Blah blah blah check my last suggestions blah blah blah
- Some wepons for Axis
- Some weapons for western allies
- Some French weapons
- Some more weapons for Axis
- Some Italian weapons
Now let’s start
Gustloff Barnitzke light machine gun
7.92x57mm cartridge 1945 The German Gustloff Barnitzke light machine gun. Derived from the MG 42 by Karl Barnitzke, the weapon used an unusual delayed blowback action consisting of two flywheels in a rack and pinion arrangement. The flywheels were exposed to dust and mud, and were overcomplicated in design, and the gun remained a prototype(Belt fed)
Mauser Model 1934
Mauser pistol. The stock has wood grips, the remainder being made of steel. The butt incorporates the magazine which takes eight rounds of ammunition. Blowback, semi-automatic. The barrel is fitted with pronounced foresight. The calibre is 7.65mm.
The Mauser Model 34 was issued to the German Navy and Air Force during the Second World War.
Automatkarabiner mod. 1937
MG42/K98 obrez hybrid
Desperate times call for desperate measures Czech partisans made this gun
Mauser machine carbine

Walther machine carbine
All of these are for most likely an AR trial before the ww2 we know that Vollmer also made a machine carbine we have MKB35 in the game which is his design also on one of those Axis weapon suggestions I did suggest Volmer MKB29
CZ Vz. 38
First requirement for a new submachine gun were drawn up by the MNO (Czechoslovak Ministry of Defense) in 1937, for a weapon firing Czechoslovak-army standard issue 9mm Vz.22 pistol ammunition (which is better known as the 9×17 Browning Short or .380ACP). The approved design appeared late in 1938, officially adopted as “Kulometná pistole vzor 38” (Machine pistol model 38, or KP vz. 38 for short). Designed at the Ceska Zbrojovka Strakonice factory by František Myška, it was a more or less conventional blowback weapon that used 36-round box or 96-round drum magazines. The initial orders were for at least 3,500 of these guns to be delivered to the army, but very few were actually produced before the Nazi occupation. Since the Germans had no use for an SMG firing 9mm Kurz ammunition, its production was quickly terminated and never resumed again. After the war, design of the Vz.38 served as a starting point for slightly more successful CZ 247 submachine gun.
The Vz.38 submachine gun is a simple blowback operated weapon, firing from an open bolt and in full automatic mode only. It was fitted with slim and relatively short wooden stock with a semi-pistol grip. Feed is from detachable magazines, either double-stack, single feed box type or drum type.
( RPM=500/Mag size 36 or 96)
Solothurn Machine Gun Model 31( Solothurn 31.M Golyószóró)
After WW1 the countries of the Central Powers were prohibited to develop new weapons during the next 10-12 years. Many talented weapon designers moved to Switzerland. This Solothurn machine gun was developed by Louis Stange, engineer at the German Rheinmetall company. Rheinmetall was part-owner of Solothurn.
The dual trigger system provided single fire or full auto operation. It featured a quick-change barrel system. The magazine was side-mounted. The gun was able to function as semi or full auto. A heavy, 19.1kg tripod was available.
This is Hungarian variant of the MG30 which fires 8x56R rounds at 450-500 rpm(I don’t know if the in-game MG30 fires the same round but I assume it should be firing 8 mm Mauser round if that’s not the case ignore this)
Király Danuvia Machine Pistol Model 1944
Only a few trial weapons were made by Danuvia Gépgyár, Budapest, at the end of 1944
This Machine Pistol, an improved simplified version of the Danuvia 43.M, the last Danuvia design by Pál Király. It was given the 44.M designation, however official acceptance of this machine gun is questionable. Due to the invasion of the Red Army this gun was not manufactured in large quantities.
The gun was an all steel construction, it had convenient large grips and a ventilated steel barrel shroud. It had no buttstock or folding stock and no provision for bayonet mounting. The magazine was not foldable. The cartrige was reduced to the 9mm Parabellum.(40 round/650-700 rpm)
s a simplification of the Raketenwerfer 43 “Puppchen”, which in itself was a light-weight alternative to an anti-tank field-gun.
It fires a rocket that is very similar to that of the Panzerschreck (but not identical) from a semi-closed breech, which increases the muzzlevelocity compared to the Panzerschreck. On the Puppchen, the rocket exhaust gasses are vented forward though a tube that surrounds the actual barrel, on this Pz.B. 03 they are vented out that chimney on top of the barrel.
This weapon has a range of 200-300m, where as a panzerschreck has a max range of 150m, and the panzerfaust had a max range of 30m or 60m depending on the model.
