Aesthetic improvements for the Pacific

  1. Add some map(s) which are not just “jungle” – currently I don’t even know which maps are which, they all feel like “jungle map” (ok there is one "jungle map with the wrecked ship and bamboo forest that drops FPS by 50%)

E.g. Iwo Jima

  1. Add rain/storm/weather conditions other than “sunny”

E.g. tropical storm:

  1. Add the Japanese Kurogane car alongside the Jeep


  1. Add a motorcycle for Japan (and USSR)

  2. Make the Americans start from ships/landing craft (also for Normandy, seriously)

  1. “The most constructive suggestion” – make the Pacific prettier:


To be fair 99% of all Pacific maps are going to be jungle.

Well, yes.

However, even though I’m not too much of an expert in the Pacific, something like Hong Kong or Singapore or just “Asian town” would be cool for urban/cqb gameplay.

Here’s Manila for example:

Or idk some kind of “after heavy bombing jungle”

Or Iwo Jima with “black sand” as shown above.


Great idea! I feel like there’s not enough full-blown jungle warfare in the Pacific right now.

Before a motorcycle gets added for ussr and japan, riders need a buff. I think giving them the drivable cars found around the map would be good. Willys jeep, kubelwagon etc. And of course decreasing the xp required to lvl up

BF V nailed the maps IMO.

Graphicly, BF V and BF 1 were just top knotch

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There are no jungle maps in Enlisted. I dare you to screenshot areas of the jungle maps from Enlisted and compare them to actual Jungles that the US and the Japanese fought in.

Yes, Monsoon rains needed.

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Super agreed.

I believe riders must get jeeps with mounted MG as a next unlock and then armored cars like SdKfz 222 and BA-64.