Because the graphical team works on graphics, not models and animations…
RTX support when
Mimimi why are you improving the game instead of improving the game?
Never gets old reading the same stuff every time a graphics update hits the game lol…
It’s just a shadow quality upgrade. It’s one improvement on one nimious thing, i do understand that any improvement matter, but you don’t need to play the part of the slave that fell in love with the whip.
I don’t remember a single person asking for this, and the list goes on and on. Meanwhile some interiors are a hellhole and you can’t see sh*t.
I like graphics upgrades so i guess ill like.
I have been reminded recently (in a big way) that graphics are far less important than Gameplay, features and content that works
Easy Red 2, a $10 indie game has:
- AI that actually fights, flanks, uses grenades, smoke and all emplacements
- AI drops spot markers and reacts
- decent impactful smoke
- large maps, objectives and scale
- seamless functional bipods and MG barrel changing
- functional medics
- dragging wounded
- full map destruction
- proper distance rendering, especially planes
- unique faction animations (like Germans 1 hand sprint)
- tanks with all coaxil mgs working and AI operated
- tanks can change shell type without having to fire
- tanks dont get stuck on small objects, and crush fences without being brought to a stop
- tanks that just dont blow up 1 hit 90% of the time
- orderable tank AI crew to dismount and repair
And so much more.
Enlisted needs to step up on the details (much of the above is active in mods). Its not the only WW 2 squad shooter, but it “should” be the best… A $10 Indie game does the battles better
Atleast now we know what each setting does
Can you say this again for those in the back thinking the devs are saving the game with meaningless graphics updates. Enlisted has a lot of competition in this gaming space outside of just this game. And it’s not just other WW2 games that they are in direct competition with either
Better graphics are always nice, literally any improvement/changes to gameplay is always nicer to have
I’m hoping this news is actually a disguised announcement that they’ve found the bug(s) in graphics causing substantial game crashing issues for many players.
Can you add SSAA 2x to the game? 4x is too demanding and in WT SSAA at 2x looks amazing and still make game run well.
true but they also cheat with their tanks since they have ESP and always know where you are it’s annoying
agree it’s great
while HE or nades have pitiful range and tanks are not fun to play against infantry and also not fun vs other tanks most of the time due them cheating and also tanks having simplified module damage
it’s great but you have to run for too long after you die for the first time, game doesn’t have rally points or apcs or spawn near commander like in battlefield
except they barely work, you rarely can use them against windows, agree about mg barrel changing it looks great
they would only work in a pve game like Easy Red 2
It’s not like DF couldn’t add them but it’s obvious that they only use Enlisted as their new cash cow, most of the things they add are premiums or fomo, where are new maps? new ai improvements? fixed bipods? yeah nowhere to be seen.
Unlike Enlisted in ER2 you can play a lot of famous vehicles without grinding for years like in Enlisted, just buy dlc and play with Calliope or Churchill
And all of them have nice camos unlocked without need to pay 250 gold
Other good think about that game is that Easy Red 2 has workshop support and you can play on new maps with new objects added and also new weapons/vehicles all included in your $10 purchase (some may require dlcs).
I really wish they would make HE/HEAT shells or other explosives more impactful, fix enemy tanker cheating ai, let us to spawn closer to the other teams, improve animations to not feel as clunky/stiff and then you would have a better game than Enlisted.
That Pershing for sure is hidding in the shadows we first need to enable ultra shadows to find it.
i feel this is the equivalent to last years update of para’s clothes flap in the wind
I have been playing it on Realistic and while it does happen a little (mainly first spawn of the game), it hasnt been often for me? I mean I have been lazered by an AA gun or MG emplacement straight away before haha
Yeah but enlisted does! so would be better, Take the good (which is ALOT) and add it here.
Personally I like this. HE filler 1 shots tanks most of the Time in Warthunder and Enlsited (in Warthunder its justified because crews on foot isnt a thing). But in Enlisted, It would be an improvement to gameplay for alot more crews to abandon tanks and get a chance to make use of that Repair Feature and crew kits
Not saying its perfect, However I have had good experience with it…In the very least It will work 100% when prone seamlessly (which is more than you can say for enlised). That alone is
Dragging no, Interacting/reviving soldiers in downed state, yes.
Its a great little pickup!
Dear Major, could you please share these feedback points with the corresponding devs so that maybe we can see such improvements in the upcoming news?
- Cosmetic Filter
- Sniper Garand issues
- British uniforms
- Basic Custom games functionality like limit BR
- Broken Soviet female medics
- Blinding light at the end of match
- Being forced to spawn APC squad without APC
- Spawn screen unplayable area
- Adding squads to all nations to have BR presets
- British commander voicelines for British paras
- Artillery timer in practice
- Squad command voicelines repeated after every spawn
- Unified crew order for all T-34s
- Ability to remove newly added trash from Pz IV G “Stalingrad”
- Binoculars for all tank commanders
- Add similar-to-premium iconic WW2 gear and vehicles to research tree
- “Conquest Large” BF-style gamemode concept
- Let Volkssturm premium squad wear DAK uniforms automatically like normal squads FOR FREE
- Allow SAS squad to unequip Fairbairn-Sykes knife
- Allow players to mod text strings
- Add “Fronts” presets for factions
- Make an event for BR1 only
- Introduce Italian/British squads as interim event rewards
- Add faction-specific ammo boxes and med boxes
- Add “cancel seat change” and separate “exit vehicle” buttons
- Please fix tanker’s “black hole” view jittering
- Fix terrains making vehicles stuck forever
- Make prop tank carcass parts breakable/turnable
- Please fix paratroopers flying to the back of the map
- Trucks need better engine sounds
- New vehicles and weapons that would be cool to see in the game (no fakes or time travellers)
- Bring back Classic Berlin as event or something
- Soldier presets should equip the best possible version of the weapon
- Tanks need a major visual overhaul
- Bring back Preferred Map system on top of BR system (soft rule)
- Enlisted needs more generic maps now
- Make weapons, vehicles and equipment shared between squad presets
- Display vacant transport vehicles on the minimap
- After the Merge lock post-war weapons to a separate BR
- Confrontation win conditions still don’t make sense
- Necessary UI improvements
- Basic customization improvements needed right now
- Colorblind Mode Please!
Why am I pinned to this post?
HI dear James. It is time to inform us the delay of Battle Pass of Season 4.
In the old lone fighter mode it had, not near commander but spawn on any of your 3 squadmates.
We’re quite far from the “Improving shadows” topic though.
Umm @James_Grove @MajorMcDonalds where is rest of my squad?
I just noticed that when using this squad instead of six soldier I would get only 2 soldiers like when im paraing around the point only 2 soldiers will be present and my other soldiers well they are nonexistent
Perhaps the devs don’t know how to fix these bugs—which would explain why they haven’t been fixed. Or, they simply don’t know how to prioritize their work. I don’t know the real reason, I’m just guessing. But until the bug issues are resolved, they’re going to keep losing players because nobody wants to play an annoying game—except those of us who just put up with it. I know if I find a better, less buggy game I’m going to leave myself.