The Pz.B.03 weighed a total of 23.5kg(I you are wondering your soldier will be able to carry this no worries I mean Japanese soldiers can carry type 97 which is 52 KGs)
Madsen-Rasmussen semi-automatic rifle
Model 1888
The Madsen-Rasmussen rifle was the world’s first military semi-automatic rifle. It was created in Denmark by officer of Artillery Willhelm H. O. Madsen and intendant of the arms factory in Copenhagen Julius A. N. Rasmussen (who later changed his family name to Bjarnov). These two gentlemen began research of recoil forces in firearms in around 1883, and by 1886 they concieved a recoil-operated semi-automatic rifle. In 1887 Danish army oredered 70 rifles for field trials, and by 1888 first prototype military self-loading rifle by Madsen and Rasmussen was built. After some testing and further development, in 1892 Danish Army ordered 200 ‘heavy recoil-operated rifles’ with 20-round magazines for fortress use, although only 86 rifles were actually built. In 1896, Danish Navy ordered 60 more recoil-operated carbines (designated M.1896 Flaadens Reculgevaer), which were lighter than Army ones and had 10-round magazines. These rifles were delivered to danish Marine Infantry in 1896-97 and served until 1932. Fifty more rifles of same design were ordered for use in sea forts near Kopenhagen. These rifles had noticeably shorter service life and were replaced in 1908 by famous Madsen machine guns, which evolved from this same rifle by 1903. Despite fairy limited issue, these Madsen-Rasmussen (Bjarnov) M1896 semi-automatic rifles bear the distinction of being the first practical semi-automatic rifle ever to be adopted by any military service worldwide.
I suggested this weapon for Japan they also bought a few of these for adoption and competitive testing against their own design
MG 35/36 Knorr-Bremse
n 1940 Sweden, feeling the lack of light machine guns then in service, bought a manufacturing licence for a relatively unknown (and hardly successful) light machine gun which was developed during the mid-thirties by Hans Lauf at the German car brake manufacturing company, Knorr-Bremse. The same weapon, chambered for 7.92 Mauser ammunition, was produced for Knorr-Bremse by Steyr factory in Austria. It was purchased in limited numbers as MG-35/36 by the German Waffen SS but proved unreliable, and in Germany it was used mostly for training.(25 round Box mag for germans version/8mm mauser and 500 RPM)
Walther 41 prototype(Walther A115)
This “predecessor” model was developed by the Walther factory prior to the German Ordnance Ministry evaluating both the Walther Mkb.42(W) and the C. G. Haenel Mk.42(H) assault rifles(and was used by designers of the aforementioned MKB42(w)). Both used the early stamped sheetmetal designs with the Haenel design being later developed into the MP43/44 assault rifles. The Walther factory evidently went on to also develop a self-loading sheetmetal rifle, only chambered for the powerful 7.92 mm Mauser cartridge. This design is very unique in that it is comprised to 2-3 different sections that were riveted/pinned together. The front section is very similar to the Mkb.42(W) with an extruded barrel jacket, which is keyed into the integral front sight base/bayonet lug assembly that was held on by the muzzle nut. The rear half of the receiver is also a stamped sheet metal housing which covers the rear half of the rifle, which is riveted onto the stamped sheetmetal trigger guard and box magazine. The buttstock is also very unique in that is hollowed out inside and it attached to the rear of the receiver via a through bolt type arrangement, where the attaching mechanism is inserted into the rear of the buttstock and then screwed onto the rear of the receiver. The large hole in the buttstock is covered by the stamped sheetmetal buttplate
Also, Gun jesus did a video about it
Iranian contract Suomi submachine gun
This unusual variant of the Suomi submachine gun was produced by Tikkakoski Arsenal circa 1934 for an Iranian contract. The designer of the Suomi KP/31, Aimo Lahti, reportedly had nothing to do with its development. This Iranian variant had a top-feeding magazine for unknown reasons, and was fitted with a bipod. Ultimately, the contract was prematurely cancelled before these guns could actually be delivered to the Iranian Army. Only a limited number of prototypes were made and attempts to sell these guns on the commercial market in the 1930s were unsuccessful.
G-43 semi auto rifle prototype
in 7,92x57mm Mauser with Kar98k bayonet lug and use of MG-13 magazines (25 rounds). This prototype should be a precedessor of regular serial produced G-43. (because of Kar98k bayonet lug it should have bayonet if added to game)
Photo from famous American Aberdeen Proving Ground Museum (U.S. Army Ordnance Museum).
Panzerfaust 150M and 250M
Panzerfaust 150M (without pistol grip) and 250M (with pistol grip). German anti-tank grenade launchers. Warhead diameter of 150mm. They were to replace older Panzerfaust models.
The 150M was produced since March 1945 and featured a major redesign of the Panzefaust design because it had rechargable warheads up to 10 shots. Plus it had two-stage propellant for the projectile (higher speed, more range - 150m). It was used in the battle of Berlin.
The 250M featured a pistol grip with trigger. It was an improved version of 150M with longer range. War ended before end of development. It influenced the Russian RPG-2.
