Major japan suggestion thread 🇯🇵

the emperor is displeased with how the current state of affairs are within his mighty nation’s forces,and this thread aims to appease him via changes and additions to the Japanese to make the proud nation of the rising sun a force to be reckoned with.the post will be split into a few sections for easier reading.



I-Go Ko,BR1 tank
keeps the tradition of paper armour,this tank would have a 57mm cannon that would preform better than the 37mms found in BR1,this tank was built before standard designs were enforced,so hoppers of up to 60 rounds could be used with this.this tank would give a good infantry support tank at BR1 (better then the 37mm tanks at least)

Chi Ha Kai → BR1
the cannon on here is decent (for taking out tanks of similar BR,infantry support isn’t good),but just about everything else isn’t,slow,worse MGs,paper armour.

Ro-go,BR 1
has 2 turrets and 2 cannons (not amazing guns to be expected),but the larger of the 2 has access to a HEAT round,which could make this unique for a BR1 tank.

Ka-Chi gets the ability to choose to use the floats or not
the thing is in a sad spot,it is huge,no armour,meh cannon,no MG,no commander’s hatch,and you can’t see past the floats quite often.removing the floats would allow better viewing of targets and better gun depression,as well as the use of the hull Type 97.

Ke-Nu,BR 1 tank
pretty much just a Ha-Go with a better cannon

Ho-Ni III → BR2
think of it as an enclosed marder but with no MG,and you see why it should be BR2.

Chi-Ri II,BR4 tank
A better version of th Chi-To to better preform at BR4,this tank would have a worse armour profile in comparison to comparable tanks such as the panther of 76 sherman,but makes up for it with it’s unique loading system for it’s main gun,which utilizes a tray loading system to make,essentially,a WW2 also has a 37mm cannon in the hull (which at this point won’t be useful against vehicles),which is quite unique.


B5N2 → BR2
a plane with no guns at BR3 and not that much of an impressive armament to show for it,this belongs at BR2

D4Y1 → BR2
this thing is a dauntless equivalent with with a smaller bombload that fights AP4s and P47s on the average while only having 2 7.7mms compared the dauntless’ multiple 121.7mms.moving this to BR 2 will allow for an equivalent.

D4Y2,BR2 bomber
the same plane as above,but has a 250kg bomb and 4 rockets,would be interesting to see the US get hit by some rockets.

D4Y3 Ko,BR3 bomber
similar to the above 2 planes,this version would differ by having 3x 250kg bombs and a 13mm rear gunner (with more limited ammo)

Ki-43-III otsu,BR3 fighter
essentially an army Zero (yay air spawn) that trades the 7.7mms for more 20mms and has better bombs,100kgs instead of 60s.

A6M5,BR3 fighter
a Zero variant with slightly more 20mm ammo (less then the plane above) but keeps the 7.7s.this would have a 250kg bomb in exchange for having to be a carrier spawn.

A6M5 Hei,BR4 fighter
a plane with limited 20mm ammo (as per usual) and a few 13mms,as well as 10 rockets,would be a good AP4 counter.

B7A2,BR 4 Bomber
a D4Y1 on steroids,this would trade the 500kg for an 800kg,and would trade the 7.7s for 20mms (again with all japanese 20mms,low ammo) and a 13mm tail gunner instead of 7.7mm

Kyuushuu J7W Shinden,BR5 fighter
a prototype (completed,I might add) super prop plane where the propeller is in the back for some reason,armed with some 30mm (only 60 rounds per gun) cannons and 4 60kg bombs.


Type 26 revolver
a domestic revolver design from the 1800’s

Bamboo spear
this could act as a budget melee weapon (possibly throwable) weapon cheaper then an axe or shin gunto,actually used as weapons during the close of the war.

Tokyo Arsenal stick mag,BR2 SMG
a version with 30 rounds,the high ROF would still be wasteful and highly uncontrollable,but at least it’s at BR2,where this should go.

(bottom magazine)

Type Ko long,BR3 rifle
the version we have in game is the carbine version,this would be the full sized version of it.

Type Ko sniper,BR3 sniper
a scoped version of the above listed rifle.

