Rounding Out BR 5 For All Nations

50 mm seems very low given the estimated size of the projectile, which would be identical to the 40 mm projectile, and I find that hard to believe.Maybe I’m wrong but it’s suspicious.Type 2 rifle grenade launcher - Wikipedia

Please note that the information I have provided is maybe not 100% accurate, as it comes from Wikipedia.


It seems the translation was off. I wasn’t comparing it to the specifications of tanks, but rather saying that it has exaggerated specs similar to those of the Hori tank. There are no materials that state it has 200mm of penetration capability; the only evidence is a post on the Enlisted forum.

always check quoted source if you can find it.

It seems I misunderstood the information about the 50mm penetration capability, and I apologize for that. However, I couldn’t find any sources that state the 97-type automatic cannon’s shells had 200mm of penetration capability. The original claim was based on a post on Enlisted Reddit that combined photos. According to the Japanese Wikipedia, research on this was planned to begin in March of Showa 18 (1943) but was discontinued the same year. At least, I have no basis for claiming that this weapon had 50mm of penetration capability, nor is there clear evidence that it had 200mm of penetration capability.

Here is the link to the Japanese Wikipedia page: タ弾 - Wikipedia

Sorry I’m using a translator, what I mean is that I used wikipedia to “ilustrate” my words and so I was warning that the information on this site is not 100% reliable (but if I think that everyone is aware I wanted to say so).

The 200mm penetration was estimated by the guy who posted it.

The original claim is from this.

But the projectile diameter it stated is 40 - 50 mm, which is way less than the picture.
Maybe they are different projectile developed for the same gun.

Unless you provide clear evidence other than the claims made in the forum, the assertion that the weapon has 200mm of penetration capability cannot be accepted.

Well it is for dev to decide, not you.
Many stuff in game are just having estimated value.
We still need a Japan at weapon for br5.

Developers base penetration values on actual data, so without clear data, it is unlikely that the 200mm penetration will be implemented. However, if they insist on adding a BR5 anti-tank weapon for Japan, the Panzerfaust, which received schematics from Germany, might be the most feasible option.

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The Grb-39 already has ahistorical penetration stats, it was changed to have higher pen so It could destroy the KV-1.

The devs are willing to bend real stats for game balance so It would not be a surprise to see the Ji-Te Dan with at least 180mm of penetration to counter american and (in the future) soviet heavy tanks.


Superior engineering and yet they are inferior to the American equivalent.
DF should stop with giving German low mag sized lmgs insane rof because it only hurts their awful recoil and bad dispersion even more. While Americans and Soviets can spray all day long with their perfect rof, low recoil/low-mid dispersion and high mag capacity MGs.
Our smgs and rifles especially sniper rifles are completely outclassed by American and Soviet equivalents.
Only our ARs can barely keep up with your guns and when we are matched against Soviets we are playing in the dark souls mode since all their TT guns are superior to ours across the board.


Extreme sarcasm and contempt for the wehraboos who genuinely think the Tiger or the Panther “was the greatest tank of the war” and “if only Germany had more of X tank”
German engineering is good for 2 things and 2 things only. Over complicating everything and grocery stores. That’s it. Can they engineer a WW win? Absolutely not

Should’ve mass adopted the Gewehr 41 or 43 instead of having Kar98k’s from start to finish. Put that “industrial heartland of Europe” to work and learn how to mass produce. As for SMG’s, that’s an interesting one to look at. So generally, American SMG’s have more base damage and a good bit more recoil, or at least visual recoil. German ones have less recoil. Which one has more RoF depends on the models. The M3 is one of the slowest down there with the FNAB, but the Thompson’s have some of the highest and some Italian SMG’s are just insane on the receiving end. So RoF is a toss up, but generally it’s base damage or low recoil is the differences

You have to remember this game is published by Gaijin. They are known for…a certain leaning in their games. One may even call it a “bias.” Lol

First off, thank you for sharing sources for the T59E3 rocket. Considering the lack of more concrete information on the T24, I would change my suggestion to splitting the M9 and M9A1, or perhaps M9A1 and M9A1E1 (whichever makes more sense), with the latter of either pair using T59E3 rounds.

What is your source for the T24’s performance being worse than the M18? I don’t see how a larger diameter HEAT projectile created with the same technology for the time would somehow worse performance, especially if the M18’s spin-stabilized shells would have even further negative effects on penetrative performance? It’s also worth mentioning that I may have been incorrect claiming it was a 3.25-inch rocket and might be 3.5-inches (88mm) in diameter, after double-checking Yuri Pasholok’s post of the image I used:

Lastly, discussing the Ji-Te Dan projectiles. I double-checked the general information online, it’s supposedly a 200mm projectile with 250mm penetration. I haven’t been able to find further information on it, but I’ll try to dig around some more. Going off of general speculation (which obviously is far from concrete), Japanese HEAT projectiles in WW2 subject to spin-stabilization had a ~1.2 penetration to diameter ratio (75mm HEAT had 90mm of penetration). Using that as a reference point, a 200mm spin-stabilized HEAT projectile would have 240mm of penetration, which a spigot-type rifle grenade typically wouldn’t have. Again, this is COMPLETELY speculative on my part, and wouldn’t be good enough for the game. I’ll try digging in the jacar.archives for anything rifle grenade related and hopefully report back, but it’s highly likely that the projectile would surpass 150mm of penetration, making it the best AT option Japan could have.

Here’s a penetration table for Japanese HEAT projectiles. The 6th column discusses the 75mm HEAT shell and it’s performance (12th row is penetration performance).


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you ask for all nations to be brought in line at BR5 - but at the same time you suggest that the AVT 40 should have a 25 round magazine, even though 20 round magazines also existed.

Not biased at all.

how about the type hei gets nerfed and the AVT gets buffed with magazine capacity? 30 rounders should be set for medium damage assault rifles, and 20 rounders should be set for select fire battle rifles.

ADD IT ADD IT DOESN´T MATTER WHAT I WANNA SEE MORE WEAPONS ( hope that it will not be premium )


AVT could arguably stay as is, but if left with only 15 round magazines, I’d probably have people saying I’m biased against Soviets.

No matter what is suggested, someone’s going to be upset. At the end of the day, the post is meant to be a collection of ideas, I really don’t expect all of them to be implemented.

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I feel you, well this issue is difficult and I would like people to actually have a reasonable discussion about this anyways.

I guess the devs know about this issue by now, but what exactly should be done about this no one knows.

Is this the 20 round magazine you speak of? Definitely could be implemented:


It shows all 4 type of magazine for AVT 10 round , 15 , 20 , 25