Japan Small Arms Balancing Discussion Thread

Thanks for showing me. I am not really and editor guy. :broken_heart:

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Few months ago we were able to make the scope on type 96 lmg somewhat interactable by modifying it to how type 97 lmg worked but unfortunately you couldn’t see through the scope as the scope lacked modification properties and sight template.
It would’ve been a great lmg if the scope worked

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I started grinding Japan only last week week. Im 26 on the Allies side so far I just hit lvl 19.

My observations on their weapons are:

Basically focus on using Arisaka 38 bolt action till you get the grenade launcher version then spam that.

The smgs are servicable but not great but because the engagement range is mostly medium to long range

Their tanks are all garbage until you get the last tank.

Their AT rifle is one of their best weapons and doubles as a sniper rifle semi auto, tank killer and AA. I absolutely love it.

But basically spamming grenade riffles and bolt actions till i get to end game wepons is my plan for the most part. Which is pretty rough.


I hated this weapon. I never get used to its sights. I was happy to use basically anything else, lolm

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Starter bolties → Maxed Type Heis → Maxed Type 4s

Rallies exist to close the engagement distance. It’s basically jungle-y Tunisia with islands.


Just to avoid confusion as they have similar names:

I like this one: The Arisaka 38 Rifle NOT the carbine

The carbine sights are awful.

I’m lucky if I get one other player on my team besides me building rallies so I can’t really count on nice easy CQB unless I squad on discord. Even then you have a lot of open ground to the next point afterwards.

I often get teams like this:

When it comes to the semis I tried them but I find them inefficient. Apart from Type 4s they lack the hit power and mag size to be better than the bolt actions. Why would I spend 2 shots out of my 5 round mag to kill one person when I can guaranteed kill them in 1 hit with greater accuracy with a bolt action. Also Semis have worse dispersion where as bolt actions have almost none. (This is just my opinion and observation btw if you like the semis then that’s absolutely fine)

The SMGs I’ve used so far are like I said. Serviceable but not ideal their low muzzle velocity and the engagement distances makes them weaker than a flamethrower or a grenade rifle IMO for your average engagement.

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Thanks for clarification. I don’t even remember there’s two versions of 38 anymore. xD
It all makes sense now :+1:

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Yeah the first Arisaka you get the Type 38 Carbine, the sights are terrible I 100% aggree. I got them off my soldiers as soon as I could.

It has this weird M formation in the sights is just :face_vomiting:

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You can rapid fire when you see a crowd. You can’t with a bolty. You have to awkwardly waddle in and out of cover playing peek a boo with the clueless bots.

Just close the distance.

The Japanese SMGs are literally the faction’s strongest tool against M2 Carbines.

…of which japs get only 5 per squad at best, while americans can equip every single motherfucker of a 9-man rifleman squad and every specialist trooper who is limited to slr on japanese side.

EDIT: and of course I forgot dudes who play so much that they decided to get 50-round Lanchesters (which are a match for SIGs) and .30 cal Tommy guns for Pacific to bridge the only gap that Japanese have.

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Bruhh playing Japan on the test server is just pointless, the enemy team is just full of Garand Grenade Launcher spam, M2 Carbines and 100 rounds thompsons against bolt action/semis with 5 rounds. 30 rounds smg’s and 30 rounds lmg’s like is just stupid but it was an interesting match the only weapon that I used which has good results on the server is the Type 99 lmg with its 900rpm


Obv, since BR is not enabled there, you can face literary everything west allies has.

Alternatively, I’d accept the 10 round type Hei being added to the tech tree.


I like this suggestion. This could definitely help fill in some glaring gaps in the Japanese tree. Do you think the ultra lmg could serve as a japanese equivalent to an AR, or would it just be another machine gun?

It wouldn’t be something I’d expect to see for a while, but I would love to see Manchukuo added to Japan as a minor nation, like Italy or the UK. It would probably make the most sense if they added Japanese-Soviet Border War or Sino-Japanese war maps.

Some examples of Manchukuo Imperial Army uniforms

And a few weapons they would have in their arsenal

Sugiura pistol

  • Based off of American M1903 pistol
  • 8+1 mag
  • .32 ACP cartridge
  • 50m effective range


Hanyang Type 88

  • Simplified rifle based off of the German Gewehr 88
  • 5 round en bloc clip, or 5-10 round detachable magazine
  • 8x57mm m/88
  • approximately 15 rounds per min
  • 500m effective range, 2000m max range


  • Czech semi-auto rifle
  • Already in the game, no need to go into detail


  • Swiss LMG
  • 25 round box mag
  • 7x57mm Mauser
  • 550 rounds/minute

I don’t think Japanese do need that. Since otsu is fake zh already.
And I am aware of 5 rnds difference. But they do have fake garand for 10 rnds.

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I honestly tossed it in there to give them another 10 round semi rifle, but honestly you could just give us a 10 round Otsu instead.


Yeah, that’s understandable.

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I feel like both Type Hei and Otsu rifles deserve to have their damage buffed to compensate for their 5 rounds clip.


10 round Type Otsu magazines never existed, only Type Hei got 10 round mags. why they didn’t give us 10 round mags, who knows.

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