I’ve been suggesting a lot of Axis weapons if I find time I promise next one would be for Allies have a lot of interesting stuff for them anyhow if you are interested check these
Pasta boys
Let’s start then
Fg-42 in 8mm Kurz
(Photo is a swiss FG-42 for intermediate cartirage made after war)
HWaA, the Heereswaffenamt, the German Army ordnance office,converted a number of them for testing to 8x33.
And the testing was apparently promising enough that there’s a surviving memo
documenting a request from HWaA to have the factory
actually produce some guns in 8x33 for further testing.
And this never actually went anywhere,
Few were converted to 8mm kurz my best guess is that they didn’t change anything on Normal FG-42 just adjusted their feed system to catch MKB42 or Mp43 mags but it is a guess nonetheless no existing photo of this conversion exists
My suggestion would be to add this as either a premium or an event squad I would love to suggest this as a gold order but knowing forum most likely they will say its not unique enough
Mauser M1915 Selbstlader
I feel like I’ve suggested this in one of my axis suggestion but anyways
The Mauser Selbstlader M1915 was the result of many years of work by the Mauser brothers to develop a semiautomatic rifle suitable for military use. They tried many different types of operating systems, and this one is a particularly unusual recoil-operated mechanism.
Only about 600 of these rifle were made, with about 400 of them being shorter carbine variants and the remaining few hundred infantry-pattern long rifles like this one. They use 25-round detachable magazines (which look like MG13 magazines but are not interchangeable with them), and are chambered for standard 8mm Mauser ammunition.
Mauser 1913 Selbstladegewehr
his is an example of a sporting pattern 1913 rifle, with a sporting stock and full-length handguards, and a mounting rail on the receiver for a Zeiss prismatic optic.So you might be asking why a sporting gun it looks like a military grade rifle here is the thing it was used in balloons and planes but the mechanism was complicated to manufacture and this made it expensive. It was about three times the price of its nearest competitor the Mondragon self loading rifle although the Mauser was capable of vastly superior accuracy and it was susceptible to dirt causing malfunctions. It proved to be completely unsuitable for the rigors of trench warfare and was rejected by the army.Mauser self loading rifle of the 1913 patent were the German Flying Corps who adopted it in 1915 and called it the “Fliegerkarabine 15”, and the German Balloon and Zepplin Corps who adopted it in 1916 and called it the “Selbstlader-Karabiner Mauser M 1916”.
Czech CZ-38 rifle
Oddly looks like ZH-29 btw its only CZ not CZ.VZ 38 which is a pistol name and VZ.38 is a SMG name
Like most other nations with modern military forces. Czechoslovakia was interested in developing a semiautomatic infantry rifle in the 1920s and 1930s. The most successful such rifle to come out of Czech factory during this time was The ZH-29, but it did have competition. A major series of trials was held in 1937 and 1938, and the CZ entrant was this Model 38 rifle
It uses a tilting bolt with many similarities to the ZB-26 light machine gun and ZH-29 rifle, along with a short stroke gas piston. Interestingly, its charging handle is designed to mimic the manual of arms of the then-standard Mauser bolt action rifles – the handle must be rotated 90 degrees up before pulling the bolt back, and then rotated back down before firing. The CZ model 38 also used a fixed 10-round magazine fed by stripper clips instead of a detachable box magazine.
The model 38 apparently did not do well in the adverse conditions testing. None of the other rifles in the trial were good enough to be judged adequate, though, and more development and trial continued afterwards. The rifle ultimately chosen used an annular gas piston, but was never put into production because of World War II. That design would reappear after the war and lead to the vz.52 rifle.
CZ Model S Prototype
This CZ Model S rifle is one of many prototypes made between the world wars in Czechoslovakia in an effort to develop a military semiautomatic rifle. Similar efforts were underway in most other countries at the same time (basically every place that had a mature arms industry), and a huge variety of ideas were tried out.
In this case, we have a gas operated, tilting bolt rifle design. It is chambered for the 8×57 Mauser cartridge, and uses a 10-round detachable magazine. This rifle has a 1929 acceptance mark, which dates it nicely for us. It was designed by a team including one of the Holek brothers, and did better than its competition in trials – but not well enough to be accepted by the Czech military or to attract any outside commercial interest. Holek would go on to design the ZH-29 rifle, and CZ would move on to a series of other designs that ultimately led to naught.

ZH 32 is the successor of ZH29. Emanuel Holek designed both rifles.
These are very rare anyhow this is not distinct enough to be added as GO so an even squad or premium. Also, it seems Ethiopians bought these so an Ethiopians event squad for allies or a Japanese event Squad since the Chinese bought some also and we know Japan captured ZHs.
