Pre-order: Radio operators of Rzhev

In my opinion cuz of good visuals


@tommyZZM Thank you for introducing this into the game first so the devs could copy you. We are very thankful to have you in this community.


Really hope to see these as US and Japan if at all possible. Also would like to see them with replaceable weapons as that makes them more available to new players as well, as it doesn’t force them into high BR if they don’t wish to play.

Speaking of US and Japan, any news on their Assault Engineers? Will they eventually be coming?



there it will be a different sound for rocket arty?

In case there is, I am already prepared


as far i heard, yes С:


I hope that we get some pictures soon

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Two more weeks…

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It NEEDS to be the iconic high pitched sound when using German one.

It’s fear inducing for me (ptsd from HLL)


what rockets will be in those strikes? katyusha, calliope or something else?

Please give them unique weapons just like the premium squads. I know it’s a great feature to be able to use them at any BR. But there a ton of prototype semi-auto variants that you can choose from. It really makes these event squads stand out in-game.


To summarize all my points

I think Rocket Artillery should not be arbitrarily locked to these specific Premium squads and event squads. It should be available to all Radio operators

Gameplay mechanics should not be locked to special squads. When HMGs were first added when the Early MG42 Squad was added they had it unlocked by default and every Premium MG squad has it unlocked by default, but regular MG squads can still unlock HMGs. Because they are a gameplay mechanic that adds a unique capability to gameplay.

Eventually when AT squads or Mortar squads or any other squad type get a unique Engineer construct it would be ludicrous to have them locked to a specific Premium and Event squad.

The ideal solution is that these Premium and Event Radio squads have the Rocket artillery unlocked by default, while regular Radio Operators have to unlock this ability. It is no different than Premium Engineers having all buildings unlocked on start while regulars have to unlock it themselves

It is good for the Radio Operator class to have a variety of call-ins so we have various options to support the team

I hope that perhaps it is changed at some point


Bad idea. Rocket spam should be limited.

Quick question, does it come with proper sound design?


yep it have quite decent sound


Nice. It had long been suggested. Now it would be cool if we get rocket planes and advanced jet fighters like the komet and the me-262 in the tech tree some time in the future. The deep BR V stuff.

The old Radio Premium Squads get this feature too?
Turner SMLE and Beretta M31?


Well another Gun that I suggested is being added Im kinda happy

but i guess no one wanted these mechanic it only adds to HE spam which is Meta in every BR especially in high BR but I guess DF thought low BR didnt have enough explosion any how its sad to also see new mechanic being gate walled like this either you have to complete event or pay(Paratroopers, Fuel Tank planes.and now rocket art.)

On a side note soviet players have been asking for a BR2 Semi-auto in techtree but DF be like
Best I can do is premium


Imo it should last shorter because:

  1. Balance. I know it’s not out yet but it simply makes sense to give it some kind of a downside.
  2. Irl rocket barrages were kind of a shock weapon. So it would make sense to have a rocket strike that deals a lot of damage quickly and a less powerful but longer lasting arty to block areas.

There already is implemented a solution that might interest you: about 10% chance for total damage evasion (since that is how often the HE shells do zero damage to the infantry)

You should work on this picture, and submit it, for that War Photographer thing they have going :smile: