The new thompson NKVD squad is amazing

Wish they atleast add this for the Allies. Probably in the next major update? Fingers crossed. :crossed_fingers:


The good ol’ Chicago Typewriter… The Tommy gun. I own an M1 Thompson, and when I ordered it they sent me the wrong Thompson instead, I got a Tommy Gun. I took it back to where I ordered it and it sat on their shelf for a day till someone bought it. It was gone when I went in to get my M1 Thompson, and they said the Tommy gun sold the day after I left. My M1 did come in a gun case that said Chicago Typewriter on it. Mine is historically accurate with a couple exceptions. Due to ATF regulations, the barrel had to be longer and obviously it is not fully auto. I can order the correct WW2 barrel, but would have to pay the ATF $200 to apply for a special permit to alter the gun, then, I would have to have my name engraved into the gun, which I was not going to do and ruin it’s appearance. :roll_eyes: I had to leave it with my son as I have serious doubts the Philippines would be excited about me bringing it with me when I moved here. The one pictured below is the one I bought.

Yea Asia countries don’t really like gun since it requires a lot of paperwork from what I heard (at least in my country)


Here in the Philippines, I think the only people who can own guns are ex military. My late wife’s father was military and two of her three brothers are retired military, and I know the brothers own hand guns. Her brother told me that he cannot own any weapon over 22 caliber. In the US, I owned a couple 1911 45’s, a Ruger 9 mm, an old soviet SKS, a Japanese Type 99 WW2 rifle, my Thompson and an only single shot 22 rifle my dad had as a kid. All of which are currently locked up in a gun safe back in the US. Like a typical conservative American, I miss my guns. :rofl:

That probably reduce gun crime a lot ngl but here in my country normal 22 yo guy can get a gun for “self defense” but most of the crime happen because of these guy, that why my country required a lot of paperwork.

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In the US you just have to pass an FBI background check along with the paperwork. I have a permit to carry which you have to have another background check by your local sheriff’s office, however I think it has expired now. I learned to shoot in the Air Force as a security specialist, and I spend a few years in corrections so we had to certify with a 12 gauge shotgun, 357 magnum and a Mini 14. The State’s budget was so tight for corrections, that only the rookies go their yearly training as your certificate was only good for a year, so if there were ever a prison riot, none of the vets were legally qualified to operate a gun, only the rookies. :rofl: Anyway as long as you have no criminal record in the US, you can get a gun. I rarely carried mine.


Allies should get the drum tommy gun 100 rounds, for tech tree.

It’s absurd soviets get it but not allies. Drum tommy is a better option than a proto ar in my opinion :thinking:


Yea but the Allie do need an AR for the engineer event so getting both should be nice (if it happen)

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Yeah. As much as I would like to second your opinion it doesn’t look like we are going to get one. Perhaps they can go for the Thompson Automatic Rifle instead. It fired the experimental Remington cartridge (A nice hybrid in-between the .45 ACP and the .30 cal). We also need a TT AR since the US alongside Japan is slated to get its assault engineers. Let’s see what they end up adding. Hoping for the best.

Soviets don’t get it in tech tree. And americans already had one paywalled. But anyways they should add one in tt. Just don’t understand this crying.(and about mg39 too… why it should have 100 mag?)

Eh, I don’t want other weird proto ARs… allies deserves it’s very own TT 100 rounds tommy.

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Like the Axis with its MG42 with its 250 Tape and 1800 Rate of Fire To be fair

Let’s see what happens. Fingers crossed. (P.S. Major said in one of his streams that the devs are ‘considering’ a potential AR for the US. So there’s that.)

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I mean, I don’t even use the new T20 for my allies. I find it gross… (I only use 2 t20e gold orders). I still have m2 carbines. I’m not a fan of power creep prototypes…

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I respect your opinion. But I really like these prototype weapons.


Would love to see this as a TT with 1400 rof like it had and a hundred round Tommy in there TT

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There is a third possibility as well. There is also a 50 round version of the Chicago Typewriter in the mods editor. They can add this weapon as a folded option alongside the current 50 round Thompson in-game. That is the least they can do.

Us have something for the AR role (m2a2,Hyde or some french/UK prototype) but Japanese haven’t nothing, the only gun was the type full auto Hei and is used for the SF role, I guess Japanese can get just a captured gun, imo 1916 Fedorov or m2 carabine variant

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They have the type 2 smg with 6.5 x 30mm round.


Actually they have one. An experimental version of the Type 2 SMG chambered in an experimental Arisaka cartridge.

Source: Japan Small Arms Balancing Discussion Thread - #66 by Killerwolf1024