well A6M5 is a bit faster and have a bit less turn time you will have a big bomb to kill Shermans and 200 rounds in the auto-canons better then 120 on the A6M2
thank you my friend
I see you are doing important things, and on our Russian forum we are just having fun, putting Squidwards as avatars and worshiping dates, fighting fascists and writing poems about the Division of Germany and Italy
None of this makes sense because of the aircraft carrier takeoff.
Japan also needs more end game content…
I would like the a6m5 hei with rockets
add 800kg bomb x1 for it plz
what are you talking about you already have 3 planes that don’t start on carriers all end game planes are not carrier based
Well better A6M6c that have 10 x Type 3 No.1 Mod.28 Mk.1 rockets and 1 x 250 kg Navy Type Number 25 Model 2 bomb but that’s not BR III plane
The carrier based planes make me not want to play as a pilot as Japan. I know the last plane in the Japanese tech tree starts in the air so that’s a default choice for BR V, and I know Japan has the float plane as well, but I am unsure which the third good plane for Japan is.
The best thing for Japan and also Allies in the Pacific theater would be to allow a toggle to allow players to either spawn in the air or on the carrier for the carrier based planes. Similar to how they implemented the ability to spawn an APC squad without the vehicle by checking the box.
This would allow people who want to fly in the Pacific to be able to just jump in any plane and go by starting in the air, while also allowing the people who want to take off from the carrier for “immersion” or whatever, to still take off from the carrier if they check the box.
There’s also plenty of planes and variants to add that were army planes or coastal navy ones. We already have two Ki-61 variants at BR IV, for example.
Add Ki-43-II to BR 1-2, it’s light on guns but it’s fast and can carry 100kg bombs, decent competition for hurricane with it’s big bombs and pile of .30 cal
Add Ki-61-I Ostu with 2x 250kg bombs to BR3, again, light on guns, but otherwise decent comparison in game to P-51D
There’s plenty of other planes they could add to japan, both carrier and air spawn, to level that playing field
Well carrier planes can be repaired on the carrier the others cant so if you get damaged well that’s it … Ki-61-Otsu starts in the air , J2M3 starts in the air and Ki-84-Ko also there is so many planes that start in the air but none of them can be repaired on the carrier AP-4C for the US also starts on the carrier but its the best US plane for the Pacific
The repairs are a good point, but they’re not the end-all argument here. The time it takes to take off from a carrier in all the BR 1-3 japanese planes significanty impacts Japan’s ability to respond to air-spawn BR 1-3 fighters, like Hurricane, P-38, and P-51. Having those air spawns planes to deal with P-47 and Corsair at BR 4-5 is nice, but american air power at lower tiers can be opressive, and having the option to sacrifice carrier repairs for getting into the fight faster sounds welcome.
Well yes we need more planes but they will take more development time while for those will take them no time at all
I mean, true, but maybe not as much as you think.
The planes I listed (and others) are already in War Thunder, so the models, cockpits and flight models are already there, they just need some work to fit in enlisted. Not necessarily an easy process, sure, but a hell of a lot easier than building new aircraft models in enlisted from the ground up
and while we wait for them they can change this 3 planes cuz they are already in game
That’s fair. wasn’t trying to argue against the original post, just adding to it
well i have made many many topics what can be added:
Few Changes To Be Made For Japan for BR I and II - Suggestions - Enlisted
but simply they don’t have time to do it so I’m going with the most simplistic thing cuz at BR III is empty Zero with 250 kg bomb will do the job while we wait cuz with the 60kg bombs is very hard to kill the Shermans and playing against US planes at the end of the day you can put Type 98 Ta-Se or kill them with Zero but after you kill them will be good to have a good bomb to deal with the enemy tanks
An easy fix and what I would have thought as a go to measure would have been to increase the spawn distance of American planes that spawn in the air. As at the time Japan didn’t have any airspwawned planes. Not the answer is still simple increase the distance from the obj that air spawned planes arrive in the pacific to allow for carrier launched viability and the possibility of counterplay with zeroes for example against rocket spam p-38s and co.
Not only that, the B5N2 squadron currently requires 22,000 research points to upgrade it to LEVEL 2. It’s very frustrating.