Japanese unique gold order / premium weapon suggestion

In recently update, Type Hei rifle with 10-rounds magazine was implemented. It is a good gun, but it doesn’t have enough uniqueness which is attractive for gold order weapons.

For this reason, I listed several unique weapons for Japanese. I hope this list is interesting for you and it can be reference for developers.

In this list I did not included weapons which will comes for normal levels. (eg. navy’s Type 4 automatic rifle)


35th Year Type naval rifle / 三十五年式海軍銃

Japanese navy’s service rifle used since 1900s. It was modified version of 30th Year Type rifle of the Army.
Since the late of 1920s this gun was retired and used as a training equipment of merchant marine schools.

In-game performance
Its just an ordinally bolt-action rifle. It would be attractive for people who want to be a sailor.
Also, it will be good for premium Engineer squads etc.

item data
Type Bolt-action rifle
Cartridge 6.5x50mmSR
35th Year Type naval rifle cartridge
Magazine 5 rounds clip
Bayonet 35th Year Type bayonet
Length 1275 mm
Weight 3.85 kg
Barrel Length 790 mm
Muzzle velocity 700 m/s

Type 38 short rifle with Type 96 light machine gun’s 30rounds magazine

Japanese uncertain last-ditch weapon. It is a Type 38 short rifle but it had large 30 rounds magazine for Type 96 light machine gun.

In-game performance
It’s not an automatic rifle, but large magazine is still attractive.
Other performance would be similar to in-game Type 38 Carbine.

Rocket Rifle (Kure arsenal design) / 噴進銃 (呉廠型)


Japanese navy’s 25mm rocket launcher as a substitute of rifles.
Design of shell diverting 25mm shell for Type 96 25mm AA gun, but modified as rocket.

item data
Type Rocket launcher
Cartridge 25mm rocket
Magazine Single-shot
Bayonet 30th Year Type bayonet?

Submachine Gun

Experimental Automatic Pistol (1st-stage prototype) / 試製自動短銃 (第一次試製銃)


It was the first Japanese submachine gun. In overseas this gun seems to be called “Tokyo Arsenal Model 1927”.
In July 1920, Army Technical Headquarter [陸軍技術本部] start projects for new weapons. That project contains multiple weapons, and in infantry weapons they planned to develop infantry rifle, machine gun, sniper cannon, semi-auto rifle and machine pistol (submachine gun). Among them, LMG was most important and SMG had lowest priority but finally first two prototypes were manufactured at Tokyo arsenal. It was tested at Futtsu testing field with Thompson and Bergman SMGs. As a result of test, they find that it have too high rate of fire, too complex construction, not enough robustness.

In-game performance
It can be Japanese PPSh-41. Its extremely high rate of fire was one of the reason why it was not adopted, but in the video game it is advantage.
Perhaps it should be normal weapon for a counterpart of drum-magazine Thompsons.

item data
Cartridge 8x22mm
14th Year Type pistol cartridge
Magazine 50 rounds dram magazine
Bayonet N/A
Length 690 mm
Weight 2.2 kg
Barrel Length 250 mm
Muzzle velocity 360 m/s
Fire rate 1200 rpm

Experimental Machine Pistol Model 3 Ko / 試製機関短銃三型甲


Experimental machine pistol Model 3 (predecessor, has similar bayonet lug) with bayonet


One of the prototype of Type 100 SMG. It have very long bayonet lug to make up for the total length, but finally they find that SMG does not need such long length, so in the Model 3 Otsu it was shortened.

In-game performance
It have very long bayonet lug so its a bit difficult to hide. However, RoF is similar to late production of Type 100 SMG so it will be useful.
Also, bipods will make easier to mount on ground.

item data
Cartridge 8x22mm
14th Year Type pistol cartridge
Magazine 30 rounds magazine
Bayonet 30th Year Type bayonet
Length 1097 mm
Weight 3.885 kg
Barrel Length 230 mm
Muzzle velocity 334 m/s
Fire rate 755 rpm

Light Machine Gun

Experimental Mark Ko Light-Weight Machine Gun / 試製甲号軽量機関銃

It was early-era Japanese LMG which is based upon 3rd Year Type heavy machine gun. To decrease weight, they downsized and omitted radiation fin.

