Lets Finish The Factions

There are two versions of it the first one using the 100mm zis cannon who was unstable, the tank broke after firing, the second version using the same cannon as the t44 and is the one currently in game

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Yeah. Can’t deny that. But the sights are a bit off I suppose. Especially when compared to the clean sights on the A2.

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Well I play as UK the Bren sights are not the best you know :smiley:

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I see. Thanks for the information.

Then you will absolutely adore the Bren 100 GO weapon I suppose. I just wish it has a bit more RoF.

Yeah i found one gold order for it and one more I need to replace the stinger with it and i will wait for some UK plane cuz sadly i missed the event for the UK plane and T34-100 :frowning:

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Yeah. I am sure you will able to get those in the so-called ‘veteran’s box’.

maybe and a recon UK squad cuz now I have only radio operators and i would prefer to have recon squad and I have my dream team UK faction :smiley:

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Nice to see a fellow UK enjoyer over here.

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Well many games don’t have Japan and uk I’m so tired of playing Germany,US or USSR

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I am a bit sad that I didn’t grind the Axis in Tunisia pre-merge. Thus, I don’t have a lot of Italian units in-game. Even if I had I probably wouldn’t have used them since they don’t even get their proper customization outside Tunisia.

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Yeah i missed majority of Italian stuff but mange to collect a good UK collection I only need BR V plane Recon Squad and the New Gold Order LMG :

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Nice! I just use the ‘Rifleman of Doom’ setup for my British lads.

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Nice there was one Flamethrower squad and another paratrooper squad I missed those also so if people collected all of them they have full UK faction by now :smiley:

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Yeah. Actually there are a lot of event squads for the British/Commonwealth. Quite a lot if you think about it.

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Yeah thank god and with the gold orders is nice hope they add SLEM -1 squad at some point maybe rocket radio operators or they add it to the tech tree :smiley:

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Hopefully, they will get added to the game.

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This would be a nice rifle to have, maybe It could get a higher rate of fire that some sources list for the AVT which is around 750 RPM to make it more different from the 15 round one, or maybe that rate of fire is only for the 10 round mag? Now that I think about it, the higher RPM would make the AVT worse but I guess that would be the tradeoff for getting 10 extra rounds in a mag.

At the same time I would make FG-42s start in full auto and give them bayonets so all nations have comparable top tier SF rifles.

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I think it’s worth reconsidering all available automatic rifles, right now they are too strong at 5 BR, especially when you can take a squad of nine fighters where all will be armed with automatic rifles. I think they should have more recoil, except for the AVT (it already has a nasty recoil, in addition to low rate of fire and magazine capacity) and less recoil for the Type Hei automatic rifle (the rifle has the lowest damage due to the weakened ammo, and other than this rifle Japan really has few good weapons at 5 BR).


By the way, there was another magazine for 25 rounds for the AVT:


Don’t forget czech, and romania that is also in the German/Italy/Romania/Czech faction

Barely heard anything from him, mostly the crying wehraboos are just some random german mains now.

Kongistiger will cry if they see IS-3 = more wehraboo crying

Russian version of Japanese type 11 mg :joy:

Lets add experimental weapons for Germans:

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