You’ll find plenty of Japanese weapons here! I would really appreciate it if you would add a topic in the comments!
Some pictures were taken from Killerwolf1024, hope he doesn’t mind, thanks for that.Some pictures were taken from Killerwolf1024, hope he doesn’t mind.
Type 92

Japan produced a replica of the aviation Lewis, which had an increased rate of fire of 600 rounds per minute. In the infantry, the Type 92 was most often used as a machine gun, but it was not uncommon for aircraft versions to be converted into handguns without barrel shrouds!
Characteristics Type 92:
|Rate of fire - 600 rounds/min
|Weight - 8.5 (without radiator) /11,5 kg
|Feed system - 97/47 round disk magazine
MG 17
Germany presented quite a few weapons to Japan for familiarization, one of them being the MG 17, but Japan decided to try to adapt the MG 17 for armored vehicles, but the project did not go further than prototypes.
Characteristics MG 17:
|Rate of fire - 1200 rounds/min
|Weight - (11? ) kg
|Feed system - 100 round belt
Type 98/Type 1

As with the MG 17, Germany provided Japan with an MG 15 for familiarization. In Japan, the machine gun was evaluated and started to be produced. The machine gun was designated Type 98 for the army and Type 1 for the navy (this version has an additional grip). As with many airplane machine guns, the Japanese modified it into a handheld machine gun at the end of the war.
Characteristics Type 98/ Type 1:
|Rate of fire - 1200 rounds/min
|Weight - 8.1 kg
|Feed system - 75 round box magazine
TE 4
The TE 4 is an aircraft machine gun based on the Type 89. Like other airplane machine guns, the TE 4 was modified into a handgun.
Characteristics TE 4:
|Rate of fire - 750 rounds/min
|Weight - 9,2 kg
|Feed system - 69 round disk magazine
Type 91

Type 91 is a modification of the Type 11 for armored vehicles, increased ammunition capacity to 45 rounds, added the ability to mount a telescopic sight.Although the magazines with the Type 11 were interchangeable, meaning that within our game the Type 91 could just be a Type 11 with optics. It is noteworthy that some sources say that the hopper capacity is 50 or even 60 rounds, all these are translation errors, the real capacity is 45 rounds, which is confirmed by Japanese drawings. But I would add that there was a Type 3 version with 60 rounds hopper magazine, but whether this hopper could be attached to the Type 91 or Type 11 is not known.
Characteristics Type 91:
|Rate of fire - 500 rounds/min
|Weight - 11 kg
|Feed system - 30/45 round disk magazine
Prototype Type 11 Model 1

Prototype Type 11 Model 1 is a prototype Type 11, has a similar ammunition supply to the Type 3, has interesting bipods that when folded up are a pullmetal forend like the Fg 42.
Characteristics Prototype Type 11 Model 1:
|Rate of fire - 500 rounds/min
|Weight - 11 kg
|Feed system - 30 round belt
Prototype Type 11 Model 2

The Prototype Type 11 Model 2 is a further modification of the Prototype Type 11 Model 1. The machine gun received a barrel shroud similar to that of the Lewsi gun.
Characteristics Prototype Type 11 Model 2:
|Rate of fire - 500 rounds/min
|Weight - 13 kg
|Feed system - 30 round belt
Prototype Type 11 Model 3
The Prototype Type 11 Model 3 has almost become the Type 11, but the ammo is still like the Type 3.
Characteristics Prototype Type 11 Model 3:
|Rate of fire - 500 rounds/min
|Weight - 9 kg
|Feed system - 30 round belt
Prototype Type 100
Prototype Type 100 is a prototype of the Type 100, has a shorter barrel and a longer bayonet bracket (bipods can also be put on the Type 100, which we have in the branch of pumping at rank 1).
Characteristics Prototype Type 100:
|Rate of fire - (400—600?) / 530 rounds/min
|Weight - 3,5 kg
|Feed system - 30 round box
Prototype Type 100 A
The Prototype Type 100 A is a further modification of the prototype Type 100, the automatics were fixed and brought to a uniform rate of fire of 755 rounds per minute.
Characteristics Prototype Type 100 A:
|Rate of fire - 755 rounds/min
|Weight - 3,5 kg
|Feed system - 30 round box
Prototype Type 100 B
This is almost the final version of the Type 100, minor changes were made, such as reducing the length of the bayonet bracket. On the early production Tpp 100 they reduced the rate of fire to 700 rounds per minute, 450 rounds per minute is a mistake!
Characteristics Prototype Type 100 B:
|Rate of fire - 755 rounds/min
|Weight - 3,5 kg
|Feed system - 30 round box
Tokyo Arsenal Model 1927 box magazine
Tokyo Arsenal Model 1927 with 18-round box magazine. Why is there 18 rounds? A number of factors point to this, and in the book 日本陸軍の傑作兵器駄作兵器: 究極の武器徹底研究, on page 39 it is explicitly stated, see my thread on Ru Forum for more details.
ПП Токийского Арсенала 1927 с коробчатым магазином - Предложения - Enlisted
Nambu Type 2 Late (30)
I just want a Nambu Type 2 on 2 BR with 30 round magazine and with bayonet, but the bayonet version is only on 4 BR, agree that the bayonet makes the weapon cooler 10 times, especially if it’s a Japanese weapon.
Arisaka Type 38 with Type 96 magazine
Arisaka Type 38 with magazine from Type 96, basically everything is scanned with this, the ammunition capacity is 30 rounds.
Type Ko (long)
We have a short Type Ko rifle in the game, but in real life we had a long rifle. This rifle also had the option of attaching a telescopic sight, as well as bipods.
Type Ko carbine
Type Ko carbine, the shortest version of the Type Ko, has a folding bayonet similar to the Type 44 carbine.
ZB 26
Japan purchased more than 2000 ZB 26 machine guns, and Japanese soldiers often used Chinese ZB 26 machine guns, some of which were modified with larger capacity magazines.

In addition, when Japan took over a number of manufactories in China, one of these began to be made for the Japanese army ZB 26 for the Japanese cartridge (using a slightly modified Type 96 magazine):
And one more modification of the ZB 26 under the Japanese 6.5mm cartridge, which entered the competition of new pullmetal, where the Type 96 would later win. This prototype would later become the Type 97.
Hino-Komuro rifle M1904
Hino-Komuro rifle M1904 was a semi-automatic rifle that was designed by Kumazo Hino and Yyjiro Komuro. The ammunition is supplied by detachable 10 and 15 round magazines.
Hino-Komuro rifle M1897
Imagine a semi-automatic Arisaki Type 30 with a barrel stroke, so this is the Hino-Komuro rifle M1897, 5 round ammo capacity.
Here are more great topics about Japanese weapons.