dam it you got me at stinger and flying boat
This is another proof that the playerbase is bored, and is starved of new content. I mean the guy wrote a devblog for half a year’s content.
That’s the dilemma…
New content Vs. Fixes and steam
Can’t have both.
Not by a long shot anyway
As for op goes, the Hopium is strong with this one.
Not in a negative way.
That’s the dilemma…
New content Vs. Fixes and steam
No? 1/3 of the team works on fixes, 2/3 works on new content.
These get better all the time, good job! Lots of cool equipment on display here, and the event was a nice little extra. The only points of concern for me are the Japanese tanks, the Type 5 Ho-Ri I think should be replaced with something else if possible. The regular Ho-Ri is already very strong but this thing would be too much imo. Though I don’t have any suggestions as what to replace it with.
Only other thing I would suggest is replacing the M.25 Madsen with an early variant of the type 11 with a heat shield or swapping it with the type hei auto with gunshield. I don’t think the madsen is much of an assault rifle, though finding something that really fits an assault rifle for Japan is difficult.
Early Type 11s

Heres a type 11 being used a little more like an assault weapon
credit to @sexytent for showing me this
This was another very high quality post! Can’t wait to see more if you have any more planned!
This is the part where we admit that Delisted only have 2 active devs. Rest being freelancers or on temporary loan from other projects when they are free.
I dont think its gonna be as much of a hassle as normal Ho-ri since it has those corners which if im not mistaken are only 50 mm thich which if you try to angle you are dead and if you try to not angle you are dead too but nonetheless maybe Ho-ri 2 will be better fit but neither this or the one suggested by OP is in WT
(Ho-ri 2)
other than that there is O-I which with 11 man crew its kinda hard to implant in enlisted(Whats stoping me to use this to transport those 11 man to OBJ and use them as better assaulters)
Beside Heavy tank No.6 (Tiger ) there is another proper tank that could be added but that also is not on WT and that is heavy tank number 4

(Picture from WoT and in this pic you can clearly see the extra Armor welded on top of chi-ri chasis)
The turret of Heavy Tank No. 4 was used as a stationary gun in Manchuria has 14 CM cannon was about to be mounted on top of CHI-RI never happened since CHI-RI production itself wasn’t doing well also was going to have 200 mm of armor even on CHI-RI chassis how? Most likely by adding extra armor around the tank like what soviets did with E variants of tanks like T28-E
The thing I was most concerned with was the AA guns on top, making it a total menace for planes and infantry. Maybe the Ho-Ri 2 would be a better fit, I don’t know if its actually any better than the Ho-Ri production. The Heavy tank No.4 is a slippery slope, before you know it the Maus is in the game.
The idea here is monetizing new content through forcing campaign pack purchases; which bring revenue and pay for all the goodies. Enlisted has good base of content for F2p new players but old souls generally have everything already researched etc. Gate keeping behind a premium offering adding ~15+ new research items per nation I think would be tantalizing.
Many ppl on this forum have few extra to even dozen+ million experience saved up, Ie development team is not keeping up with playerbase apetite in terms of playability.
Hence the content suggestions.
Ie bug fixes are good but theyre, not in itself new content; that usually drives playerbase interest.
Aka new & old players like new campaign, while only old players notice bipod rework.
Oh this reminds me of Ho-ri 2 had a variant which had AA guns on its back and they had fixed the hatch from opening when ever you are depressed and also had a commander cupola

Is that a german-style commander cupola? lol
Waiting for Veekay to point out something being inaccurate because it never saw combat use or there were no records of it being used
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Yes Japan actually got 2 PZ III J from Germany which reached mainland Japan most likely inspired from those
Yeah this was a really difficult design decision from a concept perspective.
The primary motivator for me is always low developer cost for these concepts, so a vehicle model thats already in WT/Enlisted is preferable. I personally would totally prefer your ideas here SzepWaxweiler but since developer simplicity was the goal, I figured a semi-historical potential with dual AA would be more flavorful for a player to use, as well as offer some counter to strong US airpower ingame. As well the HoRi proto used in War thunder obv has the weaker armor as a balancing factor.
Its a hard decision for sure, how prototype or theoretical one should get. Im not sure whats the best decision point here.
Lets leave it up to devs its their game at the end and Im gonna enjoy the game no matter what
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I agree here; this was mostly a hypothetical idea of how to make the HoRi stronger and weaker at the same time. The proto has lower armor by alot, and one less loader for main gun since the 3.7cm in the hull, so lower ROF;
Re AA youll note Tiny Tim rockets make an appearance on 2 research aircraft in the USA tree, these will one shot any Hv ingame; and in case Jap AA/ASF is not able to counter these, I thought this was a good balancing inclusion to present some mobile AA potential. (it does make the HoRi a bigger target obv and can be set to have no gun depression for AA only, theoretically)
I do have a question to the readers, what are the thoughts on the leaderboard & rank rewards?
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IMO I don’t like the idea of leaderboard with such good rewards like this because it’ll make all the matches super sweaty. If it were up to me I would just copy paste warthunder model where you can pay silver for the lootboxes for a limited time. Limiting the total you can get to 2 would be really unfortunate if you get unlucky.
For the lootboxes themselves, I think its unfortunately pretty realistic to how loot boxes may be implemented. I think 50x appearance orders would be more fitting. Other than that it looks fine enough. If people are at max squad slots they just get some refunded gold.
Chiefly the goal was to incentivize players from leaving matches by offering rank rewards based on player rating (which drops when deserting); but I can see how that adds more sweat to the game 
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