What will be the br 5 gear of japan?

I don’t have a badge but I’ve been reminded by the moderators enough to have a good idea of what they don’t like and I found ways to bypass it as well like making a new topic with a link going back to the old one

I see, I dug through the forums and can confirm this. Seems counterintuitive to me to make more posts to reduce clutter, and I cannot find a rule against it in the forum guidelines. I think it is enforced on trolls who do it for the purpose of creating clutter.

Ran out of hearts again and the only reason they do it is because the information in the post is out of date so it’s better to make a new one with more relevant data.


That’s understandable, but in my case none of the weapons in the list have been added. Also, I just found this rule… :joy:

A once great man once said it just works


It’s not needed and nobody wants it. There is no issue with Japan having 4 tiers whatsoever since they don’t face US tier 5 in battles. I really hope that Darkflow came to their senses as the decision to force Japan into tier 5 essentially prevents the addition of countries such as Poland, Finland or France as well as the separation of the Italy and Commonwealth trees - if all factions “need” 5 tiers (for no sensible reason), there is no way to expand the game beyond current four factions so the game can’t grow.

So far, here are most of the weapons that I could find that are viable for BR V (most alraedy mentioned by aizenns):

Shinsei Type Hei

The one with the gunshield can be prem/event

Type 92 LMG (lewis gun copy, preferably the one with 97 rounds)

Actually… That’s all i can suggest. All other weapons are basically just german MG copies (lewis gun is exception to all the borrwed weapons because this looks cool)

Again check this older post I made, it does include more than just the same two suggestions and doesn’t rely on anything German.

oh also this post by Aizenns which mentions a few more Japanese machine guns.

This discussion has been moving in circles for a while now with only the one same gun being brought up again and again, I’m pretty sure the devs noted the Ultra-light machine gun (Type Hei LMG) at this point.

I can only add STG-44 to that but only as a event squad Japanese navy bought 6
the military attache of the Japanese Imperial Navy, Admiral Yokoi, draws up a purchase agreement (dated September 27, 1943) for six units of MP-44 assault rifles. Date of completion/acceptance 09.19.1944
But most likely they never reached Japan

I recall from a friend that those did in fact not reach Japan yeah.

I’d rather not have German stuff reused, unless it makes sense like with the Type 98/Type 1 aircraft MGs (MG 15).

Yes most likely didn’t reach Japan the last batch of foreign weapons that reached Japan was M38/43
Hence I’m saying it should be an event squad maybe a marine squad or Para-marine but it could also be gold order,too

About M38/43
In June 1943, the Yokosuka Naval Arsenal submitted an application for the purchase of a batch of Beretta submachine guns in the amount of 350 units with 20 round magazines.
Before Italy left the war on September 8, 1943, in early August, the first and only batch of M38/43 submachine guns, 50 units with 150 magazines and 50,000 rounds of 9 mm M38 caliber, arrived at the Yokosuka base.
In general, the Japanese version of the M38/43 is not much different from the Italian one, except for the absence of any markings with the full name of the manufacturer or affiliation with the Japanese fleet; there are acceptance marks in the form of a kanji and letter marks (in the form of two letters) on parts manufactured by Beretta.
The main purpose of these submachine guns remains unclear. Perhaps they were purchased for comparative tests (but a non-standard cartridge for Japanese weapons), or perhaps for sabotage operations in the rear of the Australian, New Zealand and British armies (which used similar 9mm cartridges).
One way or another, this was the last purchase of small arms by the Japanese fleet. It should be mentioned that in March 1943 in Germany, 5 MP-40 units were handed over to the military representative of the Japanese army for review, the further fate of which remained unknown (perhaps they remained in Germany like the Tiger tank purchased in 1944).

Japan Enlisted:

Tier 1:
Type 38 Carbine
Type 38 Rifle
Type 97 Rifle (Sniper)

Tier 2:
Type 44 Carbine
Type 1 Rifle
Type 38 Rifle (Grenade)
Type 99 Rifle

Tier 3:
Type 99 Rifle (Sniper)
Type 99 Rifle (Grenade)
Type Otsu Rifle (5 Mag)

Tier 4:
Type Ko Rifle (10 Mag)
Type Hei Rifle (10 Mag)
Type 4 Rifle

Tier 5:
HK1904 Rifle (15 Mag)
Shisei Mk 1


Submachine Guns
Tier 1:

Tier 2:
Type 100 (early)

Tier 3:
Type 2a SMG (30 Mag)
SIG 1920

Tier 4:
Type 100 (late)
Type 2 SMG (50 Mag)

Tier 5:
Tokyo Arsenal Model 1927


Light Machine Guns
Tier 1:
Type 11 LMG

Tier 2:
Type 97 HMG

Tier 3:
Type 96 LMG
Type 99 LMG

Tier 4:
Type 3 LMG

Tier 5:
Type 97 LMG


Tier 1:

Tier 2:
Chi-Ha Kai

Tier 3:
Ke-Ho Kai

Tier 4:
Chi-Nu II
Chi-Ri Production

Tier 5:
Ho-Ri II


Tier 1:

Tier 2:

Tier 3:

Tier 4:
Ki-61-II Kai

Tier 5:
Ki-84 Otsu


Tier 1:
Type 97 20mm AT Gun
Type 89 Mortar

Tier 2:
Type 93 Flamethrower
Type 4 Rocket Launcher

Tier 3:
Type 98 50mm Mortar
Type 5 Rocket Launcher

Tier 4:
Type 100 Flamethrower

**Tier 5: **
Type 94 90mm Mortar


Tier 1:

Tier 2:
Type 100 Parachuter SMG

Tier 3:
Type Hei Rifle (5 Mag)
Tokyo Arsenal Model 1928

Tier 4:
Ki-102 Otsu
Type 1 SMG
Chi-Ri II

Tier 5:
Shisei Mk 2

In Japanese side, only SIG M1920 (often confused as MP18 or MP28) and S1-100 are mentioned as imported submachine guns. (except for trial purpose)
I’m interesting why western website often claim it.

Surely, three Italian trade submarines reached to Singapore in August 1943, but to be honesty it sounds doubtful that they transported such things…

If you want to such foreign weapons, Thompson submachine guns are far better.
In Pacific, army’s paratroopers equipped it after Japanese captured Singapore and used it at Battle of Philippines 1944. Also, not only paratroopers but also ordinally infantry unit equipped it at Burma front etc.

In addition they had already started to use Thompsons before WW2: Japanese garrisons at Manchuria equipped it because Manchurian arsenal had it.

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I was just suggesting weapons man and TBH I don’t want them in Tech Tree as it is stated that these weapons were most likely meant to cause confusion behind enemy lines(islands?) I think it would be a good event weapon to add with a special branch of the Japanese army like what we had in Silent hunters event

That would be an awsome event squad,too

Then it might be also plausible to add them in tech tree

I feel like if Japan gets BR 5, that soft-confirms the devs plan on leaving the strict WW2 time frame of the current game, which I know would instantly piss off the “muh historical accuracy” playerbase. Plus, if you start adding post-WW2 things to one nation, where do you draw the line? Slippery slope and all that…

I mean there’s not much historical accuracy anyway; the game just isn’t set up for it at it’s very heart; (far too fast paced for it; random-matchmaking, etc.)

Japanese garrisons in Manchuria before WW2, with Thompson SMG, ZB26 LMG, any Mauser rifle and French 37mm M1916 gun.


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Any opinion about the type 100 machinegun? was it even modified in the field by any garrison for ground use?

Make a new topic dont use old one