Lets Finish The Factions

Found this from the WT Wiki about the T-44-100. Don’t know how reliable it is though.

Just give them the M3 carbine with the night vision and call it a day. Lol. :joy:

Nah m3 carabine with grenade launcher and bayonet


What is this first gun though? A Johnson LMG with a foldable stock?

the T44-100 was ready for Berlin but was never deployed

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I have an even better idea. T20E2. The variant which had a grenade launcher. Just make a premium 9-man rifleman squad out of it. $79.99 premium. Easy money.

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Smell like next premium paratrooper squad


SIG KE rifle automatic
This is the only Automatic Rifle that can be added to Japan the Chinese used it with 20 round mag and without the bipod and Japan captured some of them and used them against China

''General Li Tianhuan mentioned that in the battle of the mouth of the Huang’an River, the enemy’s 1st, 88th, and 13th divisions were defeated and more than 30 automatic rifles, machine guns, and 2,000 rifles were captured."

Battle of Taierzhuang the Japanese used the machine guns version and the automatic rifle version against the Chinese

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Ohhh boy <3

I see. Like much of the other Soviet unlocks already in-game like the AS-44 and RD-44. But they were field tested I suppose.

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Well technically this still can’t be used as assault rifle because the Bar who is the same and even the ke7 are used as machinegun in the game


Rd44 was tested near Berlin, I don’t know the As but i think as the t44 never reached the frontline

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its automatic rifle not an assault rifle Japan didn’t have assault rifles


I even found an artist’s impression of the experimental AR version of the Type 2 SMG. It was posted by @Killerwolf1024 a while ago.

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its Johnson LMG

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That’s the point brotha, what the teased assault enginer squad is gonna field? The millionaire question

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I see. I don’t actually like the Johnson LMG that much. The BAR A2 is leagues better in my honest opinion.

What about the T-34-100? I was hearing some controversial opinions surrounding its addition as well.

well T20E2 Garand Prototype Rifle is also not assault rifle so SIG KE 7 the Chinese modification can be added in the Japanese tech tree on the same spot but for assault engineers :

combat engineer event

Or 20 round
Combat Engineers

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Ohh I love the Johnson specially on paratrooper devils brigade vibes :smiley:

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