Bad idea. Rocket spam should be limited.
yep it have quite decent sound
Nice. It had long been suggested. Now it would be cool if we get rocket planes and advanced jet fighters like the komet and the me-262 in the tech tree some time in the future. The deep BR V stuff.
The old Radio Premium Squads get this feature too?
Turner SMLE and Beretta M31?
Well another Gun that I suggested is being added Im kinda happy
but i guess no one wanted these mechanic it only adds to HE spam which is Meta in every BR especially in high BR but I guess DF thought low BR didnt have enough explosion any how its sad to also see new mechanic being gate walled like this either you have to complete event or pay(Paratroopers, Fuel Tank planes.and now rocket art.)
On a side note soviet players have been asking for a BR2 Semi-auto in techtree but DF be like
Best I can do is premium
Imo it should last shorter because:
- Balance. I know it’s not out yet but it simply makes sense to give it some kind of a downside.
- Irl rocket barrages were kind of a shock weapon. So it would make sense to have a rocket strike that deals a lot of damage quickly and a less powerful but longer lasting arty to block areas.
There already is implemented a solution that might interest you: about 10% chance for total damage evasion (since that is how often the HE shells do zero damage to the infantry)
You should work on this picture, and submit it, for that War Photographer thing they have going
You forgot that it has cute little scope attached to it 10/10 great value.
My original idea for Rocket artillery was that it has a larger radius than regular artillery and a shorter cooldown but it’s strikes are random
Personally I think something like my or your idea works better because rocket artillery wasn’t as effective, powerful, or even accurate as gun artillery
And of coarse I’m going to lean towards my idea
I hope they tweak and change it so it’s not just artillery strike but better. I like having pros and cons between choosing things
@James_Grove is this german semi auto going to be good for br3? please dont make it a reskinned g41, i want semi autos good like the garand or svt38 or type hei 10
BTW fix the g41(m) reload
But its prototype of G-41(W) in tech tree so its gonna be similar to it at least in some ways though they better make it reload by mag
Well…first thing i said
Since there are no friendly fire from HE - once you fell back - they come and instantly capture the point.
Brainless gameplay.
unlikely it will since the magazine was fixed into the gun like G41
they can just make it reload fast like the type 4
Hahahaha this would be an epic submission and I would love to do that but unfortunately this was taken long before the contest was announced so it would not be qualified
You forgot that it has cute little scope attached to it
10/10 great value.
I mean man its not unique we had SVD with scope as GO but I can see the value in buying German squad
Can’t wait for the day I have to play Enlisted 50 hours a week for the rest of my life just to keep up with the all the new Event Squads just to get the new stuff and not just get destroyed by the quarterly Pay-To-Win mechanic.
Hell who needs a job, or a life, right? DarkFlow will pay your bills for you, I guess… oh wait, no they won’t.