Revised Japan mega thread, 3rd edition 🇯🇵

This is an update of my old japan suggestion threads (Major japan suggestion thread 🇯🇵 and Revamped Japan suggestion 🇯🇵 if you want to look at the old versions),the goal of which is to give many suggestions to the currently most undercooked faction.this post has an ton of suggestions (customization,guns,vehichles,BR changes,ect.) that some can hopefully be done at some point to give Japan some necessary things or at least ideas for premiums and events, to make Japan a full faction that has a choice of what to use at certain BRs and not be forced to use the same thing over and over like it is now.

changes (not BR related)

Ka-Chi gets the option to remove floats
Huge,no commander’s hatch,paper armour,no MG,slow,and premium,the only decent aspect is the gun,which is decent at tank penetration,but is only about as good as the German short 50mm on the panzer 3J with worse HE.the removal of the floats would let the hull MG be used and would give the main gun more depression.

J2M3 replaces the 60kg bombs for 100kg bombs
Being this high BR and having the same bombload as the BR1 fighter is…a questionable choice.If this is changed, it can be better armed for high BR.

Type 98 and 99 machine guns get scopes
these can both mount scopes, and the type 98 even had a modeled scope at some point, even though it didn’t work.


ground vehicles

BR 1

Chi Ha Kai → BR1
the cannon on here is decent (for taking out tanks of similar BR,infantry support isn’t good),but just about everything else isn’t,slow,worse MGs,paper armour.

I-Go Ko
keeps the tradition of paper armour,this tank would have a 57mm cannon that would preform better than the 37mms found in BR1,this tank was built before standard designs were enforced,so hoppers of up to 60 rounds could be used with this.this tank would give a good infantry support tank at BR1 (better then the 37mm tanks at least)

has 2 turrets and 2 cannons (not amazing guns to be expected),but the larger of the 2 has access to a HEAT round,which could make this unique for a BR1 tank.

chi ha flamethrower
A version of the Chi-Ha that simply replaces the hull MG for a flamethrower (type 97 or 100,both of which are in game),something nice to have as a flame tank comparable to the flame stuart (and a TT Chi-Ha as well)


pretty much just a Ha-Go with a Chi-Ha’s turret with the better 57mm cannon

A slightly better SPAA then the Ta-Se in a few aspects,most notably having a second 20mm cannon, would be nice with how many US planes there usually are, but has a much more exposed gunner and has slightly less armour then the Ta-Se

BR 2

Ho-Ni III → BR2
the only notable gameplay difference from the Ho-Ni I is that it has a few millimeters of armour around the back and a small amount more shells.

A very lightly armoured and exposed gun carrier which has a 150mm howitzer.


BR 4

Chi-Ri II moved to BR4
sure the cannon has a fast reload and it has the hull 37mm, but it’s main gun and armour are nowhere near good enough for BR5, it would be more in line with the Panthers/T-34-85s/Sherman 76s


BR 1

A6M2 Zero lowered to BR1
Very fragile,very very limited 20mm ammo which is the only efficient way of killing since the 7.7mms do nothing,and less payload then some BR1 fighters with the only benefit being turn speed (which isn’t everything in a plane)

Ki 32 - bomber
A light bomber with 4x 100kg bombs (the potez has two 200kg bombs for reference)

Ki 109 - bomber
this would be the Japanese equivalent of the Hs 129, has a 75mm cannon with 83mm of penetration and 15 rounds, has a gunner armed with a 12.7mm machine gun

BF 109 E7 - fighter
A possible event plane,some were sent to japan from germany for testing,but never really caught on.

Ki-43-II - fighter
A fighter with two 12.7mms and two 100kg bombs.less powerful guns but slightly bigger bombs then the Zero.

