Pre-order: Radio operators of Rzhev

Could other premium radio men squads like Italian Beretta M31 squad from Tunisia get this unique feature?


It’s better to just have it available for all Radio Operators regardless. Regular, Premium, Event, etc

It’s great to have options. Regular artillery, rocket, bombing runs, etc

so… we put new mechanics behind limited events or premium?

i know it has been a pattern, but the question is, is it really needed?

what next, you can call a drop canister to refill grenades and heavy anti tank weapons but you’ll need to grind a squad one time of the year or buy the premium squad and never get it anywhere else beside this one / two squads?

what went that terrible and wrong for everyone to come up with such logic & limitations?

is this what we have reduced to “get” & become?


The irony is I have thought of Supply Drops as another radio call-in, and after this current rocket debacle I imagine they’d make it just for a single unique Premium squad :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’s like what should they have made the HMGs unique to just one single squad

There’s nothing wrong with unique squads having a unique weapon, but not a gameplay mechanic

I agree. Atleast Event squads could be made permantly obtainable either by tokens that can be earned, or behind a “event”-questline that can be started whenever the players want to.

But locking game features behind FOMO and/or a paywall is unacceptable.


I actually really like the idea of old event squad quests. I think that that would be a good way to allow players to get special squads and equipment, reduce FOMO, and increase player retention when events arent going on.

Heck, make it take even more grinding than the normal event would take, at least it would be there.


Or just add those event squads to BP shop and vouchers would be earned by BP tasks and events.


You might be into something here с:


Nice. But @James_Grove will these premium squads be available for F2P players in the form of an event? I am not talking about their addition to the tech tree itself. Since you have already clarified about that.

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Answered a few messages above с:



Are these squads going to feature the ability to switch weapons?
i.e. The same way that premium paratroopers can swap from AS-44s to other weapons.

Nice. Thanks for the information. Appreciate it.

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Event ones? it’s still in discussions.


Not the event ones, the premium ones.

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I see, thanks for the response.

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Reminder the Premium Early Model MG 42 squad and every other premium MG squad had the HMG unlocked by default and regular MG squads are able to unlock them in their tree. They weren’t locked only to that squad

Rocket artillery shouldn’t be locked to these Premium/ event squads. They should be available to all Radio operators

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No need, radio men feature 2 weapon options, just run FG42 in Br5 as a secondary and ur good

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What made you choose Rzhev out of all the other battles? Just curious

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There are so many many battles and locations. At least we can welcome another single one to the family. One by one