Ho-Ri II Premiun

I know what I’m saying is heretical, I know, but I’m willing to sugggest this thing that I know was never made but am willingly give it for be BR V for Japan premiun thing in exchange for more tech tree stuff, events, or more premium stuff for Japan…



Sure, every nation should get a premium heavy tank destroyer, USSR has SU-100, Germany has Jagdpanther which was removed from the store but it was said that it will eventually come back.

US could get 36M Jackson and Japan the Ho-Ri II. Boom everyone has a great premium heavy TD tank.


I also think it wouldn’t be too difficult to put similar stats in terms of armament values ​​and their armor, now add two 20mm Type 2s to the code, they are the same ones that the engineers have and I suspect that the gunners who handle them would be horribly exposed, but taking into account that most of them hide behind the grey zone, that doesn’t seem like it would be so problematic…

Adding Japanese prototype tanks seems bad until you release that the alternatives are German Panzers purchased or captured allied tanks.

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I agree with you, unfortunately the tank never made it to Japan (the one that was bought), but it could appear as an event unit

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Im sure that German tanks will eventually be used in the game. Events, premiums and tech tree additions are always needed.

Nothing wrong with prototypes

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You know what the M36 is, right?

With that 2 AA guns I can shoot any Planes that try to rocketing me lol

Honestly i could see m36 being br 4 tt unlock while m10 would be downtiered. Jackson would have really good cannon while sacrificing armour and mobility


What is that gun caliber in the hull? 37mm? (It definitely don’t look like mg to me)

Yes, 37mm.

It won’t be good in the BRV, this tank is planned to use the Chi-Ri (another prototype tank) chassis, so its hull armor is only 75mm.
But I wouldn’t put it in BRIV either, because I don’t want to see fantasy weapons but not in BRV.

if you mean br 4 ch-ri agree,br 5 is the ho-ri 2

Nice. They can also do the Ho Ri Prototype in-game. It is a slightly worse version of the House Ri Prototype. But in return you get to use two Ho Ris. Plus there is no extra work since they can just port the model from WT.

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that one could be event :smiley:

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you must admit it, it’s a funny design

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Wait, it has rotating commander turret with a stereoscopic/coincidence rangefinder?
Kind of wild as such stuff was typically used on battleships.


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