I’ve made some other suggestions if you are interested check them out
- Some wepons for Axis
- Some weapons for western allies
- Some French weapons
- Some more weapons for Axis
- Some Italian weapons
- Some more Axis weapon (Part#2)
Now lets begin
The Griffiths & Woodgate Automatic Rifle
Capt. Herbert Ferdinand Woodgate, a British officer, and William Griffiths, a civil engineer developed the Griffiths & Woodgate automatic rifle. The original patents were filed in 1891 and the project was funded by a syndicate of private investors who were convinced of the rifle’s advantages. It operated on the recoil principle with a reciprocating barrel and fed from a magazine of 10 rounds, .303 caliber. After a working prototype was built, it was submitted to the British Army for testing but, although a new and novel concept, it was found to suffer from poor accuracy and strong recoil. The gun was rejected and the investors lost considerable amounts of money. Capt. Woodgate continued working on several more automatic rifle designs but could not find the money to fund their full development, and most of them never came to fruition.(10round)
Hallé recoil rifle
The Hallé self-loading rifle was patented in 1902 by Clifford Hallé and Marguerite Ribbentrop. The two were most colourful characters who had met when Ribbentrop’s father had hired Hallé to give his daughter singing lessons. As it happened she was rather handy with a rifle. Hallé established the Hallé Automatic Rifle Syndicate as an outlet to fund and promote his invention and it was first unveiled at Bisley in 1904, alongside the Rexer. The Hallé rifle operated on a recoil mechanism using a series of scissor-linked “lazy tongs” actuating the bolt. It was offered in both military and sporting variations and came with an 15-round detachable “emergency magazine” that was designed to be fitted as an extension to the 5-round magazine that was fixed to the gun by standard. In 1905 the Hallé rifle appeared at the World Fair in Liege and a few years later it was tried by the Automatic Rifle Committee in Britain. The ARC were not taken by this design and considered it too fragile and overly complex. Hallé then abandoned this design to develop a simpler gas-operated rifle.
An interesting fact is that there exists another example of the Hallé rifle in a museum in St. Petersburg, apparently obtained from Germany.
Hallé gas rifle
This was the second iteration of the Hallé rifle and it was of a completely different design to his previous effort, using a less complex gas piston operation. The relevant patent was filed in 1911 but is likely that this gun was never fully developed, as Hallé died in 1915. Only one rough prototype remains
Woodgate toggle-action rifle
Herbert Woodgate of the Griffiths & Woodgate rifle continued attempting to work a solution to the self-loading rifle in the early 1900s. One of the designs he patented was a toggle-action gun using a series of long toggle links. An unfinished rifle operating on a similar principle exists in the National Firearms Center today, but it is not known for certain whether this is the Woodgate rifle, as there are no markings.
(You might want to ignore this cause we don’t even know if the gun is the gun that was developed by Woodgate)
L.S.A. self-loading rifle
The London Small Arms autoloading rifle, caliber .276, was developed in 1909 for consideration by the British Army. The designer was Thomas R. Ashton. It operated on a long recoil principle and fed from SMLE-type removable box magazines. It did not hold up against military trials and was promptly rejected in 1910.
The Norm Gun
The Norm gun was designed by and named for Eric Norman, a senior engineer at BSA. It was developed, along with the Welgun, on the request of the Special Operations Executive, but ultimately never progressed past early prototype stages. Two prototypes are known to still exist; one is located at the National Firearms Center in Leeds while the other is at the Imperial War Museum.(32 sten mag)
The Tarn was a 9x19mm pistol developed by a Polish ex=pat designer named Z. de Lubicz Bakanowski. It was a simple blowback design, with a quite heavy slide and recoil spring. It was manufactured by the Swift Rifle Company, and ten examples were made as prototypes. They were tested formally by the British in April 1945, and rejected on grounds of being overly violent in action, difficult to charge, and inaccurate. The FN High Power would be pursued instead, and the Tarn saw no further production or development.
