Japan Small Arms Balancing Discussion Thread

It wouldn’t be something I’d expect to see for a while, but I would love to see Manchukuo added to Japan as a minor nation, like Italy or the UK. It would probably make the most sense if they added Japanese-Soviet Border War or Sino-Japanese war maps.

Some examples of Manchukuo Imperial Army uniforms

And a few weapons they would have in their arsenal

Sugiura pistol

  • Based off of American M1903 pistol
  • 8+1 mag
  • .32 ACP cartridge
  • 50m effective range


Hanyang Type 88

  • Simplified rifle based off of the German Gewehr 88
  • 5 round en bloc clip, or 5-10 round detachable magazine
  • 8x57mm m/88
  • approximately 15 rounds per min
  • 500m effective range, 2000m max range


  • Czech semi-auto rifle
  • Already in the game, no need to go into detail


  • Swiss LMG
  • 25 round box mag
  • 7x57mm Mauser
  • 550 rounds/minute

I don’t think Japanese do need that. Since otsu is fake zh already.
And I am aware of 5 rnds difference. But they do have fake garand for 10 rnds.

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I honestly tossed it in there to give them another 10 round semi rifle, but honestly you could just give us a 10 round Otsu instead.


Yeah, that’s understandable.

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I feel like both Type Hei and Otsu rifles deserve to have their damage buffed to compensate for their 5 rounds clip.


10 round Type Otsu magazines never existed, only Type Hei got 10 round mags. why they didn’t give us 10 round mags, who knows.

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from what it looks like they need it weapons for the BP…even though we need those weapons on the tree

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Which ever then. As long as there’s another 10 round semi rifle.

Gonna echo a lot of what others said but with some differences.


Level 13 Type 99 Late moved down to level 11 unlock, Shin Gunto Type 95 is unlocked alongside it in Equipment menu similar to how you unlock Axe’s/Pistols/Backpacks/etc.

Level 22 Type Otsu moved down to level 13 unlock, Level 10 Radio Op I squad gains upgrade tree for Type Otsu.

Level 31 Type 4 Rifle Moved down to Level 22, now unlocked alongside Engineer II Squad.

Level 31 Radio Op II squad now comes with Type Hei Extended.


Level 31 M2 Carbine now gets similar treatment the Stalingrad AVT-40/MKB42(H) got, Can only be equipped to Radio Op’s and Engineers (Maybe Assaulters instead of Engineers but that would 100% make every other Assaulter weapon worthless + might cause issues where legacy Pacific assaulters are better then post-merge assaulters, similar to what can be seen in test server with legacy Stalingrad engineers being able to equip Fed Avtomats and STG44’s, even outside of stalingrad squads)

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I’m of the opinion that the M2 Carbine being too good stems from the fact that the alternatives are far worse. Thompsons have more recoil than same-level assault rifles, but offer no upsides at all.

You can move the M2C to the assaulter slot, but you can make it a sidegrade to thompsons by adjusting the thompsons so that they are more controllable, and give them a tradeoff.

The prime issue is- If M2Cs do end up getting moved to the assaulter slot, what ends up taking their place.

I’d… Rather not arbitrarily class lock specific guns as some expedient way to address a balancing concern. It sets an unnecessary precedent.

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Oh yeah I can agree with that, Really the only US Assaulter weapon that’s good imo would be the M21/28 Tommy in Tunisia, The other tommys could use some adjustments.

The class lock as well might be unnecessary since the main reason M2C is a issue is that Type 4 can’t compete with it, if Type Hei extended was the top SA Japan got for grinding then it could probably compete, though it would look a lot like the Moscow situation of AVS vs ZH-29

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In an attempt to revive this discussion a bit and refute this weird claim “Japan is out of options already” here are some gun ideas for the faction you might not have heard of before (well and some you’ve probably heard a million times by now).

Gold order/Armory event ideas:
-Bouganville improvised grenade launcher Type 38

(this one is a reproduction)
-Bouganville improvised grenade launcher Type 99

(this one is from the Royal Armouries Collection)

could just have both but have one fire 50mm HE and the other 50mm incendiary.

-Prototype Mark A Pistol (15 shot) as a gun equal to the Voevodin pistol and BHP.

