Preparation For Manchuria Japan FULL BR MEGA TOPIC (''Not Biased'' Japanese Tech Tree :3 )


(Well this is just combination of all my Japanese topics in to one trying to make Japan competitive faction so hope you enjoy it. )

This propaganda Image has been found by the kempeitai the USSR will backstab us in Manchuria so we must prepare for this soviet attack. Our weak ally’s Italy and Germany has surrendered Berlin has fallen but Mutanchiang will not fall. While we keep US and UK at New Georgia the Soviets are attacking Berlin we must prepare a heavy blow against USSR or we will share the same fate!

How we gonna stop USSR well we gonna take everything China has to offer and use it against USSR:

Emperor Yoshiro Shōwa Era Reforms (new weapons and equipment):


BR I :


I-Go Ko

Its very iconic and will give you more powerful gun then Ha Go and also is good for infantry cover. And will give you access to 57 mm gun

Type 4 Ke-Nu:
Type 4 Ke-Nu

Much better option from gameplay perspective you will love it its Ha - Go with more ammo types and better gun 57 mm in a tank that is same small size. Perfect for Jungle maps.


On this BR Japan will need one more tank option and more planes

  1. Tanks :

Well since the most interesting tanks for Japan on BR II is behind Pay wall ( Chi-Ha,Chi-He and Ka-Chi) there is only one option for the 47 mm long gun :

Type-95 Ke-Ho :

Small ,fast and deadly it will be the best tank hunter on BR II for Japan. As you can see my focus is on small tanks that carry better guns the jungle maps will benefit this type of tanks in my personal experience. Type 95 Ke-Ho will be good counter for the Crusader.

  1. Planes:

B5N2 is moved to BR II:

This vehicle is not for BR III …

KI-45-Tei Toryu:
KI-45-Tei Toryu

It can carry 2x 250 kg bombs and its very iconic it starts in the Air not on carrier it will be amazing for ground support.

Ki-44-II Hei:
Ki-44-II hei

Well Army option for the Zero its faster but with less fire power and Better Bombs 2x100kg Bombs its starts in the Air so Zero will not be your only option.

  1. Infantry:

Here there is not much to be added :

Rikuo Type 97:
Rikuo Type 97

Type 22 Murata Repeating Rifle:

Hino Komuro Pistol:


The lack of planes on this BR is bad for Japan at the moment there is nothing on BR III planes at the moment so lets fix that also few more weapons will be nice like semi - auto recon squad:

  1. Planes:

We move D4Y1 to BR III:



Ki-43-III Otsu:

One army and one carrier fighter.

Ki-102 Otsu :


Well a counter to the P-38G better armored with better fire power very good interceptor for its BR.

P1Y1 mod. 11 BR III:
P1Y1 mod. 11

  1. Infantry:

Well from infantry equipment on this BR semi-autos are the only big issue :

Type - Otsu Rifle will be moved to BR III:
Enlisted Screenshot 2023.12.06 -

New Full length Type Kō Rifle will be added to BR III:

In game the premium squad uses the short version of Ko Rifle so here we will have the long version.

New Sniper Squad for BR III with Prototype Sniper Rifle Kokura arsenal (Full length Type Kō Rifle with scope) BR III:
Sniper Rifle Kokura arsenal
Scope 2
Scope 3

This is the most needed equipment for BR III planes and Semi-Auto but one more SMG for progression just like there is different Thompsons will be also nice :

New SMG Experimental Machine Pistol Model 3 Ko (Type 100 SMG with bipod) to BR III:

Tokyo arsenal model 1927 stick mag BR III:


Here we can expand on everything so lets start with Tanks:

  1. Tanks:

Chi-Ri II BR IV:

Ka-To BR IV:

  1. Planes:

Well here is the fun stuff here you will get much more then the tanks:

Ki-100 new BR IV fighter a good Japanese army fighter for the people that don’t like carriers :

B7A2 Ryusei BR IV:

J5N1 BR IV (Bombs:*1 × 250 kg):


  1. Infantry:

Hino Komuro Rifle 15 rounds BR IV:
Hino Komuro Rifle

Type 99 81 mm mortar BR IV :
Type 99 81 mm mortar

SIG KE7 50 rounds mag to BR IV:

Type 96 lmg with Scope that can be also equipped to Recons not only to LMG squads:

This will give Japan more automatic scoped capabilities you will have more flexibility to use recons and lmg squads on higher BRs. It will be something unique to Japan.


  1. Tanks:

  2. Planes :

N1K2-Ja to BR V (its navy plane but its land based so it doesn’t start on carrier excellent for dog fights and have rockets):

  1. Infantry:

Scoped Type 99 BR V:

Automatic Rifle SIG KE - 7 BR V (20 rounds Chinese variant it will be unlocked before Type Hei rifle ):
SIG KE rifle automatic

Mengjiang SIG Model 1930 :
Model 1930
1930 Model 2

Well that’s the best BR V SMG for Japan

Premium Squads:

1. BR I Paratrooper:

2. BR II LMG Squad:

Artilery Squad
Type 91 tank machine gun

The Type 90 tear gas grenade launcher was developed to be fired with the Type 26 revolver

Yes they have tear gas grenade launcher on that pistol :smiley:

3. LMG Squad BR III:
Japan Special Squad

Sugiura pistol

We can just replace the helmet with this one

4.Combat Engineer BR III/IV:
Combat Engineers

and here you can go with BR III version:
combat engineer event

Or BR IV version with 20 rounds Type hei automatic rifle:

5.Japan Rocket Artillery Squad BR IV:

ZH 32-20 rounds and automatic Mauser c 96 will be perfect combination

Assaulter BR V:

