Better postures for tank commanders

In some tanks the commander’s hatch is too small, so instead of the whole torso only the commander’s head is exposed. It’s understandable that they can’t use personal weapons, but please give them the option of using binoculars.


another thing

Pls consider letting your 3D modelers increase the poly count on some crucial (and big parts)

Like the sights of some guns, visualized here:


A 16-dot poly circle is way too low.

Not looking good at all.


Does this mean you are doing away with the whole “the design of this vehicle does not allow to use personal weapons in it”? Especially the Pershing? A top tier tank whose commander can not only not use their personal weapon for close in defense but also can’t use binoculars for long range engagements is at a huge disadvantage.

Considering it has to fight Tigers that already outclass it and can 1 tap it almost anywhere this makes it even more unbalanced.


Can we have some more “Natural Pose” for tank commander?
Or, add a mod feature that customizes character poses.



thing is, if i see a commander pop out like that, hes just a gigantic target, with most of his body peaking out. and also just doesnt look like hes in the middle of a engagement, guy in the photo definitely is not.
but yeah a more “living guy” style pose would be nice, still a little better than before in any case, having the people look and “act” like people would sell the whole war thing a little better

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I’m not asking for more queues, just to have a higher chance of being sent to the Pacific when I have marines, LVT and Seagull in my lineup.
Personally I wouldn’t mind waiting a minute or two more if the next map was more suitable.

Alternatively, as I also suggested before, we could have separate lineups for different fronts: so if the map loaded is Pacific, the game would activate my USMC BR2 lineup, and if the map is Tunisia – my British BT2 lineup.

Also, speaking of other suggestions:

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Now this super long spam in news topic that’s promoting some utterly off topic suggestions is incredibly shameless.


News are a great place to get feed back from helpers and few questions answered, but that doesn’t mean we should abuse this.


Yea true we already see what happens to those that do that so we should keep off topic thing to as lowest as possible

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Btw, the update went live, and there is no new weapons in the tech tree… I am sad.

Also I had a bug in the practice when I spawned with the Chaffee, the new vision stuff bugged my game and I was considered a deserter but kept me in the practice room without any possibility of quitting

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Oh well I have to set-up my laptop and see this tbh but I’m not home yet

so it did

It wasn’t a major update, we will have to wait about 40-60 days for next major.


It was not supposed to be a Major update. So I never expected new TT additions.

Ohh, @Valkay had faster fingers.


Oh yep, you are right ! I thought this would be one of the major update indeed.

I kinda hope they make something for Germany/Italy by than. I would really love to see the P26/40 in game.
Also it’s ridiculous how Germany is the only faction without 100 MG.


I made the exact same incorrect presumption a few months ago xD so now I’ve been paying attention to how the test servers are named/worded.

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update is indeed live, though some weird bugs are happening now, strange…

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Like branding every player as deserter? xD I couldn’t come up with funnier bug.


man im halfway through the download rn but it seem quite funny ngl

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