-Type 38 with 30 round Type 96 magazine

(from the US Ordnance Museum, most people are probably familiar with the B&W image)

-Ground converted .303 Mk II* Browning (1150rpm) as an analog to the US AN/M2 Stinger
(there is a Japanese ground converted AN/M2 as well funny enough, but I like this one more)

-Prototype Ultra Light Machine gun as an analog to the T20E2
(gif by me, shows both the 20 and the 30 round magazine)

-Type 22 Murata as a “high capacity” bolt action, bit of a meme like the Gew88/05 or Berdan 2

-Thai contract Nambu Type B Large with stock (or alternatively a Type A large with stock, but since we got the Thai Ha-Go as well I thought this might be fitting better)
type b large thai

Regular guns:
-Type 38/Type 99 with Type 2 40mm HEAT rifle grenade (already in the editor, I know)
-Navy Type 92 LMG with 47rnd drum as an analog to the Lewis gun (should that ever be added for the Western Allies)

-Ground converted Navy Type 97 as an analog to the M1919A4

-Navy Type 92 LMG with 97rnd drum as an analog to the M1919A6

-Prototype 9cm Rocket Launcher, 93.5mm derivative of the Type 4 74mm. Can pierce a 120mm plate at 90° - 試製九糎噴進砲

-Navy Shotgun with bayonet mount

(there were a bunch of different patterns of these as the guns were donated by Japanese hunters)

-Type 99 81mm mortar (since other nations have portable larger caliber mortars as well)

-Experimental automatic rifle Kō with scope mount so Japan gets a semi auto sniper. There is already a carbine version of the Kō for a premium squad, but this one would be the long barrel version and ofc with a scope.
(scope attachment point on the left side of the receiver)

Split idea:
-Prototype Model 2A smg in 6.5x30mm Type 95 cartridge. (400-625rpm)
either as a regular unlock should the M2 carbine remain in Pacific or as a gold order if it doesn’t.

(this is an artists interpretation as no real images have yet surfaced, but this does pretty much match the description).

If August Storm (Soviet Invasion of Manchuria) ever becomes its own campaign:

-Prototype armor-piercing bullet Type 99 rifle grenade (70mm caliber) (75mm pen) - 試製外装穿甲弾
(personal interpretation based on descriptions, no images exist as far as I know)

-75mm Grenade for Type 2 launcher (100mm pen estimated) - 七十五粍タ弾
(personal interpretation based on descriptions, no images exist as far as I know)

-Type 97 20mm with Ji-Te Dan 200mm(estimated) rifle grenade (theoretically able to pierce an estimated 250mm of Armor)
Typ 97 AT rifle grenade
(this one is a bit sketchy but a researcher I trust mentioned it as well.)

-13mm manual gun as an analog to the PTRD (this would’ve also been a more fair choice compared to the Boys AT rifle, but since it was just a prototype I can sort of see why they went with the Type 97 20mm). 5/10 round magazines, chambered for 13.2x99mm and used the Type 92 armor-piercing cartridge. The requirement was 20mm armor penetration at 200m but I’ve also read the Type 92 round could pierce 20mm at 500m which would give us something like 25mm pen at 200m.

(3d concept by 伍長P, I don’t entirely agree with this setup but it should give a rough idea how the gun would’ve looked like since no real images are publicly available far as I know, only a description.)

-Type 44 carbine for the engineer rifle (yes those were primarily cavalry guns but I’ve seen accounts of engineers sometimes using them as well), would also fit as an equivalent to the M44 Mosin since that also has a folding bayonet.

-Ground converted Army Type 89 as an analog to the Maxim-Tokarev if that ever gets added.

(this one is the famous Indonesian usage gun, I also have images from US reports that show a few more of these conversions)

-Ground converted Te-4 (69 round mag) as an analog to the DT

(this one is from the Beijing Military Museum)

-Type 26 revolver as an analog to the Nagant 1895

-Type B small as an analog to the TK1926

Considering the amount of prototypes other nations have I see no issue with Japanese prototypes btw.

I should note that I believe all the prototype guns should’ve been gold order only but since nonsense like the 100rnd drum Thompson and Krieghoff prototype FG are treated as normal paratrooper guns I think all weapons mentioned here are equally reasonable, let me know if you disagree and why.

