Fixing Japanese Faction Full Tech Tree 🇯🇵

Well Japan is the faction that needs the most equipment so here a list of the most needed equipment there is other things that can be added but i think that’s the most needed equipment for the Tech-Tree I’m not gonna discuss premium squads on this topic only tech tree equipment:



1.Small Arms:

Tokyo Arsenal 18 rounds (box magazine) (1928 model):

Type 81 carbine
Type 81 carbine

2. Tanks:
Chi-Ha Kai no longer event moved to tech tree:

I-Go Ko with 45 bullets MG:

Type 94 poison car, Fusa yes Japan used poison gas and this thing is exactly that and has also MG and spreads poison gas:


Ki-45 tei:





1.Small Arms:

Type 44 carbine:

Liao Type 13:

Prototype 7.7mm Arisaka Type 99 Carbine with Muzzle Brake:
Prototype 7.7mm Arisaka Type 99 Carbine with Muzzel Brake

Type 96 is given scope and moved to BR II:

2. Infantry Vehicles:

Rikuo Type 97:
Rikuo Type 97

Amphibious truck Su-Ki:
Amphibious Truck Su-Ki

3. Tanks:


B5N2 moved to BR 2:

Ki-44-II hei:

Ki-44-II otsu:

Ki-102 otsu 4 x 100 kg bombs:



1.Small Arms:

Model 3A:

Tokyo Arsenal 30 rounds (box magazine) (1927):

Scoped Type 99:

BR III Type 91 LMG 45 Rounds:
Type 91 tank machine gun

Ko carbine:

New Sniper Squad for BR III with Prototype Sniper Rifle Kokura arsenal (Full length Type Kō Rifle with scope) BR III:
Sniper Rifle Kokura arsenal


D4Y2 replaces D4Y1 will have bomb and rockets:

A6M5 will have 1 x 250 kg bomb:

Ki-108 Kai:

P1Y1 mod. 11:



1.Small Arms:

SIG KE7 50 rounds:


Type 99 81 mm mortar:
Type 99 81 mm mortar

2. Tanks:

Chi-Ri II:




J5N1 equipped with 1x250 kg bomb:

A6M5 Hei 10x rockets and 1 x250 kg bomb:



1.Small Arms:

Riflemen Squad:
Type Hei 20 rounds version:

Automatic Rifle SIG KE - 7 BR V (20 rounds Chinese variant ):
SIG KE rifle automatic

Sniper Squad same version but with scope only if its needed but since Japan has LMGs with scopes I don’t think we need it:
SIG KE rifle automatic
SIG KE 7 with Scope 25 and 50 round version

Assaulter Squad:

SIG Model 1930:
1930 Model 2

Modified vehicle-mounted prototype Type 2 machine gun chambered 6.5x30mm cartridge:

2. Planes:
N1K2-Ja 2 x Type 5 No.6 Mod.9 rockets:

That’s all the Japanese faction tech tree needs my Emperor’s chosen’s that will help you to purge all the unclean factions from Enlisted.


May the emperor preserve you with new engineering buildable equipment :

The type 90 Gun and Japanese Steel Pill box (they are very small can be build in any spot)

Japanese Steel Pill box

That’s my final Tech Tree suggestion for now may the Emperor’s light guide you !

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@GasMasters Major japan suggestion thread :jp: - Suggestions - Enlisted :jp: if you looking for more imperial information.



you are made of, Einsteinium pure. Genius

more like pure insanity :japanese_ogre: :joy: :jp:

Looks like Bushidium to me :slight_smile:

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The type 91 tank MG had a 50 rounds mag. And we don’t even know what the Tokyo Arsenal 1928 looked like, only a partial drawing exists, it doesn’t even show the whole gun, the pic you posted is just the model 1927 already in game with the box mag next to it. Same for the Type 2 in 6.5 mm, we don’t know what it looked like.

well some claim even 60 but the only source i have seen says 45

Well i can replace it with
Model MP38 43 produced for the Japanese Imperial Navy in 1943. Note the traditiona
they are 20 rounds.

Well we have more info about this one :

Although the two prototypes were identical in basic structure, they looked completely different. The Southern Machine Gun No. 1 had a separate grip and stock, while the Southern Machine Gun No. 2 had an integrated grip and stock. In live-fire tests, copies of Moselle Schnellfeuer’s rifling pitch and chamber were also made.