N1K1 - fighter
A seaplane that has quite a bit of bite to it,armed with dual 20mm cannons with 100 rounds each and dual 7.7 machine guns with 550 rounds each,armed with only dual 60kg bombs (could maybe be increased to 100kg since starting on the sea sucks, but WT only has 60kg setups)

BR 2

A6M3 moved to BR2
really just a zero with a drop tank and a few more rounds of 20mm, this thing shouldn’t be BR3

B5N2 → BR2
a plane with no guns at BR3 and not that much of an impressive armament to show for it,this is much better at BR2

D4Y1 → BR2
this thing is a dauntless equivalent with with a smaller bombload that fights AP4s and P47s on the average while only having 2 7.7mms compared the dauntless’ multiple 12.7mms.moving this to BR 2 will allow for an equivalent of that plane.

D4Y2 - bomber
the same plane as above,but has a 250kg bomb and 4 rockets (with less then half the HE filler of M8s),would be interesting to see Japan get rockets at low BR.

Ki-45 hei - bomber
armed with a 20mm cannon (only 100 rounds) and a 37mm autocannon (15 rounds of HEFI-T,only 3mm penetration) in the nose, and has provisions for two 250kg bombs,but is balanced by having a large turn time compared to contemporary vehicles.

Ki 83 - bomber
a twin engine bomber armed with two 30mm cannons (100 rounds each,28mm penetration with AP-T shells) and two 20mm cannons (200 rounds each), but to counter the good guns at this low of a BR, you only get two 50kg bombs and have a similarly long turn time to the Ki-45 above

D3A1 - bomber
armed with two 7.7mm machine guns in the nose and a rear gunner of the same caliber,this plane is armed with four 100kg bombs

Ki-44-II hei - fighter
No 20mms,but 4 12.7mms with a good ammo count and two 100kg bombs, this could be a nice addition to BR 2

Ki-44-II otsu - fighter
This version is different as the one above by having some 40mms cannons like Hurricane MK.IV,but because it has better guns and provisions for either 60kg or 100kg bombs (probably going to be 60) it should be 1 BR higher at 2.this would be a fun event vehicle.


BR 3

Ki-61-I Hei and Ki-61-II Otsu kai moved to BR3
turn on the slower side for japanese planes, around 17 seconds, less effective guns then the P51 with only two 12.7mms and 20mms (with only 200 and 120 rounds per gun on the different models) and only have 100kg bombs compared to the P51D’s 500 pound bombs

D4Y3 Ko - BR3 bomber
similar to the D4Y1 and 2,this version would differ by having 3x 250kg bombs and a 13mm rear gunner

Ki-48-II Otsu - bomber
this could be a very unique plane,while not in terms of the plane itself,with no forward guns and only two 7.7mm machine guns protecting it, but what it is carrying; the Ki-148 I-Go Model 1B missile, which was a guided missile that had a warhead with 130kgs of explosives,would make this truly unique.The way the missile is controlled might be a little janky, even more so than in WT, since you won’t be able to use 3rd person like you can there to guide it and the missle like to pitch upwards.

Ki-43-III Otsu - fighter
essentially an army version of the Zero that trades the 7.7mms for more 20mm ammunition and has better bombs, can use 100kgs instead of 60s.


MXY-7 Ohka - bomber?
a famous Kamikaze rocket used during the closing end of the war, with just under 1000 produced, this was a manually guided glide bomb with rocket boosters, was carried by a larger plane, usually G4Ms, then dropped when the target was in range,which can be a cool spawn in sequence for this plane, like how the paratroopers jump from the plane, it could be cool to see yourself drop from the plane (also gives enemy planes a short period to shoot you down before you launch).This plane can reach blistering fast speeds, 650 Km/h (400 Mph) in level flight and up 1000 Km/h (650 mph) in dives. The explosive payload itself was a 2600 pound bomb (can only have the explosives of a 500kg as a nerf to it), and that is huge, but you can only get one life in this thing, so no rearms, being able to be shot down when you are being transported, and having to wait for the “crashed with plane” delay to stop to use it again, so those factors can balance out the massive impact this brings.

