Pre-order: Radio operators of Rzhev

I just don’t understand why you give it to BR 2-3
BR5 i would understand,
But allowing BR 2-3 to take this into matches, where the new players will have to face the majority of this rocket attack’s.
Just seems crazy.


Love the little scope detail :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

New premium squads with unique features are fantastic; Just drew up unique bomber call in for radio squads in this writeup Awoke a Sleeping Giant - Manila, Iwo Jima 1945 Campaign

Ordering now and happy to hear about New Map, its very much needed for Soviet mid-high BR!


Another idea: Instead of limiting rocket strikes to these premium squads, why not allow the engineer in these premium squads to build stationary high-power radio transmitters, that can be used by any radio operator-class soldier(not just ones in radio squads) to call in rocket strikes/smoke artillery/bombing runs?

Still would be kinda P2W but not as much, and it would benefit your team as a whole and encourage teamwork.


Not only truck attached rocket launchers exist
Take Nebelwerfer for example

Im must add that trucks with rockets have drip though


You mean the rocket for the two squad are the same or they are same as normal german/russian rocket ?


those are cool but what i meant was the rocket that will be used in the radiomen barrage not the vehicle my english understanding seem to be degrading everyday so yea

I don’t really think the helper mean this.
Consider that it is 82mm rocket vs 150mm rocket.

Its sligthly longer art barrage, few more shells but over much longer timeframe, ie these could actually do LESS damage to infantry since they have more time to leave zone of fire.

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Germany BR3 Sovs BR2?

BR3 is bullshit Devs…


So guys is it more mod editor content for f2p modders??

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Yup they should have better weapons and be BR IV/V

So it’s just normal arty with more shots, longer duration, and tank killing

How is this not P2W over TT radiomen?

And more importantly- who asked for this? If it could be called in the greyzone at least we could justify it by using it to kill tank campers.


I just want to say that im very sorry for not specifying what i meant when i ask this im very sorry i cause confusion to James and i take responsibility for that


Staff did not answer: if there’s no range finding shot prior to the actual barrage, it will be extremely deadly.

The normal arty range finding shot often tells me it’s time to “skeedadle” when I forget to look at minimap.

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High BR or Low BR but BR3 is biggest Bullshit i have ever encountered in all Games i’ve played


Is this squad going to be given a Moaning Minnie? What will the sound effect of the Nebelwerfer 41 be?

That’s the problem - back in the days artillery could kill teammates, so you couldn’t capture like today with allied Arty on your head.

Artillery areal denial is in a perfect spot right now - regular arty destroys rallies, and forces people out of the capzone, this new strike being double the barrage duration seems like a big balance problem.


Do agree, if this has tank killing power you need to allow artillery to fall into grey zone to chase tank campers


Probably people who complain about Thunderbolt and Corsair HVAR rocket storms but don’t want to play the game as the winners of the war.

I think that would be a necessity along with a sizeable cooldown for the artillery. Having to bring rockets directly over the enemy in order to fire them from an airplane is totally different than pointing to a spot on a map.

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