Some sources/additional reading:

-Bouganville improvised grenade launcher repro: Clone of the "Bouganville" improvised grenade launcing rifle | Gunboards Forums

-Bouganville improvised grenade launcher Type 99: https://royalarmouries.org/collection/object/object-276602 (picture by a friend of mine)

-Type 38 with 30 round Type 96 magazine: Picture from “War in the Pacific: Pearl Harbor to Tokyo Bay”. The gun itself is as I’ve said in the US Ordnance Museum.

-Ground converted .303 Mk II* Browning: The Browning Machinegun Vol.II by Dolf L. Goldsmith pg. 355

-Ultra-Light Machine gun: 試製超軽機関銃審査の件

-Murata Type 22: Picture by C&Rsenal, specifically this tweet.

-Ground converted Navy Type 97: Picture from the Australian War Memorial https://www.awm.gov.au/collection/C144664

-Prototype 9cm Rocket Launcher: https://www.digital.archives.go.jp/das/image/F0000000000000218255 / Untitled Document

-Navy Shotgun with bayonet: shotgun with bayonet lug | Gunboards Forums

-Prototype Model 2A smg in 6.5x30: First of all the artist of that picture is Matsumoto Morio (松本森男) and is taken from this tweet.
Source for the gun existing is “Introduction to Rifles, Handguns, and Machine Guns: A Thorough Study of Japanese Small Arms”(小銃・拳銃・機関銃入門―日本の小火器徹底研究) by Sayama Jiro(佐山二郞) pg. 384/386.
There is also a disassembled picture of the Model 2B gun in the Japanese “Gun” Magazine, 1976 January edition, this shows a spacer at the back of the magazine well, it is Mr. Morios and my theory that the magwell originally fit the longer 6.5x30 mag and was modified for the 8x22mm Nambu guns after the 6.5x30mm round was abandoned.


-Prototype armor-piercing bullet Type 99 rifle grenade: “Introduction to Rifles, Handguns, and Machine Guns: A Thorough Study of Japanese Small Arms” pg. 160/161

-75mm Grenade for Type 2 launcher: https://www.digital.archives.go.jp/das/image/F0000000000000218251

-Type 97 20mm Ji-Te Dan: AT grenade for Type 97 AT rifle - Axis History Forum (I’ve seen mentions that the rifle grenades were only 40-50mm but nothing to confirm that yet)

-13mm manual gun: 3d model by 伍長P https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2005986. Details from “Introduction to Rifles, Handguns, and Machine Guns: A Thorough Study of Japanese Small Arms” pg. 100/101


A great compilation!!, but probably DF is gonna make half of those into events/BP weapons…like you know…the Hei rifle with 10 rounds that we should have received instead of going to BP…anyway I’m pretty sure that the IJN also used C96 Carbines [someone made a post about this but now is lost] and the hunter associations donated their shotguns [I want Murata Shotgun] to the IJA I think the main problem or concern is that Japan lacks high tier weapons in all honesty I personally don’t care that much about high tier since it was kinda expected this to happen and myself I welcome anything for Japan regardless of its impact on high tier hopefully we will see more weapons that aren’t high tier for Japan on the future.
Also there’s this artist on ClipArt that has 3d models of some of the weapons you mentioned

Here’s a better angle of the IJN shotgun you suggested!!


Agree, I made my list with mostly high tier in mind (outside of a few examples) since there are tons of low tier fitting weapons for Japan people might already know but its also important to note that they could totally have high-tier guns ingame.


if you want to use iron sights just fast press right click. then you’ll look down the secondary iron sights on the right side of the gun. its not zoom in as much as normal but if there’s an enemy far enough away for you to need that you can then just press and hold the right mouse button and use the scope

The fact that Hei is BR3 and Otsu is BR4 and Type 4 is BR5 is HILARIOUS to me. Meanwhile armaguerra 39 is BR2… While being actually more viable to use than the damn Hei or Otsu
Ive levelled entire campaign using the japanese carcano…


Just make them shoot straight instead of having hilariously large cone even when upgraded

guess what? they removed it from the model

Type 99 lmg has a insane recoil if you are using the iron sight. I found that lmg best suited at close quarter if you are firing it from the hip.


That’s disappointing, it seems like a downgrade to me