In-game performance
Rate of fire is mediocre, but it seems to have large pan magazine similar to Lewis gun, so it have less frequent magazine changes.
It was manufactured in 1916.

item data
Cartridge 6.5x50mmSR
Type 38 rifle cartridge
Magazine ?-rounds pan magazine
Bayonet N/A
Length - mm
Weight 8.5 kg
Barrel Length - mm
Muzzle velocity 700 m/s
Fire rate 500 rpm

Experimental With-Barrel Jacket Light Machine Gun / 試製有筒式軽機関銃


Prototype of 11th Year Type LMG based upon 3rd Year Type HMG.
I have new bipod similar to 11th Year Type LMG, but it used feed strip that same as 3rd Year Type HMG.

In-game performance
In-game performance will be similar to 11th Year Type LMG but it have feed strip instead of hopper, so visibility would be better. Also, feed strips can be connected so if system allows it may be able to shoot continuously like a belt feeding.

item data
Cartridge 6.5x50mmSR
Type 38 rifle cartridge
Magazine 30-rounds feed strip
Bayonet N/A
Length - mm
Weight - kg
Barrel Length - mm
Muzzle velocity - m/s
Fire rate 500 rpm

11th Year Type LMG with experimental box magazine


Japanese experimental LMG developed in 1928. It had 35-rounds box magazine.

In-game performance
Familiar guns with slightly improved magazines.
It is attractive to developers because it can be made at a low cost.

item data
Cartridge 6.5x50mmSR
Type 38 rifle cartridge
Magazine 35-rounds box magazine
Bayonet N/A
Length 1,100 mm
Weight about 10 kg
Barrel Length 443 mm
Muzzle velocity 736 m/s
Fire rate 500 rpm

Experimental Mk.B light machine gun / 試製B号軽機関銃


Experimental Mk.A light machine gun


It was a copy of Chinese ZB26 machine gun. In the competition of development of Type 96 LMG, Mk.A (Nambu’s Hotchikiss-style design) defeated Mk.B and it was not adopted.
However, later this design developed to Type 97 vehicle-mounted HMG for most of Japanese tanks and AFVs.

item data
Cartridge 6.5x50mmSR
Type 38 rifle cartridge
Magazine 30-rounds magazine
Length 1,130 mm (ZB26)
Weight 9.6 kg (ZB26)
Barrel Length 503 mm (ZB26)
Muzzle velocity - m/s
Fire rate 550 rpm (ZB26)

Experimental Type 1 light machine gun Model I / 試製一式軽機関銃I型

Model I A

Model I B

Nambu’s design of Experimental Type 1 LMG. It was improved model of Type 99 LMG that fire rate is increased and get easier to disassembling for paratroopers.

In-game performance
RoF was increased so it will be very useful, but I can’t find data.

item data
Cartridge 7.7x58mm
Type 99 common cartridge
Magazine 30-rounds magazine
Length 1,190 mm (Type 99 LMG)
Weight 11.4 kg (Type 99 LMG)
Barrel Length 483 mm (Type 99 LMG)
Muzzle velocity 715 m/s (Type 99 LMG)
Fire rate probably 600 or over?

Experimental Type 1 light machine gun Model II / 試製一式軽機関銃II型

Model II Ko

Model II Otsu

Tokyo Gas Electric’s design of Type 1 LMG. It used feed strip same as Type 92 HMG.

In-game performance
Vertical magazine was replaced to feed strip and visibility will be improved.
Also, feed strips can be connected so if system allows it may be able to shoot continuously like a belt feeding.

item data
Cartridge 7.7x58mm
Type 99 common cartridge
Type 92 common cartridge
Magazine 30-rounds feed strip
Fire rate 550 rpm (Type 99 LMG)

Experimental Type 1 light machine gun Model III / 試製一式軽機関銃III型

Model III, Technical HQ’s bipod design

Model III, Nagoya Arsenal’s bipod design

Nagoya Arsenal’s design of Type 1 LMG. It used box magazine same as ZB26.

