I want to know what Forum thinks about what each nation lacks right now

Its BR 3. And if you use Bigotes sound mod it sounds epic!, love it


@Bigote0070 does amazing sound mods.

Srs 10/10


i mean russia is the only one without a br 2 TT semi auto, so the SKS-45 could fit it and probably be balanced


Isnt it already ingame as prem?

No the one in game is SKS-31 uses different ammo than SKS-45 / 31 uses
7.62x54mmR while 45 uses 7.62x39mm M43 ammo same as AK


SKS-31 is, which is chambered in 7.62x54R, SKS-45 (which on a note apparently saw usage in ww2 with the 1st Belarussian front don’t know how accurate) is a 10 round stripper fed semi auto chambered in 7.62x41/39

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You meant 54R?

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i was close

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Germany is only missing a large caliber HE thrower and maybe a late war 250kg fighter bomber.
Japan needs better AT. Both laucher and Gun.
High BR paratropper and better attacker plane.

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HE Thrower? I think no one has those yet.

I meant the 105/120mm kind (like the 105 sherman or the chi ha short gun). But i forgot that the dicker max has a 105 aswell as it is more of a TD in my mind.


Ah, that makes sense.
But do the Soviets have one as well though? Or do I miss a tank?

The IS 2 variants and the T34-100 and SU 100 but im not sure about the last two as i dont have them.

I was thinking the IS dont count because they can kill tanks while Sherman and Submarine Tank can mostly only kill BR3 tanks by flanking.

HE slingers as I would like to call them most of the time in real life were meant to fight emplacement and heavily fortified objectives IS-2 was used in the same manner as HE slinger to fight emplacement and heavily fortified objectives but I wouldn’t count it as HE slinger since it has access to AP round which other HE slingers dont I will probably suggest KV-2 in the upcoming topic

Got my 4 weapon requests on The bottom of this post
Still havent changed

1 Iconic/ FLavorfull/ Necesary weapons to add per nation:

UK Ordnance, RCL, 3.45in Mk 1 BR4; 88mm recoiless gun was developed as a successor to the PIAT; it was issued to units for extensive trials at end of war. Primary HESH round damaged armor up to 180mm thick. Also optional 120mm penetrating HEAT round.

Soviet BM-37 37mm shovel mortar BR3; “When the mortar grenades started falling around him, Hans finally understood why all the Soviet troops kept assaulting with shovels in hand. Would his descendants?” – Battle of Artemivsk (now Bakhmut), 1943
A novel shovel variant, able to fire 6 light fragmentation grenades. Requires placement like a mortar and is somewhat inaccurate. Soviet riflemen never run out of things to throw at the enemy.

  • Taken from Turning the Tide - Operation Citadel & Bagration 43-44 Campaign Concept
  • Actually saw service in 1st half of war.
  • Meme weapon, makes USSR more disctinct as they were the only nation to attempt this
  • Weak 37mm rifle grenade round, no sights to aim gives a large spread as a mortar, short range, likely mostly wounds
  • Capitalizes on current UA/RU War memes , ie helps with advertising/marketing.

Axis 100rd MG
Bergmann MG15na machinegun BR4: A 100 round drum magazine vintage machinegun with steady 500rpm rate of fire
MG-81 belt-fed machinegun BR5; A replacement for the already powerful MG-15, the MG-81 comes with 100rd belts and a monstrous 1,400rpm rate of fire.

Type 97 20mm ATR with Ju-Te Dan 200mm AT Rifle grenade BR4; Famous anti-tank rifle now equipped with ultra-heavy AT rifle grenades.


just formatted to explain reasoning as OP requested. :wink:

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Lack of attacker 3 for usa

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I think thats enough data so any moderators reading this pls close the topic and thx everybody for sharing opinions