KE-7 with 50 rounds,BR 4 LMG
a BR4 LMG is needed for japan,and this would be a good way to give it to them.takes the magazine size of the BR3 version and doubles it,making it good for BR4.


headbands common through japan for a long while (even today),there are many different types,ones with different words and symbols.these should be available to all except for vehicle crew,only exception being fighter and bomber pilots for uh…reasons :smirk:.below are some ones that can be added and the translations.

神風-probably one the most famous japanese saying outside of Japanese speaking groups,this phrase means “divine wind”,and is said as,you guessed it,kamikaze

日本-said as “nihon”,this translates to Japan.

一番-this phrase, “Ichiban” translating to number one in english,was another hachimaki seen in ww2

必勝- said as “hisshou”,this phrase roughly means determination to win.

Rising sun pattern-another common version of the Hachimaki,the iconic design worn upon your head.

Gas mask
this could be a cool addition to would look similar to the ones on the guys below.

Also thanks to @Life_burns and @Aussie-Tachanka for providing some ideas in posts from a while ago for items to be used this topic


Thanks for initiating this thread. We really need to have this discussion for Japan. I would like to suggest a few weapons here as well.
AR for Japan. They do need one in the TT to get their Assault Engineers. It would also provide some competition to the ‘be and end all’ Type Hei Automatic Rifle.

New BR V LMG for Japan. It should be quite similar to the .30 cal.

New AT weapon at BR V. This is ‘DESPERATELY’ needed if Japan wants to fight against the Soviets in the future.

Add in a few nice event weapons for Japan as well. Since that is how this faction gets more traction among new players.

(P.S. Since I only talked about BR V weapons you can check out this post linked below in order to find weapons for other BRs.)
Source: Japan Small Arms Balancing Discussion Thread - #66 by Killerwolf1024 (Go to 66/74 in the comments section on this major thread to find this post.)
As always thanks to @Killerwolf1024 for all the hard work.


Also @GasMasters I don’t know much about planes but I have seen this one being suggested a lot for BR V.
This is the N1K2J.

According to people this could be a good attacker aircraft for Japan at BR V since it can carry both bombs and rockets.
If DF wants to get ‘MONEY’ this is a good way of doing so. Rather than making a paid BP for an event. :sweat_smile:
This is the Ho-Ri Prototype.

Just make it a $39.99 so that premium players at BR III-IV can get their hands on the best tank for Japan. It would be slightly worse than the Production variant as far as I am aware. But again who doesn’t like to have 2 Ho-Ris in their extra vehicle slots.


Another wooden mockup that was never built or used, awesome /s


They also need the follwing:

High br mortar
impact grenades
customization that allows you to buy legs and torso individually
flamethrower tank
rocket tank/truck
event apc
event high br paratroopers
event guerillas
multiple armoury events
lots of new maps
assault engineers
high br at launcher

Japan is currently very boring and underdeveloped faction. I cant understand why are we getting new ardennes maps and rzhev when the entire japanese faction only got 3 maps in total. The tech tree is very small and most of their vehicles are placed in too high br. Japan gets almost no events at all (you have to pray to the emperor if you want to get 2 japanese event rewards a year) while germany, usa and ussr get everything from vehicles to squads.

This is why i dont wanna see any new nations. The devs cannot even take care of japan so imagine what would happen if we would get france, china or finland.


I did a topic a while ago about suggestions for Japan, I update it when I have time, check it out if you want, so you can compare with my research :slightly_smiling_face:: Suggestions for Japan tree

Also, iirc, the Type Ko that is ingame is the long version, not the short version.

During a small investigation, I can say with almost complete confidence that there are 18 rounds in there. You can read more in the topic on the Ru Forum:


There are a bunch of Kō variations, but the ingame one is one of the carbine ones.

Rifle for comparison:


I was thinking about this version on my topic, because you can clearly see that it is a shorter version than the one in game:

Like I said there are multiple versions of the Kō. They seem to be pretty close in length either way.

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So, if there are more than 2 variants, I hope that the devs could put one in the tree, and maybe move the Type 4 at rank 5 and buffing it accordingly, because I have it ingame and not upgraded, and I find the precision horrendous among other things. :roll_eyes:

Moving the Type 4 up even further would be a mistake imo, its already over-BR’d at 4 when compared to other nations clip loading semi autos (G41 at BR3, Garand at BR3 as well), using it unupgraded as well and I didn’t like it either to the point that even at high BR my default SLR was still the 5rnd Hei for a long time. The Type 4 already deserves a buff at its current BR rating.