In-game performance
It will be substitute of Type 99 LMG.

item data
Cartridge 7.7x58mm
Type 99 common cartridge
Magazine 20-rounds magazine?
Fire rate 550 rpm (Type 99 LMG)

Experimental Type 3 light machine gun / 試製三式軽機関銃


Japanese last light machine gun based upon each Type 1 LMG’s design. It adopt feed strip same as heavy machine guns and able to use not only Type 99 cartridge but also Type 92 cartridge.
Detailed specification is unknown, but it reflects design of each Type 1 LMGs so perhaps rate of fire will be increased.

In-game performance
It using feed strip and visibility will be improved. Also, feed strips can be connected so if system allows it may be able to shoot continuously like a belt feeding.
Also, if RoF was increased it will be useful, too.

item data
Cartridge 7.7x58mm
Type 99 common cartridge
Type 92 common cartridge
Magazine 30-rounds feed strip
Fire rate 600rpm or over?


Murata Shotgun / 村田式猟銃


Japanese very popular single-shot bolt-action shotgun. Japanese nary and army used 12-gauge type.

item data
Cartridge 12-gauge
Magazine 1 round

Type 4 Double-Barrel Shotgun Pistol / 四式二連霞弾拳銃


Japanese double-barrel handgun that uses 12-gauge shotgun cartridge.
It was developed by navy for a substitute of submachine guns.

item data
Cartridge 12-gauge
Magazine 2 round

Bamboo weapons

With 3 million bamboo spears, it is possible to defend the mainland. – Sadaki Arao, Minister of Army

All of them came from this website: ŽèžÖ’eE”š—‹|‚S
Probably it can be event weapon.

Bamboo weapons

Bamboo Spear / 竹槍


The most orthodox bamboo weapon.

Length: 1.5m (for children) / 1.7-2m (for adults)
Diameter: 3.5cm (for children) / 4cm (for adults)
Angle of tip: 20 degrees

Explosive Spear / 爆槍

Anti-personal lunge mine. A bamboo with explosive on tip.

Length: 2 m

Launched Rocket Mine / 投射式噴進爆雷



Anti-tank rocket-propelled bamboo.

Specification (projectile):
Length: 125 cm
Weight: 2kg
Explosive: 1000 kg
Propellant: 38 g
Penetration: 10 cm armor plate

Bamboo mortar / 竹製擲弾筒


Infantry mortar made of bamboo. Projectile is bamboo with explosive and stones.

Simple rifle grenade launcher for Type 99 hand grenade / 簡易擲弾器


Rifle grenade launcher made of bamboo/wood/tin plate as a substitute of Type 100 rifle grenade launcher.

Simple grenade launcher/ 簡易擲弾銃


(upper) Bamboo tube with bamboo springs to launch bomb or stones.
(lower) Wooden tube with black powder to launch bomb or stones.

Simple Launcher Bow / 簡易投擲器弓


A bow. It can use normal arrow and explosive arrow.

Simple Launcher Crossbow / 簡易投擲器弩弓

A crossbow. It can use normal arrow and explosive arrow.


ordinally arrow


Explosive arrow

Experimental high-power bow / 試製強力弓

Reinforced bow. It can use sniper arrow and explosive arrow.


Will weapons captured from China be interesting?
For example, “汉阳造”(be modelled on Gew 88) and “中正式”(be modelled on Mauser M1924)


Yeah, 漢陽造 and 中正式 can be interesting weapon. (Sry I can’t type simplified Chinese letters)
But I don’t know well about them, and some people dislike captured weapons so I did not listed them. :frowning:


Some amazing work you did here!

I do see a lot of those possibly becoming gold weapons, very interesting stuff.


I got wet while reading :heart_eyes:

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It would have been nice if they had picked one of these instead of a 10rd Hei rifle. We needed that 10rd version to be a campaign unlock…but instead we get one and one only to use.


