Lets Finish The Factions

I assume this is troll post.


Well nope we are adding more stuff to the other 3 factions they need to have at least close to GE equipment numbers

Shouldnt be hard, few more different model tommy guns & few more grease guns and they are set.

I call it yards just to screw with people. Lol

bombs has quite alot of shrapnells, still got to be quite fking unlucky to get hit beyond ~50m.
Especiatly since they got nerfed years ago with that conical shrapnel blast what ever it is.

Survived more than often in less than 10m from bomb by simply proning.

well i got hit at 140-150 yards and behind a wall, well two of them were

Well, to each their own I guess.

Well i know its strange but I love carrier planes and after BR II all the Japanese fighters start in the air and you cant repair them on the carrier so I really wish there is Reppu in game and British carrier fighter like Seafire F Mk XVII

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Measurement is in metres.

Because it’s superior to the Imperial system…

… Waits for TheUnclaimedOne’s disgust… :smiley:


did someone say Finnish?



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Nice way of presentation! Loved it. But I will like to get two ARs for the US and Japan in the TT. For the US we can absolutely go with the M1944 Hyde Carbine. Yeah I know that it doesn’t use an intermediate cartridge. But it has an RoF of 1,200 RPM. Plus it can also have crazy accuracy.
For Japan they should absolutely add the experimental version of the Type 2 SMG chambered in the 6.5×30 mm SR Type 95 cartridge.
This will also make sense since we are slated to get Assault Engineers for these two factions down the line. And also because currently the T20 Rifle and Type Hei Automatic Rifle are the be all and end all weapon for these factions at BR V. This makes using any other weapon feel redundant.
Also they definitely need better AT weapons. The US should definitely get the Super Bazooka. Japan has limited options but they can go with the Type 4 Rocket Launcher with the 90 mm rocket (120 mm of penetration) or Type 97 AT Rifle with the Ji Te Dan (250 mm of penetration!).
Lastly, I am not a vehicle main in this game but I want the USSR to get the T-44-100 and the Germans to get the Panther F at some point as well. The later was in the closed beta I believe.

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Well I thin devs gonna keep this weapons for premium squads I’m 99% sure cuz there is demand for them and they wont miss opportunity to make cash.

Well I don’t know about this one the IS 3 was ready at the end of the war so it makes sense T 44 with 85mm gun also there was a lot but I don’t think soviets had t 44 with 100 mm gun even the IS 100 was after the war:


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I see. Thanks for the heads up. Appreciate it. Well, if they want to have money they can go with the Thompson M1923 Automatic Rifle as well. It can fire the experimental .45 Remington cartridge which I can think lies somewhere in between the .45 ACP and the .30 cal. It can have a 30 or even a 50 round mag! Plus a bipod and a bayonet. I smell a $79.99 premium squad right there. Lol.

I also love to see M1944 Hyde Carbine but for sure they gonna go with premium just like the Scotti Naval rifle

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Yeah. I just hope we get to see some AR for the US. They are rumoured to be getting one in the future. So fingers crossed. :crossed_fingers:

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there is no premium assaulter squad or combat engineers so we looking for event for me
Im also looking for paratrooper squad with
and the Japanese paratrooper with type 99

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Imo I feel US and Japan aren’t even getting an AR, they never had a proper gun for that role, especially Japan, But I can be wrong and Japan get Fedorov because why not and Us some m2 carabine Variant

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Lovely! We should get this second squad for Japan as an event unlock. It is high time.

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I really really hope :smiley:

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