Beardmore-Farquhar light machine gun
The Beardmore-Farquhar light machine gun has its roots in the Fraquhar-Hill self-loading rifle, developed by 1917 by Mobray G. Farquhar and Arthur Hill. This rifle got as far as being formally adopted by British Army in 1918, but the Armistice put this process to an end before mass production could be started. This was a gas-operated, rotary bolt rifle which used an interesting and unusual action, in which gas piston first compressed a powerful operating spring, which then transferred its energy to the bolt group. In theory, this permitted for relatively gentle action and mild recoil, but the weapon was not developed enough when war ended. The same action was then used for light machine gun, which was initially developed in around 1919. The Beardmore-Farquhar name comes from the names of designer (Farquhar) and manufacturer (Beardmore Engineering Co.), although the weapon was patented to same gentlemen Fraquhar and Hill. The weapon had unusually “skinny” appearance and weighted noticeably less than contemporary light machine guns such as Lewis or Madsen. Beardmore-Farquhar light machine guns were tried several times by British Small Arms Committee and certain other European armies during late 1920s and early 1930s, and each time turned down for various reasons.(77 rounds/450RPM)
Jurek Model A
50 round
This was the first SMG (of two) made by Marian Jurek whilst he was serving with the 16th Independent Armoured Brigade. It was hand-made in his spare time using some parts from the SMLE rifle, and fed from 32-round Sten or 50-round Lanchester mags . The action was straight blowback and the fire rate was about 1,000 rpm.
well I couldn’t find much about this, this was in the Canadian War Museum web page and according to them it served with Indian army during ww2 also can fire HE and smoke rounds also its made from Lee-enfield
EPK M1939
The EPK machine gun was designed by EPK, a Greek defense company (in English, “Greek Powder and Cartridge Company”, GPCC) later known as Pyrkal.
The EPK M1939 machine gun was developed in the late 1930s to meet the requirements of the Greek Army. The project was cancelled upon Greece’s invasion by Italy in 1940, and was not picked up again after the end of World War II. It is estimated that about 10 - 15 prototypes were made in total.
(30 round/720 to 750 RPM)(It would be an AR since 7.92×36mm EPK is an intermediate power rifle cartridge which would make it Similar to Federov)
Sten Mk.V
n upgraded variant of the Sten Design that featured a wooden stock, pistol grip, fore-grip and updated iron-sights.
Remington Model 8
The Remington Model 8 is a semi-automatic rifle designed by John Browning and produced by Remington Arms, introduced as the Remington Autoloading Rifle in 1905, though the name was changed to the Remington Model 8 in 1911
Gun was mainly used by law enforcers and F.B.I(The F.B.I used model 81 which is same as model 8 but has bigger mag)(variety of cartilage/5,10and 15 round)
The 1944 SLR
These experiments began late in the war; April 1944 was when SAL started work on the first of the line. The British government was apparently interested in a self-loading rifle chambered for the 8mm Mauser cartridge (note that they were using the Czech vz37 machine gun, aka Besa, in 8mm). In response, SAL designed a rifle with a tilting bolt action along the lines of a Bren. It was ready for trials in June of 1944 – a very impressive (or perhaps hopelessly rushed) development time of just 3 months.
Caliber: 7.92mm
Action: Tilting bolt
Length: 45 inches (115 cm)
Magazine capacity: 10 or 20 rounds
Bayonet: British Standard No.5
Sights: Aperture
The 1945 SLR (EX-1)
After the rejection of the 1944 model of rifle and a nearly year-long delay, the rifle was redesigned in March of 1945, with this second model ready for trials in May 1945 (another remarkable 3-month development period). This model used a bolt with locking lugs at the front (as opposed to the Bren-style with a locking surface at the rear of the bolt) and apparently was significantly lightened as a result – but was also deemed overly complex and fragile when tested in August 1945. Improvements were made, and by December of 1945 the test rifle had run 800 rounds successfully.(same cartilage as 1944 SLR and same mag sizes)
The T26, otherwise known as the “Tanker” Garand, was an experiential 18″ barreled carbine version of the M1 Garand. It was designed late in WWII for use in the Pacific jungles and as the nickname suggests to use inside tanks(The second image is the same gun with a pistol grip and foldable stuck)
Reising Model 60
A semi-automatic conversion of the Reising M50 Sub-machine gun
The Model 60 was known to be issued by many law enforcement and government agencies, the US Navy, the Coast Guard and several large US prisons. The U.S. Marines issued them as training weapons, and several WWII veterans have reported that the Model 60 was issued to Marine officers in the Pacific Theater of operations.
The Model 60 is very similar to the Model 50 submachine gun and shares virtually all the same parts except for the barrel. The Model 60 barrel is much longer at 18.25 inches, and with a few exemptions has no radial cooling fins. The front sight is adjustable for windage via a small hex-head screw. No compensators were fitted to the Model 60. The auto connector lever is absent from the M60 and the stud that supports it is partially cut away so that the lever cannot be fitted.
