Nice suggestion! Surely we need Japanese sidecars regardless of whether it’s useful or not!
About Japanese sidecars I added some information below. Names of them are bit complicated…
Japanese army and navy used three types of domestic motorcycles: Type 93, Type 95 and Type 97 and multiple Haley-Davidson.
Also, please be careful that army and navy used different names for each vehicles.
(Type 93 sidecar = MG vehicle Model 1 / Type 95 sidecar = MG vehicle Model 2 / Type 95 sidecar with MG = MG vehicle Model 2 Kai 1)
According to naval document, they equipped 11th Year Type LMG or Type 96 LMG. They load 1,440 ammunitions for it.
Also, looking at photos, crews often equipped SIG M1930 SMGs.
Type 93 motorcycle with sidecar (九三式側車附自動二輪車) / Machine gun vehicle model 1 (機銃車1型)
This is just a copy of Harley-Davidson.
Japanese army called it “Type 93 motorcycle with sidecar”, and Japanese navy called it “Machine gun vehicle model 1”.
Please note that Naval MG vehicle Mod.1 contains both Type 93 and imported Harley.
Overview of Type 93 sidecar written for adoption of this vehicle says it is almost the same as the Harley-Davidson motorcycle that we already use, but the minimum ground clearance has been changed to be higher for riding on rough terrain.
Shanghai SNLF during Shanghai incident with MG vehicle Mod.1
Image source (wikipedia)
Type 95 motorcycle with sidecar (九五式側車附自動二輪車) / Machine gun vehicle model 2 (機銃車2型)
This is just a copy of Harley-Davidson.
Japanese army called it “Type 95 motorcycle with sidecar”, and Japanese navy called it “Machine gun vehicle model 2”.
It was manufactured by Japan Internal Combustion Engine K.K. (日本内燃機株式会社)
This company was known for their bland of “Kurogane” three wheeler trucks, so it was often called “Kurogane sidecar”.
In Japanese navy, there were two version: MG vehicle Model 2 and MV vehicle Model 2 Kai 1.
Difference of them is equipment of MG mount: Kai 1 installed it. Therefore, for game, Kai 1 is suitable.
Machine gun vehicle Model 2 Kai 1, used by Kure 5th SNLF
Image source (twitter)
Type 97 motorcycle with sidecar (九七式側車附自動二輪車)
This is improved variant of Harley-Davidson. It is military version of Rikuo (licensed Harley) with some improvement.
It was manufactured by Sankyo Internal Combustion Engine K.K. (三共内燃機).
Different to others, it did not had Naval name.

Image source (wikipedia)