Lets Finish The Factions

Yeah more doom turtles … how I hate this useless tanks :rofl:

I hope they don’t add nothing heavier then Ferdinand …

Yeah the small faction within the axis can use some love and squads in the future but hope they make the faction equipment even first.

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:joy: very relatable ngl. Back in war thunder, I love how these German guys in chat screamed “insert nation” bias all the time because they die from blindness.

Most likely going to add planes just to beat the best airforce nation aka Allies. Soviets good too but at the time its meh because it lacks nuke missile like HVAR and good bomb loadouts.

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Yes that’s why soviets deserve to have the best tank cuz here you cant have more T 34-85 then Tigers…

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This is a list of all the amazing tanks they can get instead of going for more and more doom turtles cuz the GE faction has the most potential equal to US and UK faction there you can add Canada the Australia even the French …this two faction has the most potential to expand


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Toldi IIA

Here’s is how to make happy all the nations :moyai::crown:

This just wanna make me cry at this abomination of KV-1 and BT-7 by German and Finnish :sob:

I love them what they did to this fine soviet technology :rofl:

Mm iw enough for me :slight_smile:

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Well this way they look almost equal Japan and US will need BR V LMG maybe but its not super needed and maybe some more planes but they are not super needed and after this you can add variety but first there must be 4 complete factions that have enough weapons for every BR and then you can add whatever you like within the limits when you know what each faction strengths are for an instance if USSR have the strongest tank you wont be adding nothing stronger then that to other nations same is for the planes if you don’t set limits all people will play one faction.

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I’m fine with those as long as they were produced and deployed enough to be worth adding to the tech tree.

well many can be premium simply I’m saying that going for heavier and heavier tanks and bigger and bigger doom turtles is definitely not interesting gameplay

In that case panzer faust 150 should be an option
(Aviable only for Ge cuz the 100 is enough for making German tanks blow)


Decent Machine and sub Machine guns finally!

More planes??? Mmm fine at least if someone can control Fw D-8 makes them blow in the air

I don’t need to quote this Japan ABSULUTLY NEEDS THESE THINGS and some love too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Well in the game we have interesting carrier mechanic more naval planes will be nice addition and UK have 0 at the moment

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Ye i forgot that uk don’t have any carrier plane so it’s fine

Well as much I’m Japanese main i play UK next the most so they where a naval power its good to see this in game

FG42: Am I a joke to you?

well they have only 1 us have 2 USSR have 2 Germany can have another one

FG42 and FG42II. Thats two my guy

that’s the same gun two different versions :smiley: same like the Thompsons … xD

Is a joke everyone outside Germany has a full auto SF who starts in auto, yes Germany don’t need another SF, it need FG2 start in full auto

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