Less German, American/Brits and Soviet TT, Event and Premium

You have no equipment because the Japs HAD NO EQUIPMENT
Can’t add what doesn’t exist. Looking at you Ho-Ri


AS-44 MY FRIEND, do it bother you, they are more fantasy weapons on other nations too :>

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Yes yes I know about the “not an AK” and “not an RPD” of the Russian tree. Just like the Condors “found pictures in a Nazi bunker” and all that bull


then don´t ruin the post

Just explaining why the Japanese don’t have anything

I dont agree with not giving anything to USA-UK.

The Allies tech tree is too American focused at the moment in my opinion. (I am a believer in a separate UK-Commonwealth tech tree.

However I hear you about Japan. Its true Japan had less tech so they get less updates. Personally I think Japan should only go to BR IV, maybe even BR III rather than this poor and desperate attempt at dragging them out to BR V with made up weapons and last-minute prototypes that were never more than an idea in a designer’s head.

However where I do agree is maps. Pacific maps are very stale and boring. We got a new map, but it was so similar to existing ones we barely noticed.

Manila has been requested a lot as an urban warfare map for both USA-UK and Japan.

I’ve argued for New Guinea maps like the Kokoda Track, Rabaul and Lae. (jungle fighting on a narrow track, infantry only. Pacific Island port town and joint Australian-USA beach landings).

I believe PNG would be significantly different compared to existing maps. My concern with some of the American battles like Okinawa is that the maps themselves would be too similar in style and design to existing ‘Solomon Islands’ maps (even if in real life the Solomons and Okinawa are of course quite different.)

Burma would be even more of a change, it hasnt been done in games before and would have really interesting and unique maps with jungle and temples. It would also be an opportunity for British Indian squads. (eg Machine Gun squad for Vickers-Berthier).

1945 Manchuria Liberation War has been requested for USSR VS Japan but some argue the maps wouldnt be practical. I dont know.

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We are need more events for USSR and double with a half more for Japan.

They could do a lot of events for the Japanese… Just by copy pasting the already existing rifles and giving them those small little flags.

Well, the Japanese may not have much in weapons, I know when I play allies and get the Japanese, I get my ass kicked. So much so that I almost consider deserting when I see I have to play against Japan. :rofl: I lose about half the time to the Germans, but almost always am seal clubbed by the japs. However, I only get the Japanese if I choose to play level 3 Allies and I seem to get put in with level 5 Japanese, so I really only play level 5 with allies now thus getting most of my games vs the Germans.

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they are licensed,stolen and prototypes youbdidnt see yet :3

we are a bunch of madmen who fight with the little we have and our honorable swords yelling Banzaiiiiiii!


you can´t lie, we run like mad men!

I broke down and played four games with my level 3 Allies, and for once, got four games with no level 5 opposition. Three against the Germans and the fourth…Against the Japanese. :blush:
ScreenHunter 1122

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I actually played ten games tonight, all with level 3 allies and won nine…big shocker… I did play the Japanese twice and won both, so I almost feel like I need to keep playing with them while their hot. :rofl:

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Well they should add more Japanese and more small nation or US events cuz there is very few US and Japanese events for an instance Amphibius apcs or BR III + Paras for US and Japan Flying tanks :

Amphibious Truck Su-Ki

There is a lot of things that can be added


What is it with this weird sentiment. Even disregarding prototypes there’s still lots of things to add that the current TT is missing.
-Japan still only has one light Mortar
-There’s no BR3 fighter
-There’s no BR4+ bomber
-The current BR5 MG is a meme
-There’s no BR4 MG
-There’s no AT weapon past BR2

For all of these there would be things that could be added, especially machine gun wise there’s still a bunch of things (disregarding prototypes) that could be used.

These older threads should also give a good overview of things to add, yes some of these things have been added by now but by far not everything.

Also for GO/Events:

Also also once again, I don’t see the prototype question as that big of a problem for Japan considering other nations also stock up their TT/Events/GO/Premiums with things that weren’t actually adopted or just used very rarely.
Never been in favor of the abundance of prototypes in the game, but at this point its just the reality we have to deal with.
