Pre-order: Radio operators of Rzhev

Honestly no one mentined that soviets are getting a br2 semi auto sniper rifle for a radio squad exclusive, instead all looking at shiny katyusha rockets

Where are the outraged Axis mains??

The Walther SAR looks nice tho, based on clip seems to have very smooth handling

I don’t care very much
But I probably wouldn’t want to buy a semi-automatic sniper rifle (unless the sniper scope can be removed)
Their weapons are destined to be unable to pose a strong threat in a Level 5 environment

I hope they won’t become another kind of passive deserter

Radio squads get secondary wpn slot
If rocket barrage can harm a Tiger/T34 prob might make sense to try AVT40/FG42 secondary

I am glad that they finally added the famous Rocket artillery. Of coarse personally I prefer my idea of its implementation because I’m more of a “dynamic balance” kind of person versus straight up upgrade. X has pros and cons and Y has pros and cons VS Y is better than X. But regardless at least it’s finally added into the game. (And of coarse I’ll always hold out hope that perhaps it will be rebalanced like my suggestion :wink:)

I asked, up:

So, normal damage and dispersion, but a cute scope on it.

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A bit more info:
This rocket artillery is similar to the usual artillery, with one addition - it has a chance to kill tanks through the roof.

Plus there will be event squads with that unique mechanic in future events.

Rzhev location will be in high br and low br in matchmaking.

Also here is the stats of the soldiers and guns.
USSR/Germany guns:

Stats of soldiers from both sides:


Can we have the event squad slot? :pleading_face:


I disagree that it is locked to Premium squads. It should be available to all radios regardless. We had Premium Radio squads back in Tunisia and nothing was locked to them. If anything Premium squads are more about their unique primary weapon

Locking up the rocket artillery will severely limit its use and appearance in game.

Rocket artillery should be available to all squads

If anything they could make these squads have it unlocked right at the start while other Radios have to unlock it


I did forget they can equip extra weapons


There’s a newer statement regarding this

ok that good to know i will go for the event squad

Event squads are nice, but it still limits the rocket artillery mechanic

Some premium or event squad with a unique weapon isn’t dramatic because hey they have X semi auto gun, and it’s just a dime a dozen of all the other semi auto guns. No biggie

But rocket artillery is a gameplay mechanic that would bring a unique dynamic and spices up gameplay with variety. That’s like if say you made a Premium/ Event Sniper squad that can build giant sniper towers and only they can do it making regular soldiers miss out on that interesting mechanic that can be used in battle. Or a proposed Heavy AT weapon or a Heavy Mortar. Rocket artillery shouldn’t be arbitrarily locked to a Premium and event squad. Should the HMGs of MG squads be instead locked to a premium or event squad

Which again is why I say they could just make it so these Premium and Event squads have the rocket artillery unlocked as default while regular Radio squads have to unlock it in their tree like bombing runs. It’s no different than other Premium squads where the Engineers in their squads already have everything unlocked while regular Engineers have to unlock it in their tree.

I’ve always thought it would be great if Radio Operators have a wide variety of call-ins so they have many options.

In summary, Rocket artillery should not be locked to specific squads and be available for all Radio Operators


Can rockets collide with terrain features or unlucky aircraft before reaching their destination, also is it possible to intercept them by shooting them down?

Does the Walther A115 have a bayonet attached? It does have the standard German bayonet lug meaning it should be able to mount the SG 84/98 III already in game.


yea i thought this would be the case like the hmg but i guess it change now still im gonna wait for the event squad wonder what their gun would be tho hope it br3 at least

i hope it will also kill through rocks, hills and whole huge buildings like tanks

Could other premium radio men squads like Italian Beretta M31 squad from Tunisia get this unique feature?


It’s better to just have it available for all Radio Operators regardless. Regular, Premium, Event, etc

It’s great to have options. Regular artillery, rocket, bombing runs, etc

so… we put new mechanics behind limited events or premium?

i know it has been a pattern, but the question is, is it really needed?

what next, you can call a drop canister to refill grenades and heavy anti tank weapons but you’ll need to grind a squad one time of the year or buy the premium squad and never get it anywhere else beside this one / two squads?

what went that terrible and wrong for everyone to come up with such logic & limitations?

is this what we have reduced to “get” & become?


The irony is I have thought of Supply Drops as another radio call-in, and after this current rocket debacle I imagine they’d make it just for a single unique Premium squad :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’s like what should they have made the HMGs unique to just one single squad

There’s nothing wrong with unique squads having a unique weapon, but not a gameplay mechanic