Lets Finish The Factions

…yes. That’s exactly how the F-82 functions. It’s one of its main draws besides the raw horsepower of 2 Mustangs getting welded together
Don’t worry, the tail still comes apart with a single Kraut cannon ripping through it like paper

You forgot most important step: Make all carrier planes start from air to buff Japan.

No the carrier starts from the carrier that’s why I added no carrier and carrier planes cuz carrier planes can be repaired if you wanna start in the air you cant land on the carrier so you have to pick. I really love playing carrier planes sadly there is very few of them I love this mechanic…

One time I forgot that Ki-61-II Otsu Kai is not carrier and landed on the carrier it given me a bonus points but i was stuck there forever xD

I never tried it in warthunder this type of planes always looked so strange to me but that’s interesting mechanic I would love to try it :smiley:

Yeah it’s an oddball, but it’s a TWIN. MUSTANG. You take the sexiest fighter plane to ever exist and you multiply it by 2

It’s great that you found my material useful!

But I would like to point out that the USSR now has the worst automatic rifle at 5 BR. I’ve already posted a thread about the extended capacity magazines for AVT, the thread is in the same post where it talks about five-round SVT. Here are some illustrations:

25 rounds.

20 rounds.

20 rounds.

I would consider moving the first Thompson to 2 BR.

Do I understand correctly that we don’t know the exact capacity of the magazine, but can only assume it is 20-25 rounds?

Other than that, great topic as always!


my beloved Emperor, we have LOT of material for add to Japan, I could work for make italian (german) stuff, because I have some knowledge but, for americans or soviets not a lot, here my big list of stuff who I think could be possible for us:
Flamethrower tanks: Japan Flamethrower Tanks
Rocket Tanks: Truck or Tank Rocket Event
Bikers:Once Again Japan Motorbikes for Pacific
Jeeps: New Rider class : Jeep - #5 by Naohmcete
Tanks: Japan Tank Concepts
Bombers:Japan Bombers - #5 by Naohmcete
Shotguns: Change/limit artillery strike like engineer buildings


I wouldn’t want to overuse Chinese weapons. I think the place of the 4 BR machine gun could be taken by the domestic Te 4:


BAR 1918 to Level 2. I like…I like a lot. :blush:


no, unless you eliminate random shrapnel kills at extreme distance
what is that i got 5 of 7 soldiers killed by a 500kg bomb at 150 units whatever that is in game


Yes this one is also good option.

Yeah i check your posts i simply try to be minimalistic just add the more needed stuff

prone, someone shouldn’t be able to miss me by 150 units and kill me, also that means i am 1/4 the distance from the spawn point and 3/4 of the distance from the objective

Yes but you have the best SMGs and LMGs in the game compared to US or Japan. Only GE have good BR V LMG

I assume this is troll post.


Well nope we are adding more stuff to the other 3 factions they need to have at least close to GE equipment numbers

Shouldnt be hard, few more different model tommy guns & few more grease guns and they are set.

I call it yards just to screw with people. Lol

bombs has quite alot of shrapnells, still got to be quite fking unlucky to get hit beyond ~50m.
Especiatly since they got nerfed years ago with that conical shrapnel blast what ever it is.

Survived more than often in less than 10m from bomb by simply proning.

well i got hit at 140-150 yards and behind a wall, well two of them were

Well, to each their own I guess.