I miss the attention to detail with historical weapons such as Volksturm’s MP 3008, VG 2, VG 1-5: it was the first time I saw those weapons in Berlin setting in any videogame.
I miss Berlin back when it didn’t need to have fake/time travelling weapons which were never used in the actual Battle of Berlin or adopted by the militaries at all such as RPD, AS, AT, Fedorov, MG-45, STG-45, Horn, Conders, belt DP etc in literally every match.
At the very beginning, there was indeed an atmosphere reminiscent of the legendary Battle of Berlin. However, just before the merge, German bomber formations and paratroopers were constantly buzzing around, turning the battle into a crushing ordeal for the pitiful Soviet soldiers armed only with Mosin rifles, facing elite troops equipped with Stg44s and dozens of Tiger 2H tanks. I would like to see a depiction of the actual, classic Battle of Berlin with fixed equipment