Japan Supressed Nambu Event Pistol or Gold Order

Oh dear, many dont know, but it existed a nambu pistol suppresed, could be interesting weapon for event or gold order, in a game it appeared also a type 100 submachine gun, however, I think that one is fantasy because I didn’t find anything related to the suppresed submachine gun
Suppressed Nambu 1935 1


Any other Jap suppress weapon that can pair with this? If we aren’t going with the type 100 smg that you mention (since most suppress pistol come in pair with main gun it only logical)

Not necessarily a fantasy though it might have not been real but it would have been easy to just adopt it for type 100 since both guns fire the same round(8mm nambu) you just had to make it so suppressor screws to barrel and done you had yourself a suppressed weapon also if Im not mistaken Japan bought few Maxim suppressors and tested them in late 20s and early 30s though I couldn’t find what gun they tested it on but I can guess that it was either a rifle or a pistol

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this is the one I mean and it’s from game, I don’t see any document nor any info it existed

that’s true, just as I show in photo it’s how it would be suppresed in a game but…no idea

There is type 99 with silencer in US movie during this time but I cant find a info was it really captured like they claimed in the movie or its something US did during the war as propaganda

noble emperor this is the first time I ever see something like this, what movie is that

its the [

The Thin Man Goes Home (1944)

](The Thin Man Goes Home (1944) - IMDb)

Its from this movie that’s why i was surprised when i saw it

I will try find the movie and watch it now, I am so curious

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