Lets Finish The Factions

4 factions

Will be nice if we finally finish the 4 faction completely before we add more stuff to factions that have almost everything so I make this suggestion as a concept not how the weapons gonna operate in game only as a concept how finished tech trees will look like. So lets begin:

Step 1: We threw out Kraus

Why do we do that very simple Kraus will start with his wehraboo BS putting some chart and numbers that we don’t care about or talk about balance in a beta state game … and then starts with his Germany suffers rhetoric we add something to other factions Germany suffers…we talk about balance Germany suffers … we start any topic that doesn’t include adding more stuff to GE well you know what happens Germany suffers … The Panther brakes after 150 km drive well Germany suffers since we don’t care about that we really don’t need Kraus his faction is almost complete anyway …

Step 2: Germany


Well Germany needs only BR V rifle we can give them Breda PG or Terni Model 1921 or something German there is options and some 100 round LMG that’s all they need. And 1 assaulter and 1 radio operator squad to Italy.

Step 3 USSR:
Pistol USSR

So USSR is also almost good what they need is BR 2 semi auto and one BR 2 LMG

Best LMG in my opinion will be for BR 2 Ручной пулемет DP 1938 with 25 rounds:
1938 Model DP Light Machinegun

BR 2 semi auto can be SVT 40 with an irreplaceable five-charge magazine :

Or you can give them some US Winchester Model 1910

Also will be nice to have some early BR 2 tank hunter something like SU-76i:

And finally IS - 3 can be given to them since GE can win battle of Berlin so USSR can have IS - 3 since they wont be having big rocket planes they will be the most invested in tanks:

And USSR is done!

Step 4 US:
Sleepy Joe

M18 GMC is moved to BR III :

US have problem with LMGs so we move the first BAR rifle to BR 2:

This will be the only BR 2 BAR rifle the rest stay in BR III+. Its very annoying not to have early BR 2 US LMG.

BR 3 we give them the Lewis:
Lewis_menu_icon_WWII 47 round

BR 4: Vickers K with 60 round mag:
Vickers K

BR 4 SMG: Sterling submachine gun:

BR 5 Model 45A automatic rifle for recons:

And one Sniper British Squad will be nice !

And then we go to planes:

BR 5 new plane F6F-5N equipped with 2 x Tiny Tim rockets:

BR 5 new plane Seafire F Mk XVII equipped with 1 x 500 lb G.P. Mk.IV bomb + 2 x 250 lb G.P. Mk.IV bombs :

And US is ready!

Step 5 Japan:
Japan Murata


  1. Experimental Machine Pistol Model 3 Ko (Type 100 SMG with bipod) to BR III:

    2.Tokyo arsenal model 1927 stick mag BR III:

    3.Mengjiang SIG Model 1930 BR V:
    1930 Model 2

Type 96 lmg with Scope BR IV:

Type 99 Scope BR IV:

SIG KE7 50 rounds mag to BR IV:

Te 4 BR IV:


  1. Full length Type Kō Rifle BR III:
    2.Full length Type Kō Rifle with scope BR IV:
    Sniper Rifle Kokura arsenal
    3.Automatic Rifle SIG KE - 7 BR V (20 rounds Chinese variant ):
    SIG KE rifle automatic

1.Type 99 81 mm mortar BR IV:
Type 99 81 mm mortar

1.Chi-Ri II BR IV:
2.Ka-To BR IV:

1.B5N2 is moved to BR II:
2.Ki-44-II otsu equipped with 2 x 100 kg Army Type 94 GPHE bombs BR II:

3.D4Y1 Moved to BR III:

every faction has one of those useless planes at this BR.