  • Southern Type Machine Gun No. 1 Main Conditions

    • Body weight (excluding magazines) 3,000g or less
    • Use of the prototype Type 95 cartridge (6.5mm)
    • Ammunition capacity of 30 rounds or more
    • Ability to kill and injure soldiers in winter clothing at a distance of 700 meters
  • Nambu-type machine gun No. 2 Main conditions

    • Weight of 2,000g or less
    • The use of 8mm southern bullets
    • Ammunition capacity of 50 rounds or more
    • Rate of fire 500 to 600 rounds per minute
    • Installation of single-engine/repeat-shot/safety devices
    • In a barrage of shots, the recoil is less than that of the current rifle.
    • In consideration of negative guns, there should be no protrusions on the right side of the gun.
    • Ability to kill and injure soldiers wearing winter clothing at a distance of 500 meters

The prototype Type 2 machine gun saw the light of day at the end of World War II. The Army wanted to adopt machine guns as self-defense weapons such as tank soldiers, and focused on the prototype Type 2 machine gun, which was smaller than the Type 100 machine gun[3]. As a result, the overall length was reduced, and the barrel base and stock were reinforced with steel plates, and a prototype Type 2 machine gun was developed as an improved vehicle-mounted version.

This modified version of the prototype Type 2 machine gun is available in several variants, with a simplified front sight, different barrel jacket grooves and a different shape of the stock.

For the record, the modified version of the prototype Type 2 machine gun was not officially adopted until the end of the war. In reality, however, many prototype weapons were used at the end of the war to make up for the shortage of weapons. An improved version of the prototype Type 2 machine gun was also found in a Japan bunker during the Battle of Okinawa [4]. The prototype Type 2 machine gun improved mounted version was built at the Kokura Army Arsenal under the leadership of Tomojun Yoshida, and was fitted with the same folding bayonet as the Type 44 cavalry gun.

In addition, there are also items recovered by the British army stationed in the British Indian Empire, and a report on this gun was prepared in 1946 after the end of World War II[5].


This is less powerful than the Király 39M.
This SIG was chambered in the 9x19mm parabellum instead of the 9x25mm Mauser cargo used in the Király meaning that it will probably have base 9mm damage of 7.0 max upgraded.
Unless Darkflow heavily buffs the weapon up but that would be pointless, it’s ideal for BR4, it should just swap place with the Tokyo Arsenal making that finally BR5.

Thanks for the shoutout man.Im making an extended version of that post rn to include a bunch of more stuff,so I’ll definitely reference this post.

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I love all of these suggestions, but I think the BRs could be made better. For example, I equip all my Jap soldiers with Type 96, and I can confidently say that it is my 2nd or 1st favorite LMG in the game. For that reason, it should not be BR2, it should stay at BR3. Also, I think 30rnd Tokyo Arsenal should be BR4 and 50rnd Tokyo Arsenal BR5. Also, I think the scoped Type 96 should be BR4

Box mag PPSH 41 is on br3, no reason for this to be on br4.

It has less round than the drum PPSH 41 on br5 and Soviet did have drum PPD 34 on br4 which also has more round. So I think it is fair enough for Tokyo Arsenal to stay on br4.

it can be swapped with Tokyo Arsenal if they put it in game we can see how it performs and it can be moved one BR lower.

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has less hit power then Madsen and 100 rate of fire more against Bren is even more balanced only 70 more and against ZB and MG 13 only the mag saves it in BR III all the Japanese lmgs are better

we must add this to mega thread

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I think it already there :smiley:

Beautiful work, I really hope and can’t wait to see some of those planes especially be added to the game. I long for the day we’ll have rockets and I’ll give the Americans a taste of their own medicine!

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me too friend

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Why is this BR3?

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Cuz the other Ko Rifle in the premium Squad is BR III But we can put only long one i put them to have a bit of diversity between the sniper long version and the infantry :

Where would you put it ?

BR2 unless the mag size is bigger because at first glance, it looks similar to the Radio SVD.

its 10 rounds 6.5 mm Arisaka and it has bayonet