this is probably why it was not preferred over the standard top-feeding model - the rapidly-ejecting bullets would have obstructed the user’s line of sight during firing and therefore defeated the point of placing the mag underneath somewhat.
Labora submachine gun(Spain)
The Labora was produced in Catalonia in an attempt to remedy the Republican government’s poor supply of small arms. Ultimately it did not circumvent this issue, as it proved too expensive to mass produce. Only a few thousand were made over the span of a year and they had no impact on the Republican war effort. Production ceased when the Republic collapsed and the Nationalist government was instated.
During World War II, small quantities of Laboras were smuggled into France by Spanish partisans and used in their struggle against the German occupation. Today, Labora submachine guns are almost exclusively museum pieces.(So maybe for allies)(36 ROUND/700RPM/9by23 largo)
Mannlicher 1896/03
The Mannlicher 1896/03 was an early self-loading pistol designed by the renowned Austrian designer Ferdinand Mannlicher and produced by the Steyr factory. It was a locked-breech pistol chambered for a low-velocity, bottlenecked 7.63mm cartridge which was comparatively weaker than the 7.63mm Mauser cartridge; although the two cartridges were dimensionally identical, it was hazardous to fire the Mauser cartridge from the 1896/03 - although the breech-locking mechanism was strong enough to withstand a higher-velocity cartridge, the rest of the pistol was not, which could potentially result in fractures to the frame.
Although originally designed in 1896, the pistol did not reach full production until 1903, by which time the Mauser C96 had already appeared. It offered no advantage over the C96; it was weaker, less reliable, and more expensive to produce. Only about 3,000 were made before it was quickly discontinued.
A very small number of these guns were offered with a leather holster-stock, as was typical of self-loading pistols at that time. A hunting carbine with a long barrel and wooden stock was also produced.
Tallinn Model 1923
he Model 1923 was designed for the Estonian Army after World War I. Based on the Swiss SIG M1920, itself an MP18 copy, the Model 1923 was accepted into Estonian service in 1926. It was chambered for the 9Ă—20mm Browning cartridge, of which the Estonian Army had a ready supply. In the late 1930s, the Model 1923 was phased out of service by the Suomi KP/-31, and Estonia sold their surplus Model 1923s to the Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War. Only around 600 Model 1923s were made in total.
(40 round/600rpm/9by20 browning)
A.T M38
Arsenal 1938 The 9x19 model was a particularly sophisticated and perfect type of new European models in the mid-1930s. It had a rare brake or semi-free lock with shotgun brakes on submachine guns. Among the well-known weapons, this was also the case with the Swiss SIG SMG(MKMO). It is possible that the latter was followed by Arsenal. The winch was easy to change with the key and the precise target was adjustable sideways, the locking handle of the lock remained in place during shooting. The shooting speed was 700 shots per minute with the locking brake and 900 shots without the brake. The weapon had a lock stop, so the lock remained in the position after the tray was emptied, the light switch / safety latch enabled both single and row lights, the first of which was with a pre-towed trigger for shooting accuracy. A bayonet attachment and an iron mouthpiece to stabilize the weapon when shooting were also provided. The 1938 was precise and, thanks to its long bolt (350 mm), had a high initial ball speed (up to 415 m / s) and breakthrough power. However, despite the positive assessment, the order was not followed by Arsenal. The Finns had already been ordered a year ago, and the additional acquisition of submachine guns was scheduled to arrive in early October 1938.
The order for a new Arsenal submachine gun arose again in the spring of 1940. The National Defense Fund had another 160 thousand kroons for the purchase of submachine guns and pistols, and at the beginning of the new financial year 1940/41 (April 1940) the Armaments Department planned to order 300 Arsenal pistols from the Arsenal. Arsenal replied to the corresponding inquiry on April 11, 1940 that it is possible to manufacture 300 - 500 latest types of submachine guns at a price of 355 kroons each and with a term of 15 months. Production drawings for the new weapon were also available. Arsenal 1938 the ordering of the model was essentially decided by the beginning of the summer. But the summer events changed everything. In mid-August 1940, the order for submachine guns was canceled.
(About the mag size there is no info looking at the mag it might be 30 or 25)(There was only 2 made and both were destroyed as this image is only thing that remains)
Steyr-Solothurn S1-100 in .45 ACP
The Steyr-Solothurn S1-100 was an interwar submachine gun developed by German engineers at Rheinmetall but manufactured and distributed by the Swiss-Austrian conglomerate of Steyr-Solothurn AG. It was offered in a variety of calibers, including 9x23mm, 9x25mm, 7.63x25mm, 7.65x21mm, and 9x19mm. A very small number, however, were made in .45 ACP for South American sales. These are incredibly rare, as it was highly unusual for European submachine guns to be chambered in .45 due to its lack of popularity outside of the United States.
The S1-100 was adopted by the Austrian Army as the MP34, the Portuguese as the M/935, and the Japanese as the Type Su. It was also used by rear units of the German Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe as the MP34(ö).
Early MondragĂłn 1894
These rifles are two very rare specimens of Manuel Mondragón’s 1894 repeater, the direct precursor of the more well-known Model 1908 self-loading rifle. Mondragón was a Mexican artillery officer who designed a series of quick-firing rifles for military use. He struggled to get the designs financed in his native country, so he took the plans to Europe, initially to Saint-Chamond in France but later to SIG in Switzerland. SIG manufactured about 250 Mondragón repeaters before the gun was discontinued due to a lack of commercial interest.