4.Ki-102 otsu equiped with 2 × 250 kg (551 lb) bombs BR III :

  1. Ki-43-III equipped with 2 x 100 kg Army Type 94 GPHE bombs BR III:

  2. P1Y1 mod. 11 BR IV:
    P1Y1 mod. 11

7.B7A2 equipped with 1 x 800 kg Number 80 Mod. 1 bomb BR IV:

  1. J5N1 equipped with1 × 250 kg (551 lb) bomb BR V:

9.A7M2 equipped with Type 5 No.6 Mod.9s x 2 BR V:

10.N1K2-Ja equipped with equipped with Type 5 No.6 Mod.9s x 2 BR V:

And the factions are complete Japan is more plane oriented where rocket planes there is 1 carrier and 1 not carrier version to deal with tanks but you have less tanks at BR V and USSR is more tank oriented faction while US and GE are more balanced in the middle.


Or, or, crazy thought, we give the US a bunch of Winchester’s. You know, the country that invented and exclusively built them and commercially sold them

I’ve been wanting some Tiny Tim’s for a minute now. Lol


Well yes but at the moment they are not that needed but yes it can be in the future for now US needs BR V planes cuz there is only 1 :frowning:


F-82 with center mounted dual 2000lb bombs

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ahahah thats premium for sure :smiley:

I don’t see why. Ho Ri ain’t preemie. Lol


Well cuz there is better planes this one is just strange will the two pilots be able to operate it if the other one gets shot ?

…yes. That’s exactly how the F-82 functions. It’s one of its main draws besides the raw horsepower of 2 Mustangs getting welded together
Don’t worry, the tail still comes apart with a single Kraut cannon ripping through it like paper

You forgot most important step: Make all carrier planes start from air to buff Japan.

No the carrier starts from the carrier that’s why I added no carrier and carrier planes cuz carrier planes can be repaired if you wanna start in the air you cant land on the carrier so you have to pick. I really love playing carrier planes sadly there is very few of them I love this mechanic…

One time I forgot that Ki-61-II Otsu Kai is not carrier and landed on the carrier it given me a bonus points but i was stuck there forever xD

I never tried it in warthunder this type of planes always looked so strange to me but that’s interesting mechanic I would love to try it :smiley:

Yeah it’s an oddball, but it’s a TWIN. MUSTANG. You take the sexiest fighter plane to ever exist and you multiply it by 2

It’s great that you found my material useful!

But I would like to point out that the USSR now has the worst automatic rifle at 5 BR. I’ve already posted a thread about the extended capacity magazines for AVT, the thread is in the same post where it talks about five-round SVT. Here are some illustrations:

25 rounds.

20 rounds.

20 rounds.

I would consider moving the first Thompson to 2 BR.

Do I understand correctly that we don’t know the exact capacity of the magazine, but can only assume it is 20-25 rounds?

Other than that, great topic as always!


my beloved Emperor, we have LOT of material for add to Japan, I could work for make italian (german) stuff, because I have some knowledge but, for americans or soviets not a lot, here my big list of stuff who I think could be possible for us:
Flamethrower tanks: Japan Flamethrower Tanks
Rocket Tanks: Truck or Tank Rocket Event
Bikers:Once Again Japan Motorbikes for Pacific
Jeeps: New Rider class : Jeep - #5 by Naohmcete
Tanks: Japan Tank Concepts
Bombers:Japan Bombers - #5 by Naohmcete
Shotguns: Change/limit artillery strike like engineer buildings


I wouldn’t want to overuse Chinese weapons. I think the place of the 4 BR machine gun could be taken by the domestic Te 4:


BAR 1918 to Level 2. I like…I like a lot. :blush:


no, unless you eliminate random shrapnel kills at extreme distance
what is that i got 5 of 7 soldiers killed by a 500kg bomb at 150 units whatever that is in game


Yes this one is also good option.

Yeah i check your posts i simply try to be minimalistic just add the more needed stuff

prone, someone shouldn’t be able to miss me by 150 units and kill me, also that means i am 1/4 the distance from the spawn point and 3/4 of the distance from the objective

Yes but you have the best SMGs and LMGs in the game compared to US or Japan. Only GE have good BR V LMG