Hypocritical Arty Standards

So let me get this straight: I can easily kill an IS 2, Tiger II, M26, and a Ho Ri with an 81 mm mortar, yet normal artillery can’t kill any of those tanks even though they should be able to since the strongest top armor out of the bunch tops out a measly 40 mm (not including the commander hatch). With this fact stated, this leaves me with some simple questions for the Devs:

What millimeter are the artillery guns firing the barrage in the game that can’t pierce 40mm and below of armor? The salvo certainly isn’t a light infantry mortar ( 50mm and 60 mm mortars), as the impact looks nothing close to the light mortars, so why is it not punching through? If the rocket barrage you add is the only concentrated artillery you can call in to kill a tank, what will non-event/premium squads do? Do you want them to wait four minutes to call in bombers for a non-assured chance at killing one tank, just for another one to spawn right after its death?

I know that you know every calling bomber raids every four minutes all game is not a viable way to kill tanks (especially when almost everyone has planes and an engineer squad in their lineup) Darkflow, so this next update buff the arty so that it can kill tanks upon direct contact with its weak top armor. Buffing artillery will not discourage people from buying the premium squads since the rocket barrage has a longer duration and more rockets than regular artillery, so its superiority is undeniable. There is no reason this buff should not happen, whether you intend to keep rocket artillery locked behind premium/event squads or allow normal radio squads to call in rocket artillery, as both the premium squad and the equal opportunity to kill a tank (with one having a higher chance than the other of course).


You can??

I can’t - I have trouble killing half-tracks with direct mortar hits - how you doin’ that??

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I think ive died atleast once to direct hit of artillery in tank ? Long time ago so I might be wrong.

Yes, but they have to be 81 mm (medium infantry mortars). They are truly meme weapons :smile:

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Don’t take anything on the range as being also true of the game!

However just in case - you are firing direct there - and can adjust range, and you can get a lot of shots with mortar/engineer combo, which makes it a lot easier to get the direct top hit you still have to get - so there’s not really any hypocrisy involved.

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Only the big boy mortars have armor penetration values:

Its why I wish Japan and US would finally get them.


I don’t think you understand how many times I have killed IS-2s and King Tigers just from sitting behind point and memeing with the 81 mm in Lonefighter. I was just showing this as a quick demonstration that you can kill big tanks with 81 mm mortars.

I also wish Darkflow would add in Japan’s 81mm mortar and America’s 81 mm mortar. The M2 Mortar is a Light Infantry Mortar, NOT a Medium Infantry Mortar. The M2 should be in BR 3 just like the RM-40.


I have been able to kill tanks with the 81mm mortars in game. not “easily” mind you. usually just knocks out a few of the crew.

I have however detonated a Ho-Ri with a two inch mortar in game…havent had a chance to try and replicate (But I figure the Ho-Ri is modelled as an open top. or at least has a hole in it)

I’ve been able to kill full Tiger2 H tanks with the BM-41, if that is intended or not idk

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Possible by hitting the vents above the radiators

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If you take 5-7 seconds to shoot again, they should drop directly on the tank’s turret. The accuracy of Kz 8cm GrW 42 is scary when doing this.

Common Mortarman W

i see. I breifly tried to find info on this. I wanted to know if rapid firing the mortar increased the inaccuaracy.

you are confirming this is a thing? and 5-7 second reset window? Any source?

I keep forgetting to test this in the range.

I don’t know if there is a reset window, but for me, I felt like I felt it was more precise that way. But I was also doing this in LF a lot, so ammo was on my mind as well. It seems like low-br mortars are super inaccurate, though. I wish that was fixed.

That thing is very weak, a few days ago I was surprised to kill the crew and explode the tank with just a flamethrower.
Mortar kill should be no problem if good hit.


yeah I was just suprised. I hadnt really fought against it, just seen all the forum posts of how it was a monster.

20mm HE cannons from above, molotovs and flamers all worked wonders for me…And then it occurred to me that maybe the BR 1 mortar would do it…and it did.


Did you ammo rack them?

I believe so, I either got the whole tank or nothing.

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I personally love to use mortars every now and then. Though I have never killed a tank with them. They just bring a different tactical feel to the game. However, the way they are introducing rocket artillery in the game is quite bad. There would be another FOMO event which we can’t afford to miss to get these squads for free. They should really start thinking about adding the Gaijin marketplace to the game. Especially given the fact that they do these events so frequently. And I have seen a lot of new players saying that they want to get some of those old squads.

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Well, by that logic - regular artillery should be able to destroy tanks, while those rockets arguably only if hitting from the right angle.

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