Normal squads work like this:
Volkssturm premium squad works like this:
Tunisia (worse than normal squad, doesn’t change automatically, gives you away in the desert)
And then to change into something else we need to pay?
Let alone we don’t even have any DAK uniforms to choose from!?
Please give us a chance to wear DAK uniforms FOR FREE.
And normal Wehrmacht uniforms in Moscow/Stalingrad/Ardennes as well.
FOR FREE like normal squads.
yes… but i’d be best if APC squads gets a fix for their dak uniforms first.
since well… apcs are more used than a volkssturm uniform.
ideally, the whole customization system detached from templates of squads and be an actual customization based on campaign rather than… again, templates of individual squads.
but that’s prolly hopium speaking.
Yeah it’s the same old request for all APC and Premium squads.
At least give us an OPTION to not wear “cool and unique” outfits.
Funnily enough, they gave this option for VS squad, but you need to spend customization orders if you want your VS guys to not die of cold in their business suits in the Ardennes 
And double funnily, in some Premium squads this already works fine
I don’t know why the hell you would be asking for them to remove premium appearances in campaigns. I just want them to actually take the time to make those squads which keep their premium appearance in other campaigns to still have the local campaign options in customization, rather than having the same pool of copy pasted items for customization in every campaign in which their default appearance is not changed.
Because being Volkssturm in Moscow makes no sense.
Because wearing grey business suits in Tunisia makes no sense and actually makes you stand out more than regular squads.
So until they come up with specific cosmetics for those squads, we should at least not be at a disadvantage in comparison to normal squads.
You’re not at a disadvantage, you’re just coming up with any excuse you can to advocate for the same thing that you know you aren’t going to get.
Normal squads are in sandy uniforms when in sandy environment.
My VS squad is in grey business suits which also look ridiculous.
Not a disadvantage? Lmao
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Dude at this Point he is absolute right, same with many other Premium or Event Squads…
But Hell he have over 1,2k Customization Orders i have 0
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Man bear pig doesn’t care about uniform appropriateness, don’t argue with him. If you didn’t know, Volkssturm was a Nazi Germany’s last-ditch militia formed at the end of 1944. So using Volkssturm uniform in Moscow, Stalingrad, Tunisia, and even Normandy is not appropriate. The Volkssturm squad from Berlin should get a unique uniform that is appropriate for each campaign.