Fantastic stuff as always! Devs please take note.
Another awesome post! I would soooo love for Italy to get this level of attention. I do think that the HQ spawn point would need to be nerfed somehow, and that mountain squads should not be able to use snipers.
Operation Husky, Crete and the Italian Campaign is my most desired area to focus.
Interesting maps, armies and equipment.
Cannot wait for this stuff to show up 
as usual you are making me cry of joy
Great work my friend, very well done and very thought out. 10/10 would want to see this.
For your next concept, can you do the Pacific next? I’m thinking the name of it should be Semper Fidelis or Blood on The Tide. ( Semper Fidelis is the motto of the USMC, but I think the actual translation of it applies greatly to every army fighting in the Pacific. They were all loyal to their country to the end.)
Yeah focusing on two “minor” factions actually added alot of flavor. There are some actual very relevant additions in there such as 3.45in Recoilless Rifle for actually very good Allied AT weapon that they should have honestly ASAP, and lots of flavor all around.
Re HQ Spawn point; I dont think its actually too strong; the bomber strikes themselves usually get shot down these days; the chief focus here is a 3rd spawn for player who WANT to build more and carry their noob team but are unable to. I hear this complaint on Reddit ALL THE TIME, and I think someone specializing with a rarely played team like radio squad should benefit. Its a big radio thing in the pic, an old asset from destruction map, it would easily catch shrapnel blast and be very hard to defend with sandbags, since its so tall. I think its quite constrained development, and only benefits experts who really want to get use out of the radio team.
Re Mountain squad. The sniper rifle light engineer is the build idea; I know it further waters down snipers, but im not sure how to make both mountain squad and them interesting. Climbing perks sound boring but I think in alot of cases make tons of sense (urban, normandy, any future mountain map like Monte Casino). Im open to suggestions, its an area I was exploring basically.
& thanks for your help! Used almost all ur suggestions!; only kept the Hornet as I wanted something top tier to deal with Do335 from Kursk campaign concept, and offer difficult choices to P-47 players (of which plane to play).
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Oh man dont get my brain flowing;
Yeah last logical step is a Marine-Japan late war scenario; there are others brewing like France or Finland mini campaigns teasing my mind… but maybe Ill take a step back for now.
Basically this is a thought excercise; Ive noticed few holes in national trees when designing this; I think Ive come across a few concepts that are low-hanging fruit in ways to make the game better; Ill maybe post a short concise idea about them, several of which are already laid out in the campaign concepts, just scattered across them.
Ah yes the battle of Crete one of my favorites tbh
I always love seeing crash aircraft in the map tbh that why I like that one pacific map even tho it super open
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Very fantastic !!! your work is remarkable I Like 
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Blimey you have a lot of time on your hands… Nice work
Even Stalin likes it 

I love doing free market research for Darkflow 

They should just hire you at this point, honestly.
Fantastic work, Bro! I really hope the Dave listen to you and add all this to the game! I booked marked this as well!
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I like where this idea is headed.
Im starting to think Rally points need to be re designed.
They are so essential to how the game works, But with the casual player base being the way they are (also not getting engineers by default), games are often terrible because of them (lack of them or 1 sided use of them).
Im starting to wonder if the currently rally points, should be reserved for the player that placed them ONLY, and your team gets 2 “Team rally points/radio beacons” that can be placed, NO more. That way there is a cap, and one player can set it up for the team.
Might be hard to balance even that, with the addition of APC Rallys.
you prove those wrong that think we need to move beyond ww2