Change/limit artillery strike like engineer buildings

So basicly just copy engineer hammer function to radio. Add different kind of barrages(smoke etc.) like suggested many times.

Also give radioman same kind resource limit that engineers have so artillery isnt just spam as often as possible but ‘when its best moment to use’ thing
edit: after that its also possible to add faction specific barrages like katyusha for soviets with different resource cost


It’s not due to you can carry multiple squads that has radio man.
It’s because the insane perk in blue tech-tree for radio squads:
The 1/8 cool down time
Which allows you just sit in the spawn points and watch at the mini map and call artillery.
This perk is extreme unbalanced and actually let you not do your job for team due to you literally AFK.
Also, for me, using high graphics settings, the non-stop artillery just make me unable to play!!!
Due to great FPS drops.
Even using R5 5600X/GTX1080, everytime I’m in a multiple artillery hit place, my FPS drops to 20~30. Though I’m inside a tank, but still very lag.

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Holy crap man that freaking perfect like a AP shell barrage

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I agree the artillery strike as its now is very annoying to play against. Adding different kind of barrages would give more depth to the radioman class, not just spamming the artillery barrage to kill enemies but to make cover smoke for your team. I would also prefer more the resource limit over the cooldown, so atleast people would be more active with the objective and not just wait in the corner to cooldown to be over.