(Accepts 5,10,20 round ZB.26 or ZB.30 mag)
Experimental ZH-37
(The second one is ZH-37 and the first one is ZH-29)
a further iteration of the ZH-29 that was tested by the Czech military - the Zh-37. This rifle shows a few relatively minor alterations from the standard pattern:
- Rear sight attached at back rather than front
- Bolt handle changed from round knob to hook
- Safety moved from trigger guard to rear of receiver
- Front sight and bayonet lug pinned to the barrel and made separate from the gas block
- Barrel weight increased
Walther/Heinemann Toggle Lock Sporting Rifle

In 1928 and 1929, the Swiss Rheinmetall company produced about 50 examples of a toggle-locked rifle designed by Karl Heinemann. The United States tested it among other countries, but never found military acceptance(I Had suggested the weapon in one of my suggestions ) Anyway this is a sporting model of that rifle made by Walther
Mechanically, the gun is quite unusual and interesting, with a toggle-locked bolt and a Bang-type muzzle cup. Gas is captured in this cup when the rifle is fired, and that pressure pulls the muzzle cup forward. An operating rod runs from the muzzle back to a cam which cracks the bolt toggle open when it is pulled forward, thus unlocking the action.
As this is a toggle lock gun it has the bolt rise up like luger and the type Hei that we gonna get but since this is sporting rifle and they mount a scope they mode it so the bolt rises to the side
SIG Prototype 1924/1925 Semiauto Rifles
The Swiss SIG factory was one of the earliest producers of semiautomatic military rifles, having produced the M1908 Mondragon rifles for Mexico. They continued to experiment with self-loading rifle designs, and in the mid 1920s came up with these two examples. They are extravagantly complex, and it is quite clear why they did not become production items
Experimental self-loading rifle of the Mannlicher system model 1885
The 1885 design (not to be confused with Mannlicher’s model 1885 straight-pull bolt action rifle) was a recoil mechanism with a separate locking “tong”. As with all recoil-operated designs, the barrel and bolt were locked together at the moment of firing, and remained locked together as they both recoiled rearwards. After a certain amount of travel, in this case about 1.25 inches (32mm) the bolt unlocks and continues rearward which the barrel stops. The locking mechanism in the 1885 Mannlicher is a fork-looking block, labeled #3 in the diagram below. It is pinned to the barrel and able to pivot up and down. When upward, it locks into a cutout in the bottom of the bolt (the bolt is #5 below, and the cutout area is #4). As the bolt and barrel move back, the lower fork of the locking block will eventually hit item #1, an angled projection that forces it downward, unlocking the bolt. Once separated from the barrel, the bolt is able to eject the empty case from the action, and a new cartridge drops down in front of it from the magazine (which is gravity-fed and has no spring). The main recoil spring then pushes the bolt forward, pushing that new cartridge into the chamber. As it moves forward, the hook on the bottom of the bolt (item #2) hits the upper fork of the locking block and forces it into the upward and locked position, thus making the system ready for another shot.(Seems to use 11.15 x 58R Werndl as Model 1882 which is the mag is based on uses that ammunition and 10-round capacity)
Mannlicher M1882
The Mannlicher Model 1882 was an Austrian prototype bolt-action rifle designed by Ferdinand Mannlicher and produced by Österreichische Waffenfabriksgesellschaft.
(10 rounds)(11.15 x 58R Werndl)
Walther 1918 Model 1 and 2
Man I’m tired Just gonna suggest 2 more pistols and be done with this
Dreyse 1910
Designed by Louis Schmeisser, the Dreyse Model 1910 was an attempt to build a blowback pistol in 9x19mm for the German military or police service, expanding on the existing market for the popular smaller .32ACP (7.65mm) Dreyse pistols. To make a safe blowback action, Schmeisser made a very stiff recoil spring, which then required a mechanism for the shooter to disengage or bypass the spring to manually cycle the action.
The guns were excitedly received by several German agencies, and several thousand were ordered when the gun was announced. Unfortunately for Rheinische Metallwaaren- und Maschinenfabrik (the manufacturer, now known as Rheinmetall), production turned out to be quite difficult, and only about 500 were actually produced before the plan collapsed.
There is a gold plated one,too
Mannlicher M1905
The Modelo 1905 is a pistol designed by Ferdinand Ritter von Mannlicher in 1899 and originally produced in Austria as the Mannlicher Model 1901. The Mannlicher Model 1901 was an improved version of the Model 1900, both of which were produced by Österreichische Waffenfabriks-Gesellschaft (commonly known as Steyr). All of these models have the same basic design and operation, but minimal adjustments were made to improve each of them. The Modelo 1905 is the version of the Model 1901 that the Argentine Army purchased from Steyr in 1905. This semi-automatic pistol has a unique and elegant appearance due to the curve of the handgrip. It is single action and uses a blowback operation system to reload. Like its predecessors, the Modelo 1905 has a non-detachable magazine that can be loaded from the top with a stripper clip.
(8 rounds loaded by stripper clip)