But back to the Kō, yes I really hope we get it in the TT, along with a sniper variant since Japan lacks a semi auto in that department as well.


Yes, that would be very nice, been suggesting such a thing for a long time. I think the Type Ko is a better fit than the Type Otsu, and is essentially a direct analog of the G 41. Plus it allows you to add two rifles to the pumping branch at once - Type Ko and Type Ko sniper rifle. But it is worth to increase the speed and damage, at the moment Type Ko is a very weak rifle. In addition, I think the owners of premium engineers with Type Koh I do not mind if they will be given the opportunity to attach telescopic sights, similar to the premium units of radio operators in Gremania and the USSR. This way there will be a choice between the Type Otsu with low recoil and fast reloading and the Type K with a spacious magazine.

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Speaking of Japanese sniper weapons, if with Type 96, Type 99, Type Ko, Type Otsu everything is quite simple and clear, then with Type Hei everything is more complicated. We can notice a groove on the left side of the Type Hei, and on the whole series of rifles. It is noteworthy that this groove is closed on some photos.




Could it be a slot for the Type 97 telescope sight? If so, Japan could get sniper weapons on all BRs.

I’m not sure if this slot was meant for a scope at all.

The Type 97 scope was developed after these rifles were trialed. Japan had an ongoing sniper rifle program before/during their development tho so I would guess the scope was either one of the experimental ones or something completely unique to those rifles

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Tbh, I would prefer to see MGs with scopes for the sniper class: the type 96, the type 97 tank MG, the type 99, and the type 91 tank MG all had scopes that could be attached to them, and it could make the japanese tree more unique. The type 4 tank MG prototype also had a scope. And even if we don’t get MGs for snipers, they could also give us the type 99 rifle with a 4x scope, because some type 99 rifles were fitted with it, the one we have in game is equipped with a 2.5x scope (which is also accurate).

Type 97 81 mm infantry mortar


I dont know about impact grenades but they can get cool incendiary grenade

Sōkō Sagyō Ki


There is type 4 ha-to but that thing would as bad if not worse than Panzerwerfer

There are tons of APC but my personal favorite is Toyota Su-ki

I did a post about paratrooper squad you can check it out

This one I have no idea TBH

Yeah agreed could give ton of cool stuff for Japan

Others have been answered Japan seems to be forgotten

  • High br mortar
    Type 99 81mm would be my choice here.

  • Impact grenades
    That one would be tricky, outside of the WW1 dated “pot-shaped grenades” (壺型手榴弾) which weren’t in use during WW2 anymore (at least in their original form, modified versions were made that replaced the impact fuze with a timed friction fuze called “sling type grenade” in allied documents or “experimental modified grenade” (試製改造手榴弾) in Japanese references) I don’t know of any anti-personel impact grenades that would fit, there’s the Type 3 anti-tank grenade but it ofc fills a different role.

  • Flamethrower tank
    There’s a few options here (see: A Collection of Potential Flametanks), but in short the most fitting compared to the other nations style of light tank flamethrowers would be the Ha-Go modified to use a flamethrower in the hull (which once again, fun fact is already the ingame model)

  • Rocket tank/truck
    There’s the “Experimental 15cm multiple rocket launcher” (試製十五糎多連装噴進砲) which should be able to fill this on the truck side.

  • Event apc
    Type 1 Ho-Ki, there’s two more options but this one would make the most sense.

  • Event high br paratroopers
    Weapon wise I’d really like to see the paratrooper version of the Type 99 LMG, if they want to make it more competetive for high-BR add the optic to it.

  • Event guerillas
    Throwing this back to my original thought on what the TT guerillas should be:
    New class: Guerrilla - #226 by Killerwolf1024

  • Lots of new maps
    Battle of Manila please. Also the much requested Soviet Invasion of Manchuria.

  • High br at launcher
    Multiple options, some already shown by @Debayan001 earlier in this thread


Well dam, you were writing a reply to that one as well huh :slight_smile:

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The nickname comes from the German “stick grenade” style handle, not because they stick to a surface like the No.74 grenade.