The German army of the Third Reich period originally utilized two basic models of flare pistols, with one having a short barrel and the other a long barrel, that were both introduced in 1928 to replace the earlier Hebel M1894 flare pistol that had been the standard issue flare pistol utilized in WWI and earlier. Both patterns of the 1928 flare pistol were developed by the Carl Walther Waffenfabrik, (Weapons Factory), of Zella-Mehlis and were constructed in steel until the mid-1930’s when they were produced in an aluminum alloy. The long barrel model was only produced in steel and further production was discontinued around 1935. Both of the basic flare pistols were issued with a specific holster and were capable of firing over forty assorted flares with different functions and purposes. The main purpose of the flare guns and flares was for signaling although they were also used for illumination and producing smoke screens as required. In 1942 the Germans developed a high explosive grenade shell to be utilized with the flare pistols in an attempt to provide an inexpensive, close support weapon for the Infantry. The new, high explosive, grenade shells required that the flare pistols be retooled by rifling the barrel and adding a dial sight. The retooled flare guns were designated Kampfpistole, (Battle Pistol), and were marked with a “Z”, to indicate the barrel was rifled. The Kampfpistole could also fire additional anti-personnel, illumination and smoke shells
Mannlicher M1893 self-loading rifle
The Mannlicher M1893 is a semi automatic rifle chambered in the 8x50mm round. It uses a screw delayed blowback operation where the bolt has 70° angled locking lugs that have to overcome a quater twist that delays the action until the gas pressure drops to a safe level to eject. The bolt cocks the striker on opening (a la Mauser) and fires from a closed position. When firing the trigger pulls a lever connected to a sear to fire the weapon. The magazine is stripper fed and holds 5 rounds.
Mann pistol
This pistol was designed by Fritz Mann, who established the a Suhl-based company to manufacture the weapon in 1919. Production began in 1920, but low sales saw it discontinued just four years later. A .32 caliber version was proposed but never made, due to safety concerns. Mann then produced a more conventional pocket pistol in .32 and .380 calibers. The company went bankrupt in 1929.
PzB M.SS.41
The rifle was developed in Czechoslovakia at the Ceska Zbrojovka (CZ) factory in Brno. During the German occupation, small numbers of the PzB were manufactured for the Waffen SS. While more effective than the Panzerbüchse 39 rifle due to a magazine being used, it could not penetrate modern armor and was considered obsolete by 1942.
(5 or 10 round)
The Reichsrevolver was a service revolver used by the German Army from 1879 to 1908.(6round)
Rasmussen revolving rifle
The Rasmussen rifle was a Danish revolving rifle designed by Peder Rasmussen.
Peder Rasmussen of Rudkøbing designed this rifle in 1834, and that same year he demonstrated it in front of an audience including King Frederick VI. Although favorably received, there was a lapse of interest in the design until 1843, when Rasmussen received a commission from the Danish Army to produce a batch of trial rifles. The batch was delivered in 1845 and tested the same year, but was not accepted into military service.
Furrer “Pistolengewehr” MP. 1920/1921
Resembling an over-grown World War I sub-machine gun, the Furrer “Pistolengewehr” was the work of Swiss engineer Adolf Furrer, the director of Waffenfabrik Bern. Like Furrer’s submachine guns, the Pistolengewehr was a toggle-action short-recoil operated weapon with a side-mounted 30 round magazine and conventional wood furniture. The initial 1920 model fired a 7.65x35mm cartridge based on a shortened 7.5×55 Swiss case which used a 123gr round-nosed bullet at a little over 2,000 ft/s, but the later 1921 model would use the same cartridge necked down to 7mm with a spitzer projectile. Some have suggested that Furrer’s research was used in Germany as the basis for their early select-fire intermediate caliber carbines, but this connection remains speculative.
The Danish arms company Dansk Rekyl Riffel Syndikat (later Dansk Industri Syndikat ), developed the Weibel M/1932 during the mid 1930s. While some sources describe the Weibel M/1932 as a rifle, others suggest it was a light machine gun. According to Antony Williams, the M/1932 used a delayed-blowback action and suffered from heavy recoil. The weapon chambered an experimental 7x44mm cartridge which shared some of the ballistic characteristics of later intermediate cartridges.
Dansk Rekyl Riffel Syndikat manufactured several prototypes and made a number of changes to the design as it developed. The Danish Statens Forsvarshistoriske Museum holds two examples of the weapon. The first, built in 1932, has a ribbed barrel and a large rear sight assembly. While the second, presumably later model, has a serrated handguard surrounding the barrel and the weapon’s front sight is no longer positioned at the muzzle. Both the Weibel M/1932 variants have bipods and 20-round box magazines.
The Weibel is often described as an early assault rifle owing to its intermediate calibre ammunition and it select-fire capability. Sources suggest that the Weibel may have been developed as a potential supplement or replacement for the venerable Madsen gun. The project’s development ended sometime between 1936 and 1939. Sadly there is very little information on the Weibel M/1932 available
The Walther Karabiner 45
This weapon is probably the least understood so far, as I cannot find any information on this firearm aside from the fact that it was an experimental alternative to the Gewehr 43 and was, of course, developed by Walther.