A Viable AT Option for BR V Japan

Why not? What American tanks have more than 120mm of armor?

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This would actually make it quite good to be honest. Since it can directly pen the Pershing and later variants of the Sherman from the front just like the Panzerfaust.

Jumbo, Pershing and super Pershing in the future.

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Only certain weak spot which will be hard to hit from longer distance.

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All those tanks have frontal armor less than 120mm. What is your criteria for a BR5 at weapon for Japan?


You need to use effective thickness instead of raw thickness, those armor are not flat.

Effectively pen br5 tanks.

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To be honest the Pershing can easily be penned by the Type 4 70 mm as well. But the 90 mm warhead is going to enhance its AT capabilities even further.

Have you tried it before? If you did, where did you shoot?
I tried it in the editor, it is hard to pen it from front even in close range since its weak spot is small.

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I don’t know exactly. It was a random hit to be honest.

I made a post exactly because of this mindset a while ago. There are other options for Japanese infantry AT weapons, only problem is those weapons are usually very limited in terms of info (way more limited than other current prototype weapons).

Unrelated to high tier but it would also help if certain other weapons were available/working as they should (Missing HEAT rounds for the Ho-I and the 120mm short gun HE round being able to cave in Sherman roof armor for example).


I don’t think this will be a problem they alter ROF and other stuff for balance so this would be no different

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I checked Killerwolf1024 s post and I found a gem for tier 5 AT so tier 3 AT will be 9cm type 4 rocket launcher the one you mentioned

and for tier/BR 5
-Type 97 with Ji-Te Dan 200mm(estimated) theoretically able to pierce an estimated 250mm of Armor)

It must be a hollow charge grenade with a rod, that was inserted to the barrel of the Type 97 AT rifle. Fired by a blank or better-propelling cartridge without a bullet.
This technique is well known for rifle grenades and German rod shells for several artillery pieces ( Stielgranaten ).


Yep. I made this comment based on the fact that there are very limited hand-held AT weapons for Japan. But as you said there a couple of unique options as in mortars and AT trucks as well. I even made a post in this regard on the forum.

The second one must be an event unlock!

I don’t know man it has 200 to 250 mm of pen same as I think RPzB and Panzerfausts giving it in an event would cripple Japan’s hand-held capability in BR 5 though it is up to devs to decide that


Yep. I just made a joke looking at the weapon itself. It looks very unique to say the least.

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Side note 200mm is the caliber I estimated, 250mm is the armor penetration I estimated.


Well the Tokyo Arsenal gun and ULMG “Type Hei” both at least had pictures and test data, I could only find descriptions on the high caliber rifle grenades I sketched in my post and the Type 97 Ji-Te Dan is also limited to that single picture and info from a researcher I trust.


How did you even estimate its penetration? Do you have more info?

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Comparing it to similar caliber HEAT rounds (like the Stielgranate 41) and other Japanese shaped charge warheads. Should be taken with a grain of salt as I’ve seen no official data on it.

Been a while since I made that post and by now I think a more realistic estimation would be something around ~220mm penetration, but its hard to tell.