Japan Type 96 and Type 99 Scoped

In my efforts for bring premiun or events for japan faction I share the concept about two machine guns who are already in tech tree and they could be added as premiun or event content for the game, hell, even the type 92 of engies have one lol


I would also like the option to choose a non-scoped variant of the Type-97, since the scopes were designed to be removable and not typically used by infantry.



yeah could be too possible

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They can stack the type 99 no scope with type 99 scoped



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japan should have sniper versions of the type 96 and 99 LMGs since otherwise the only weapon available to snipers is the arisaka 38 and nothing else

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How about make it both machinegunner and sniper

with the actual rocket radioman bug, it can be a concept,yes

Type 99 sniper is in the tech tree

right, i forgot i got it confused with the 99 long sniper

1-Snipers dont use fricking mgs.
2-Scope was standart issued part of every japanese mg, not just type 97
3-snipers are not even meta, what are we going to achieve with that
4-Why would we have scoped 96 and 99 JUST for 5 men sniper squads but not for mg squads ? How does this serve the gameplay balance at all ?


germans have stg smg…

1: There are sniper FG42s and STGs, so what?
2: Standard issue means nothing in this game when you have prototype guns everywhere
3: Snipers don’t need to be meta, they just need more content to round them out
4: Snipers are not restricted to sniper squads. Giving every single machine gunner a scope gun, where pacific maps are usually quite open, is not balanced. Giving them to snipers would be more balanced as to not be overwhelming with them

And standard issue things as premium and event (chi-has) :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Maybe because they really didnt produce or even design on paper ?
That sentence is like this =
“Japan doesnt have a stug why ?”
Yeah, what a goddamn surprise isnt it ?

Meanwhile every player spamming ar’s and auto rifles ?
Do you know why most popular premium squads are automatic rifle using ones ?

Type 97 has scope, same catridge and similar muzzle velocity; no one ever complained about them being gamebreaking
If mg with scope had been that much game breaking, df would have removed them already

Except the type 97 has a 20rnd mag and much more recoil than the type 96. No really, the type 96 MG has a 0.25 recoil multiplier, those guns are amazing but are left with terrible ironsights, give them a scope and suddenly they have no drawbacks

both should have the scope
no need of a premium
for that

we know, but you know snail

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that scope would bypass the reduced field of view caused by the mag
i have lot of fun with the type 97

I WANT MORE. :rage:
more scope more fun :slightly_smiling_face: