Finland Allies instead of Axis

What kinda stuff have you found for estonia? All I could ever find for the Baltics were the arsenal smg and a handful of armored cars.

i meant compared to Latvia and Lithuania which had nothing

Not bad idea, perhaps US + Germany should be merged too ? Less ques, US would get FG42 and germans would finally get hvars.

I agree. Finland clashed against axis during the lapland war to kick them out of our territory. It would not make sense to see finland fighting in berlin or stalingrad

Fun fact: M36 field cap is commonly called verikauha by the finnish. It means blood ladle in english

because using a countries guns means there on your side which means France and the Uk fought for Germany,

Having some captured weapons in TT -/- listing technically entire faction TT to soviets

Apparently found here, someones rewriting the history.

Even tho, it rather clearly says “Alternative history”

If you really want new gear for USSR, why not ask for lend-leased equipment?

cause we have enough American UK gear so lend from who else

Beggars can’t be choosers

well that will kill half the topics before they start, also most lend lease would be stuff already in game or better given to the faction

well this topic died at the very second you posted it.

Theres plenty of gear germany can use as well in finnish tree.

Sure you can argue that germany already has alot of stuff, but what you conveniently forget that fair share of those are 1 gun in different variations.

If you want to fill soviet tree sameway, be my guest.
Ppsh-41 with 50 rounds and so on.

yes it is so dead after 32 posts oh so dead why is everyone ignoring my post

as for the Germans oh the poor Germans and Americas

starving while the USSR and Japan have so much

cba to count but fair share pointed out this is absolutely ridiculous idea.

By all means start adding ppsh-41 50 drums, ppsh-41 25 mags ppsh-41 20 mags
if you think the duplicates of germans and quaddrubbletrillion thompson variants is somehow a good thing.

~ 18 guns in assaulter tree to reach stg44
~ 10 guns in assaulter tree to reach as44

Mp28 / 34
Mp38 / 40

Beretta M38A 20mag
Beretta M38A 40 mag
M1 & 38/40

3 different stg variations.

And all the technically duplicates has to be grinded in order to get stg44

Yeah, I can totally see how soviets suffer due to lack of duplicates.

Well, the options of USSR are rather limited, either land-lease, gear of countries that switched sides (Romania and Bulgaria) Polish equipment via Polish army in the east or captured equipment like the two panzerfausts.

Beside that there is another smg that Talinin arsenal made

but I cant say we know anything about it as only 2 were made and the only thing remaining of it is the picture

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I mean soviets have tons of prototype weapons of every king that would any country to shame they can just add those

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True, but most are similar to the adopted version because the state usually commissioned multiple factories with the same requirements.
I rather not have Thompson syndrom, unlocking the same gun five times isn’t fun.

Maybe when it comes to self loading rifles but they have quite diverse SMG & LMG selection