B7A2 - Bomber
a D4Y1 on steroids,this would trade the 500kg for an 800kg,and would trade the 7.7s for 20mms,and has a 13mm tail gunner instead of a 7.7mm machine gun

A7M2 - Fighter
the successor of the Zero, this plane has tow 20mm cannons and two 13mm machine guns,but to make this plane viable for BR4, it gets the biggest rockets it game if added, the Type 5 No.6 Mod.9 rockets, which have 10kg of explosives, where HVARs have 3.5kgs, and the German rocket has 9.5kgs of explosive mass.This can be a good way to counter the AP4C at this BR


N1K2 Ja - fighter
A pretty good all rounder plane with four 20mm cannons,it can have 2 Type 5 No.6 Mod.9 rockets (the same massive 10kg ones)

J7W1 - fighter
a prototype (completed,I might add) super prop plane where the propeller is in the back for some reason,armed with some 30mm (only 60 rounds per gun) cannons and 4 60kg bombs.


Pistols/no BR

Type 26 revolver
a domestic revolver design from the 1800’s

Mark A pistol
An experimental high capacity pistol with 16 rounds from the early 1920s with very few produced.


type 14 small
A tiny version of the type 14 often bought by officers,something stupidly small and ineffective like the TK26


Bamboo spear
this could act as a budget melee weapon (possibly throwable) weapon cheaper then an axe or shin gunto,actually used as weapons during the close of the war.


Type 99 Early, Late, and sniper moved to BR1
the rates of fire are way too slow for BR2, and the 2 more damage over other rifles is nothing near enough to justify it being BR2

Tokyo Arsenal SMG with stick magazine
the same version of the BR4 gun with an 18 round magazine, rough equivalent to the PPD 34 stick magazine

Hanyang 88
A captured Hanyang 88, a Chinese version of the Gewehr 1888.


Type Otsu moved to BR2
very similar to the type hei in many regards, and has a not so great dispersion value for a semi auto rifle,and only 5 bullets

Type 98 moved to BR2
this gun has a rate of fire more in line with BR2, and has a weaker cartridge then the type 99 MG as well

type 38 with extended magazine
Something like the Gewehr 98 with the extended magazine,30 bullets.



Type 4 rifle moved to 3
this is really just a less accurate garand with 2 more rounds that loads by stripper clip

Type Ko long,BR3 rifle
the version we have in game is the carbine version,this would be the full sized version of it and would be a decent BR3 gun for japan.


Type Ko sniper,BR3 sniper
a scoped version of the above listed rifle.


Bouganville type 38 GL
Something similar to the RMN 50, a handheld mortar


type 92 LMG,BR3 LMG
A japanese version of the lewis without the barrel shroud,if the US gets the lewis


experimental 9cm type 4 conversion,BR3 AT
An improved type 4 with 120mms of penetration



KE-7 with 50 rounds
a BR4 LMG is needed for japan,and this would be a good way to give it to them.takes the magazine size of the BR3 version and doubles it,making it good for BR4.


type 97 AT rifle with experimental Ji Te Dan
A special armour piercing grenade fired from the Type 97 anti tank rifle,around 250mms of penetration,this would be a nice deterrent to high BR enemy armour



Type 81 mortar,BR5
A high BR mortar for Japan


Type 97 (aircraft) modified for infantry use,BR5
The type 97 installed on early japanese planes modified for ground use


type 92 97 round drum
The same gun as the BR3 Type 92 I suggested but with a 97 round drum.


Type 98
A copy of the MG15 liscenced to Japan from Germany.

type 2a 6.5x30mm
This could be a proper assaulter weapon for BR5 and would allow the devs to finally give japan assault engineers.




headbands common through japan for a long while (even today),there are many different types,ones with different words and symbols of encouragement,aimed to motivate those who wear them.these should be available to all soldiers, and should have versions with or without helmets, because they were commonly worn over helmets as well as on the forehead.

probably one the most famous japanese saying outside of Japanese speaking groups,this phrase means “divine wind”,and is said as,you guessed it,kamikaze,refering to tactics, especially using planes, to eliminate enemy forces while sacrificing a soldier and equipment.


said as “nihon”,this translates to Japan.


this phrase, “Ichiban” translating to “number one” in english,was another hachimaki seen in ww2

said as “hisshou”,this phrase roughly means assured or certain victory.


