The new thompson NKVD squad is amazing

Hello comrades!

The thompson looks great in first person, combined with the unique leather coat. The animations are absolutely beautiful and feel more fluently compared to most other animations. The gun itself got really controllable recoil and awesome unique sights in my opinion.

(Sadly i couldnt manage to share a video here :smiling_face_with_tear:)

But i can guarantee you, this is definetly a squad which you need to get!


This only make the fact that Axis 100 round mag was denied hurt even more :disappointed_relieved:


First the russians have to be happy…
Then, but only then (and maybe), they give other nations some “dope” stuff.
Yeah another 50rd MG xaxaxa )))))))))))))))))))))))))

BRV died for me long time ago - the NKVD squad is another example not to play BRV as axis.


And the MG-39 still suffers with an insufficient mag size and a more than needed RoF. Hopefully, we get a TT MG-42 with a 100 round mag in the upcoming major update. :smiling_face_with_tear:


dont worry… we will get mg42 with increased ammo… MG42 with patronentrommel


I wish we could have cosmetic fedora hats for Soviets. With those black coats, and this Tommy gun…

download (3)

It’s a pity allies forces never even touched that weapon historically which is why in Enlisted Soviets are the only ones having them…



lol if that happen i will buy 500 gold

i would see it as ultimate DF troll move…

I mean 75mm APC exists, FG42 buff now happened, Axis are getting theirs.

However, 100/150/200/250 rd Axis MG should happen, and no reason it shouldnt be MG-39 either.

No reason everyone should have nice things to enjoy :vulcan_salute:


hopelly GE is going to get a belt mg, but knowing DF they will not going to do something like this…

yes the update was a compensation, i tested the unerfed fg´s and well… now i know the reason why they got nerfed in the past…

Also a bf with 250kg bomb : O will be useful

with praying to the snail, we are going to get a belt fed mg for GE with at least 100 bullets
(but it will be Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon)

just tested the Sniper FG, I got 100 kills with just one squad wipe. This thing is “yet again” my favourite weapon in the game.

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i also notice a improvement in STG series no only with reload time, also i feel a better dispersion, and less recoil, i think that the sniper one too

stg44 sniper feel the same bruh (it just underrated)

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Yeah they added a new second reload animation for when you reload on a full chamber. As long as you still have ammo left you reload faster now because you don’t have to pull back the reload handle.

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underrated :skull: :skull: :skull: yes… underrated, personally is even more annoying and i can tell you this cuz in lone figthers mot of snipers use this ones…

Or even better MG-81 with 250 round belt. Yes. I am looking at you Stinger.


i mean i barely seen it in squad mode but that probably because most people dont use sniper

pretty sure joe wouldnt like it if this is TT iirc

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well that´s true cuz br 5 is dominated by auto and machine guns