Triple magazine arrangement for the M3 submachine gun an double mag thompson
This was just funny and wanted to include it the only benefit I can think for this gun over a normal M3 and Thompson is their reload speed
Vesely V-42
The Vesely Machine Carbine (aka V-41, V-42, and V-43) was a submachine gun designed in Britain by a Czech refugee named Josef Vesely. In most respects, the Vesely was a typical subgun, firing 9mm Parabellum cartridges and using a simple blowback mechanism. It offered a selector for semi and full automatic modes, a manual safety, and 900 or 1000 rpm rate of fire (depending on how the bolt was configured). The sights had three settings, for 100, 200, and 300 yards. The standout feature of Vesely’s gun is its magazine, which is a double-column 60-round affair.( 60 round mag / 700 to 1000 Rpm depending on bolt)
The Bendix-Hyde Carbine
The Bendix Aviation Corporation submitted this rifle, designed by Mr. George Hyde, to the trials. It was a gas-operated design, and the only entry to use a pistol grip. Dimensions were 33.6 inches long with a 15.75 inch barrel and a weight of 5.3 pounds, including sling and 5-round magazine.
The gun went through trial well, with excellent performance in dusty conditions, excellent accuracy, light recoil, and simple disassembly and maintenance. The committee recommended that it be modified with a stronger recoil spring and mechanism to allow the bolt handle to be used to force the bolt closed (the original design could only pull the bolt open). It was also recommended that the stock be changed.(It is a select fire rifle so yeah it fires full-automatic only first model though the second model ditched that idea also it can accept 5, 10, 15, or 20-round detachable box magazines)
Robinson SR-11
The Robinson S.R. Model 11 9mm Machine Pistol , also known as the SR-11 or Robbie gun , was an Australian machine pistol designed by Russel Robinson in 1943 and produced by the Lithgow Small Arms Factory in prototype form only.(14round/600RPM)
John Browning’s original Model 1895 gas-lever machine gun was still in production by Colt when World War One broke out. It was not the most modern gun around by then, but it was available – and that was the most important feature for many potential buyers. Colt, however, had a lot of other larger orders to fill, and so in 1914 it arranged to subcontract the 1895 pattern gun to Marlin. Marlin (which reorganized to become Marlin-Rockwell in 1916) had a talented Swedish designer named Carl Gustav Swebelius who substantially modernized the design by redesigning it to use a straight gas piston instead of the original swinging lever. This, and its closed-bolt firing, made it a candidate for synchronized aircraft use.
After some further revisions to improve extraction, the gun was designated the 7 MG (model 1917) by the US, and some 38,000 were ordered. At some point the heavy barrel was replaced with a thinner, smooth profile barrel and the cocking handle changed from a loop to a simple “L” handle. In 1918, a new design of hydraulic synchronizer was adopted, resulting in a new designation of 8 MG. At the very end of the war, the Marlin was chosen for use in American light tanks, and 2,646 were converted for that purpose by installing Lewis-type barrel cooling shrouds and flash hiders. None of these reached Europe in time to see service during the war, though.(Belt fed(Normally 240 chain)/400RPM)
The Sedgley submachine guns
(Normal one)

(Takedown version)
Reginald F. Sedgley of Philadelphia, Pennslyvania developed a basic 9mm blowback submachine gun in 1940. The basic design of this gun was somewhat similar to the German M.P.18,I but fed from a vertical 20-round magazine and featured a fire selector switch on the left side of the receiver. There was also an interesting system of locking the bolt which was activated by pushing the cocking handle inward, penetrating through the side of the bolt and jamming it in place (only whilst the bolt was in the rear position). The Sedgley gun was proposed to the British Purchasing Commission, who declined it on the basis that they did not have confidence in the R.F. Sedgley Company to produce these guns in the numbers required. Instead the British purchased Thompson guns from Auto-Ordnance.
Later in the war, Sedgley developed a new “takedown” SMG that was derived from his earlier prototype. The Sedgley takedown gun was designed as a collapsible weapon for paratroopers, possibly commissioned for the OSS. This gun followed the same basic design as the previous SMG but was built to come apart into three sections: the barrel, receiver, and stock. All three parts were connected together by threaded screws. The barrel had no jacket and featured a five-slot muzzle compensator, and the cocking slot was moved to the top of the receiver. Spent cases were ejected directly upward. The Sedgley takedown SMG never got past the experimental stage.
The Adams-Willmott was a British machine gun produced by Birmingham Small Arms.
(60 or 90 round mag/900rpm)
Improved version of Sten design, built as a prototype only
(32 rounds)
I have bunch of stuff left gonna post them other time hope you enjoyed it
Edit: changed the Thompson carbine 30.cal to V-42