Some of those gonna be in the grind, if dev want add good thing to US in the future jap need all their prototype

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Did the Type Hei rifle come in a carbine variant?
I wonder because I’ve seen some suggestions for implementing weapon upgrades such as different magazine sizes and so on. And if something like this was to be implemented, the gold order Type Hei would have to be changed to a carbine or something like that to stay unique.

I guess it is short carbine variant, but I’m not sure…

I don’t think I worded it clearly enough:)
I meant if there were multiple variants of the gun, like rifle and carbine, or if it was designed just in one version.

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Ops, sorry… My score of English test was always bad so I misunderstood.

Yes, Hei had both short and long variants. Not only Hei but also all Experimental automatic rifles (Ko/Otsu/Hei) have long and short variants. Specifications were below.


- Ko long Ko short
Length 1160mm 1060mm
Barrel length 673mm 573mm
Gun weight 4250g ?
Magazine weight N/A
Total number of parts 117


- Otsu long Otsu short
Length 1180mm 1080mm
Barrel length 650mm 550mm
Gun weight 4255g 4030g
Magazine weight 10rds: 190g
5rds: 145g
Total number of parts 88


- Hei long Hei short
Length 1160mm 1060mm
Barrel length 690mm 590mm
Gun weight 4147g 3785g
Magazine weight 10rds: 226g
5rds: 126g
Total number of parts 98
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we need the bow :crazy_face:

May I ask you what your sources are for some of the guns? In particular the
-Type 11 with box magazine
-Type 11 prototype 試製無筒式軽機関銃
-Experimental Mark Ko 試製甲号軽量機関銃
-Experimental Mk.B 試製B号軽機関銃
I’m researching Japanese small arms and I’ve never seen the images you posted for those 4.

Also the Type 99 rifle with Type 99 LMG magazine is a Type 38 with Type 96 magazine I’m pretty sure. There’s a colorized picture of one and its described as Type 38 with 96 magazine.

Something to be noted about the “Tokyo Arsenal Model 1927” is the “drum mag” being fed by 5 hotchkiss style strips holding 10 8x22 rounds each, if you look up the other image of the gun you can clearly see the feed strips, so the drum isn’t a drum in the traditional sense but more a container for the feed strips.

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They came from book written by Sayama Jiro (佐山二郎), a very famous Japanese researcher about Japanese firearms.

ISBN: 978-4769822844

Also, I made typo. 試製無筒式軽機関銃 (Experimental No-Barrel Jacket Light Machine Gun, you called “Type 11 prototype”) that I titled is 試製有筒式軽機関銃 (Experimental With-Barrel Jacket Light Machine Gun)

perhaps other photos will be interesting for you


Experimental No-Barrel Jacket Light Machine Gun / 試製無筒式軽機関銃
Design closer to 11th Year Type LMG, but it still used feed strip.

In addition there are lots of photos of drawings of rifles, handguns and machine guns probably came from IJA’s development reports.

Very interesting! It reminds me Type 89 Swivel machine gun…
Although, in the game it will works as other gun’s magazines.


Oh Sayama’s book, I see, sadly I can’t read Japanese but I’ve heard about it from a friend.

I’ve seen the Experimental No-Barrel Jacket Light Machine Gun before, there’s also drawings of the Experimental With-Barrel Jacket Light Machine Gun I’ve seen before:
but not the real world image you posted, very interesting!

Also I mistyped in my previous message, the Type 38 with Type 96 LMG magazine image isn’t colorized but a colored image:

It also depicts the self loading rifle by Hino(1).


Im impressed with your well researched suggestions and i hope devs take notice hopefully some of this stuff is added and makes Japan playable, but im most intrested in the experimental automatic pistol not only does it look great i really think it could off set the slow Japanese smgs we have now and the muratas Would be very intresting as a gold order

Do you acknowledge it devs?

I just want whatever the second from the right is here
Smoke grenade I think

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Is it a hand-slowing smoke ample/手投煙瓶? Surely it is closer to other countries’ smoke hand grenade than in-game smoke candle so if possible I hope they replace to it, but I doubt they do so.

i hope anything suggested here would end up in upcoming battlepass golden weapons