“tookon” in the pronunciation, this means “fighting spirit”

Rising sun pattern
-another common version of the Hachimaki,the iconic design worn upon your head.

Red disc pattern
another Hachimaki design common during the war

Type 99 Gas mask
this could be a cool addition to would look similar to the ones on the guys below.


Also huge thanks to @Life_burns , @Aussie-Tachanka , @Killerwolf1024 , @Naohmcete , @Debayan001 , @_DELAVR , @Dregomz , @SzepWaxweiler , and @CapitanRastrero for providing a lot of ideas in posts and comments for things to be used this topic, and also for the many other forum members who have suggested things for Japan who I gathered ideas from.Thank you for reading all of that, if you did.This took a while to put together, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


This has indeed significantly enhanced Japan’s technological tree. However, I don’t agree with most of the ranking suggestions in this regard. They should be upgraded by one rank.


could you give examples? I can give justification for them if you say which ones and why.

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I think that ho ro should be max br 3
It’s still very open vehicle in infantry game


There is simply too much content above for me to offer a detailed assessment. I’ll only mention two points. Firstly, the Hanyang88 had better not be included in the Japanese technology tree. It would be more appropriate to assign it to the Chinese camp. Games should strive to reduce homogenization, and moreover, Japan doesn’t lack bolt - action rifles. Secondly, the Ke7 (50) should be at BR5. Its performance is similar to that of the M1918A2, and a bullet capacity of 50 rounds is quite formidable.


Large numbers of it were captured, and it is very very unlikely there is going to be a Chinese TT at any point, since it would be 80% copy paste.It is being added for uniqueness more then anything.

Sure it has BAR like performance, but it has only 50 rounds at the end of the day, only half of what everyone else can get, 100.I don’t think that would be enough to justify sending it to BR5, especially when there are 75 round machine guns at BR4 that would probably be equal in overall power.


If DF were smart enough, they would add a Chinese camp. However, based on what I know about DF, the possibility of adding the Hanyang88 to the Japanese tech tree cannot be ruled out at all. Compared with other bulky machine guns at rank five, the KE7s are more like automatic rifles, and that’s what makes them terrifying.

although IJA capturea lot of hanyang88,but is still a chinese weapon and IJA never equipted it. hangyang88 should become a event squard and belong the US.

150mm howitzer is too much for br2 (and br1 by extension)

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50 bullets is too small for BR5. Even the MG42 family (except belt version) are all BR4


They sound awesome, I just want the headbands ,81mortar, 97AT GL, MXY-7 Ohka,ki-109

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In my opinion,Hanyang Type 88 for Japan is not a good idea.North China type-19(北支一九式) or Type Xinsi rifle(辛巳式步枪) could be better

Great work as always! I hope that some of these wonderful suggestions will make their way into the main game. :heart:


If it has the same movement penalties then yes, but if ig keeps moving like a BAR then its reallllllyy strong

Really love the suggestions. Especially the guns and customisation

Number one for me is bamboo spear as an alternative to the sword. Together with the headband … would be so cool …

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Another useless floatplane, another equally useless 75mm cannon plane, the ohka and… Bamboo spears?


can the gun kill the pershing and super pershing from the front if yes its br5 if no than br4

ohka no guided bombs, no suicide weapons
1,200 kg (2,600 lb) Ammonal warhead
it could work as ai controlled weapon given how dumb ai
but as a human controlled weapons it would be too strong.
but players get multiple bombs yes but bombs have to much splash at that size
this would be far too easy to become a spawn killer, besides what’s next every kamazi which is just japans planes filled with explosives

otherwise a lot of great work. good job


I agree with everything except for one thing really.
if we move Type 4 rifle to BR3, what semi-auto weapon will Japan have at BR4?


I can see why you say that,but my though process is that any tank can easily kill it with how low the armour is (even the M13 can pen the shield I think,but I’m not sure about that one), It’s open topped so any planes or infantry can easily just shoot the crew,which US planes in the pacific almost always up in low BR.If it is too powerful for 2, it can go to 3 through.

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Not everything I suggested is supposed to be meta and a huge power boost,but just out of uniqueness to make japan more interesting to play.