Japan & Soviet APC Event

getting an equivalent of a german tech tree half-track in an event when germans get cannons with armor and americans get a tiny ass apc, no thank you

MOAR transport squads always welcome


then give us more sugestions please



wich weapona you would place


USSR could get the t-20 tractor, would be small like the british event apc

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if its covered, yes

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For BR5 Ersatz T-34 APC

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thats more a tank than apc


Sure but trying to get the realistic variant of tankodesantniki with a working APC compartament, and it existed IRL

aka a domestic version of 251/9 ingame or 251/22


i mean the players using this tank of an apc wont just dismount after reaching the destination, no? i’m sure they probably gonna seek out and engage enemy armor which gonna be detrimental to the hitchhiking infantry

…or the infantry is the extra armor?

a T-34 and BR5 isnt exactly OP now, I think it would be funny af honestly. not to mention it still would get abandoned just like the other transports.

You can already do that. Just put your T-34-76 to your BR5 lineup and have fun :man_shrugging:

I would rather have Soviet APC that’s actually an APC. Not just another T-34 with very silly looking “boxes for infantry”.

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OR, we can give the Allies the M3 Halftrack


We need tech tree APC, actual armoured personnel carriers not just those stupid trucks.


I need tech tree APC squad II (or whatever number).


Personally I really want some IFV’s

I mean as a rare event vehicle, I have no issue with it. Not reason to say no.

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Well… Since they are getting silly and adding things that never got off the drawing board, they might as well put in the Bradley lol

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the current one is already “APC Driver II” for whatever reason

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exactly same as 251/9 APC/IFV, sure u can drive around and provide fire support but need to jump out at some point, new spawn squads can operate the armament as well.

4 man IFV crew as well. The T34 IFV just gives us a good simulation of tank riding infantry in an IFV form. Likely limited event/ solid premium but BR5 only. Same for 251/22 whenever that happens.

Agree, would be a good year to put in some armored APCs into the tech tree. So many cool options are avail, even for “minor” nations:


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