Although the Model 1894 repeater resembles a self-loader, it is manually-operated - the weapon must be cycled by hand by yanking the bolt handle after every shot. However, the gun was fitted with a fire selector which enabled a pseudo-automatic firemode. When the selector was set to the position “R”, the trigger was disabled and the gun was entirely operated by running the bolt handle back and forth to deliver rapid shots. This was probably quite stressful on the feed mechanism. The gun was chambered in the very unusual (and rare) 5.2x68mm Rubin cartridge
Birger m/44
The m/44 was designed in response to the fact that the manufacture of the Lahti L-35] was proving to be rather slow and expensive, and so a cheaper pistol had to be produced at some point to replace it. As such, Birger Linkomies was given the task of designing a new pistol by the Ordnance Department of the High Command of the Finnish Army.
Designing of the weapon started in 1943, when it was known as the m/43. In February 1943, 5,000 of these pistols were authorized to be purchased; however, the pistols were not ready to be mass-produced just yet as they were still being designed, in addition to the Finnish not having enough of the required resources to begin mass-production of these weapons due to most (if not all) factories in Finland already being at full capacity. In light of this, a small test batch of 10 to 20 pistols were to be produced before mass-production could commence.
(8 round)
Beretta Automatic Carabine
Obtained by attaching a delay spring to the bolt of an O.V.P., and by changing the firing system to one having a button that permits full-automatic fire.
When the button was not kept depressed, the weapon fired in semiautomatic upon normal pull on the trigger.
Probably exists only in this prototype.
(Most likely a prototype that led to Beretta model 1918)
(9mm Glisenti/25 round)
Beretta mod. 1939 with scope
I couldnt find info on this weapon other than that it can be fed using the Beretta model 18/30 mags and it was requested from goverment
9 mm parabellum
Automatic variant of model 18/30
Compared with the preceding Mod. 1918/30, of which it is a variant, this arm presents some modifications to the firing system and to the rear sight.
It was adopted by some Police units and by the Italian Forestry Service.
Can use Beretta 18/30 mags(25 OR 15)(9 mm)
Extra-Light SubMachineGun Beretta
This is an attempt to modernize Beretta Mod18/30 though this was only made as prototype and later Italian engineers built the best SMG of the war (MAB 38A) so there was no need to this
Mab 38 peototype
made up for the Ministry of Italian Africa.
Expulsion is upwards. The barrel is enclosed in a finned aluminium radiator sleeve. Butt has a separate firing pin driven forward by a cam: when the cam strikes the base of the ejection stud, it is rotated rearward and its top section forces the firing pin forward to strike the cartridge.
MAB 38 (1)
One of the first definitive prototypes of the Mod.MAB 38A, it has two separate triggers. Ejection is upwards; folding-rod bayonet is adapted from Mod.91 short rifles.
MK34/III Schmeiser
(The photo might not be for MK34/III and might be for MK36/III but these hace very small difference from MK36/III or these might be prototypes for MK36/III aka MK36/II and I )
In 1934 Hugo Schmeisser developed the Maschinenkarabiner 34 prototype series. These submachine guns were designed to fire the 9mm Parabellum cartridge, most likely fed from box magazines. However, their dimensions differed to the “Regular” submachine guns of that time. The length of the MK34 prototypes were comparable to that of the K98 rifle/carbines. The MK34 III made use of a spring and bolt as used in the MP18 and MP28. It appears that different versions were made.
In the two years following the development of the MK34 prototypes, Hugo Schmeisser continued to improve the “Maschinenkarabiner” series and invented the MK36.
These are Spanish copies of winchester lever action rifle I mean it would be awsome to have a lever action for Germans like soviets(.44 Largo)
Mauser Versuche Model 1898
The first one
I couldn’t find more information but I guess this was one of the Mausers attempt to build a self-loading rifle using his Gewehr 98 rifle (It has 5 round)
Dreyse Model 1907 carbine
The Dreyse Model 1907 Light Carbine is a semi-automatic rifle chambered in .32 ACP, using the same basic action as the Dreyse Model 1907 pistol. It’s produced in Germany as a “garden gun” suitable for killing pests, small game hunting, or target practice.(6 round)
scotti model x Brescia
I think this was a prototype of Scotti model X but it might be a modification anyway the difference is simple the gas tube is not hidden so this might be a good event squad
Tipo terni model 1921
(Normal one with 6 internal mag)
(Detachable mag)
It’s a prototype semi-auto carbine made by the Italian Terni arsenal in 1921. The cartridge was an experimental 7.35x32mm using the 6.5x55 base dimensions propelling a 8.71 gram bullet to 600 m/s (135 gr at 2000 fps). This gun competed in an Italian trial in May 1923, alongside a 6.5mm carbine and three 9mm Glesenti submachine gun designs. The Terni rifle was the only favored design and was further developed in 1928, but never went beyond the prototype stage.(The rifle in this picture is a semi-auto prototype, but selective-fire models were actually made. and Amazingly, a few of these guns have actually recently been discovered in Ethiopia, so they must have been issued to a limited extent during the Italo-Ethiopian War of 1935. They were made in semi-automatic and selective-fire variations.)(7.35x32mm which I guess is kind of intermediate cartilage so if we ever get select-fire version of this it would be considered an AR also 25-round “strip feed” box magazine
Detachable box magazine)
Automatgevär Kjellman
Semi-automatic rifle. Kjellman’s design around 1908(6.5 by 55 mm mauser /5round internal mag)
Think thats enough hope you guys enjoyed it