Type 2 SMG chambered in 6.5 mm Arisaka

Type 2 SMG chambered in 6.5mm Arisaka and Granade-Launcer what more to ask for BR V squad…

Premium Planes:

3.N1K1 good BR II premium plane:

Ki-48-II otsu (if you don’t wanna farm for that rocket) BR III :

A6M5 Hei BR IV:

J6K1 BR V :

Ki-83 BR V:

Premium Tanks:


Chi-To Late BR IV:
Chi-To Late

Gold Weapons:

1.ZB -26 modified to shoot 6.5x50 mm Arisaka with 30 rounds curved mag :
ZB -26 30 round mag

2.General Liu Rifle :

3.Sichuan Submachine Gun:

4.SIG Bergmanns 50 rounds:
SIG Bergmanns 50 rounds

5.Set of Silencer weapons Type 99 and Nambu :
Suppressed Nambu 1935 1

  1. The Jinci District Arsenal M1934 Semi-Automatic Rifle:


I have made some changes to and put few things in lower BR’s and this is just my vision for the best chance Japan has if we gonna go against USSR.

This reforms will deal a heavy blow to the red army after we defeated the Western Imperialism of US and UK now we gonna stop the workers revolution in China and free all Asia from the evil imperialists so they can be ruled by obviously our not so imperialistic empire …


Dont forget the seppuku knife to comit suicide
Well just kidding, sound fun, but i think japan needs something special russai got KV2 america/germany rocket tanks, so something neww is required maybe Poisongas!?!?!?


Seems like its existence is dubious at best

Are…are you trying to say Snipers get an LMG? The StG is already stupid, but a full blown SMG? Nah


Yes, Japan is in need a semi-auto sniper rifle.


as usual making crazy good tier posts


so good news


I did not even notice :smiley:

Well it can be only for LMG squad its not a problem

with your posts and my mad posts we can bring glory to our nation:
Flamethrower tanks: Japan Flamethrower Tanks
Rocket Tanks: Truck or Tank Rocket Event
Bikers: Escuadron Motociclista:Once Again Japan Motorbikes for Pacific , Jeeps: New Rider class : Jeep - #5 by Naohmcete
Tanks: Japan Tank Concepts


Yes you are a man of culture not like the western imperialists or the soviet imperialists our empire will be the only true empire ! Tennō Heika banzai !

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No need. It’s already in the game As a premium squad, It’s categorized under Tier IV but it’s a BR III plane.


We’re also lacking good anti-tank for BR IV.

As well as the type 92 LMG. It came in 47 and 97 round pans. The Japanese Lewis gun. 47 round would be good at BR III and 97 round at BR V. Only reason I’d place the 97 at BR V is because all the other high capacity magazines above 75 rounds are at BR V. The Japanese also bought a fair amount of Vz. 24s and Kar 98s before the war because the type 38 was aging and ineffective. I would place both of those rifles at BR I.


Well I put it if they need BR III Carrier fighter but now the demand is for non carrier fighters :smiley:

For bolt action I would prefer Liao Type 13 and Hanyang 88 will be nice additions and Chiang Kai-shek rifle more Chinese stuff in the tech tree will be nice… after all we didn’t conquer all this territory for nothing

The reason why I mentioned the Vz. 24 and Kar 98 is because the developers tend to lean away from adding Chinese equipment and chinese-themed content. The only real exception to that would be the SIG KE7, which Japan acquired through stealing it from China from previous conflicts.

Many people claim it’s because of the repercussions if they did add more Chinese influence to the game from the Chinese government such as banning the game in that country.

They did use the equipment yes and while I would prefer that they encompass every single item that every faction used during the war I feel like a fair amount of it will be left out. The Huang 88 is basically the Kar 98 But Chinese so that would be a great alternative. As for the Type 13, if memory serves correctly that would be a good replacement for the Vz. 24.

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If Manchuria comes out the more Chinese influence the better and hope they add Battle of Manila also so we have nice diversity of maps and then go for Iwo Jima or Okinawa.

Good choices in battle areas, battle of Manila would also be a perfect urban setting. This way it’s not all the same feeling with the Japanese maps. I often forget if I’m playing on the new map or the old one because they look almost identical aside from the caves.

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Yes that’s why we need Manila and Manchuria and one of the iconic battles like Iwo Jima and then they can focus their attention to another faction we will have a very good and diverse setup of maps

That’s why I’m all for Soviet versus Japan, new map first off.

On top of that you also have the added benefit of new equipment added to the tree for both sides, You’re fighting a second faction so both factions aren’t stuck fighting either German or American.

As for equipment when the Japanese fight the Soviets it’s going to be a hard battle check, what that means is you’re going to see if the Japanese really can stack up to the Soviets and other factions properly with their current equipment if they fail this check that means new equipment to balance them and make them capable of combating the other factions are going to be discovered and added. Even though we know one obvious area would be their anti-tank capabilities. And if another faction was lacking in another area that can help bring them up so this will eventually go full circle throughout the entire game.

In the end it’s nothing but a benefit while keeping each faction unique but on even ground with everyone else in terms of playability and balance.

Well I think I can add to the tech tree :

Type 92 105 mm cannon For BR III ,IV and V engineers:

And BR IV Ka-To:

And maybe something special for BR II because Japan BR II anti tank gun is bad maybe we can capitalize on that and add premium anti tank squad equipped with :

Hino Komuro model 1897:
Hino Komuro model 1897

80-mm Navy AT rocket launcher:

And the engineer will be able to build Shisei Tense Compatriot Type 3 105mm:

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Yes Should be BR IV and on per with Johnson rifle

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