that will be difficult without a Japanese AR in the game, unless they copy-paste something into the new major update.
Yeah, they should get one as well.
how about a new armoured tech-tree APC instead?
How much reliable of the source for 6.5mm Type 2 as an AR for Japan? I’ve seen it brought up several times.
that would be very difficult.
T-20 Komsomolets would be pretty nice addition.
As long as it is going to be provided with the new APC squad.
I don’t want to keep re-arranging presets. I want to have APC for BR2, BR3 and BR5 preset for each faction.
As for BR4 preset, I use BR3 APC squad.
ok tiger for japan, us gets a panther b panther 2 c tiger 2
Praying for Japanese APC event squad
High BR paratrooper too!
Not much different from current truck in mobility and protection.
Something, spicier would be nice (br5 ofc)
Wow. I mean APC event, this doesn’t seem like it tho
What, its a proto IFV!
2 inf troopers in track boxes with MGs, 4 infantry in back armored box:

Su-57 gun APC is the boring alternative, agree JAPs could use something cool as outlined above.
I thought it was a tank lol Sorry!
It would also be very cool to have a radio squad with some naval bombardment for Japan.
And Germany gets atomic bomb and V2 rockets
mockup and where do you get 6 20mm guns from
second how Germany never had a mobile launcher for the v2 nor a working nuclear bomb if anything us would get nukes
War thunder, since basically every vehicle model will be ported from there, expect their stats mate.
wow i knew warthunder was cracked but ok that crazy that small plane would do as much damage to itself as the enemy with 6 20 mm and 2 13mms