Let’s be honest, Japan with rockets is a very complicated topic to understand since we have viable options to put both in the tech tree, as an event and even premium, I cannot understand why it continues to be denied that Japan does not have their own planes with rockets, I can understand that there are people who do not like the idea, but I remind the users that there are in War Thunder and although they are not the best, it would give a little to equally counteract the continuous Spam of the Americans and the HVAR, I know that someone is going to tell me something about “but those rockets were used only once and the test was of dubious quality” and I will answer “within the game, not only in Japan, but in other nations there are weapons that have never seen war” and they are in the game", so please, those types of comments are best left out of this post, thank you
Material of Reference used in War Thunder for bibliography can be seen in the post here , a certified blog that links directly to several Japanese military documents on the veracity of these rockets and here is the document who explain about it

I concur! Japan had rockets that were equal to the Wfr.Gr.21 on many aircraft! Im also glad that you are aware of the Ki-43 rocket picture, it is rare and not much is known about the Army rockets of the IJA. I think in that pic its carrying Ro-3-Dan rockets.
as people coment I am trying to attach some bibliography documents for show it, I know it will be slow, but it need time and pattience, rockets for japan are a must and it’s an insult to the playerbase we keep being spammed and we can’t answer it back
why not add the mitsubishi J8M as a human guided rocket?
Far fetched for now. There are more reasonable options for japan
because at the moment we are talking about something to put in the technology tree, something for real money and per event, although what you say would be an exclusive event unit, I think it is more logical to add something smaller as a base to the game before of wanting to put in bigger things
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you can also check my other post for APC, flamethrowers and such if you are curious!
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No guided weapons, fire and forget only, unless i am wrong and they are only dumb weapons i apologize if not stop trying to kill enlisted
that’s why I showed various options,my friend
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unguided that are equal to existing weapons are fine but guided weapons are not WW2, they may have existed but in practice they did not and could not have worked with existing tech
and as I showed, they are different versions we could use :>
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guided no na no no you would break the game you would need to add in vehicle mounted guided rockets at gr, infantry at gr, infantry anti air gr, vehicle aa gr, air to air guided rockets
so no na no no no it would break the game
and I repeat, not ALL where guided, stop saying it, I showed different variants dude
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i repeat the unguided are fine the guided are a poison that would kill the game
I show all,but I know you dont read me
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i read the wink nod
i understand there are unguided rockets
those are fine
the guided rockets are poison
do you read me
you want to add both
no na no no no
hell no,I was showing the concepts
yes buff ki84 with rockets and a tad bit of speed then its on par with p47
Not sure if the Ki-84 vould carry rockets. But the N1K could.
as far I know, A7M2 Reppu and J2M3 Raiden where able to carry, other planes too, but I don’t remember well, I can tell from this official report they existed, but oh well, I am open to whatever they wish give to japs
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