After the Merge lock post-war weapons to a separate BR

After the Merge I will want to play Berlin maps with the atmosphere of Battle of Berlin, April-May 1945.
Not some plausible post-war maybe scenario.

With this in mind, please lock AS-44, RD-44, LAD, STG-45, MG-45, etc. to a BR that is not required to play Berlin maps.

If people want to play with post-war fantasy weapons, let them play.

But make sure people can also play Berlin with just ww2 weapons as well, without up-BRs and mixing with fantasy weaponry.

For any “mains”: I don’t promote either side suffering or stomping, just atmosphere.


To be honest,
The only real display of the battle of berlin would be Volkssturm children, some last ambushes for advancing Soviet troops and mostly german units surrendering.

So 1945 gear that was never really part of the war isn’t any less phantasy than the berlin campaign to begin with, the entire scenario is already a big “what if”.

So SKS, IS 3 and Panther II will most likely come.

Non of that matters to me anyways since I will play 1941 - 1942 BR most of the time unless I’m in a group.


I would be happy with the separation because it wouldn’t bother me.


And you forgot the other premium squads in Berlin I forgot the name of some of the weapons but I think they have some future weapons too.

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Please ensure that you have enough life expectancy to wait until the “merge” development test service is up and running.


Those weapons are not post war, they were WW2 prototypes.

And before someone mentions the beltfed DP, no it is not the 1946 RP-46, it was a prototype belt feed adapter tested in 1943/44 on the DP-27.


Fantasy guns should get their own fantasy games, like Operation Sealion, Operation Downfall, Operation Unthinkable ect.


Neither of them were adopted by the militaries, issued to the troops or have a single evidence of ever being used in the Battle of Berlin.
That’s what I would like to lock off from my Berlin experience, while giving full power to those who want to use it at a separate BR.

Well, since the Battle of Berlin encompasses Zeelow Heights and the general advance on Berlin, it isn’t strange to see Tigers, King Tigers and FG-42s, since the best remaining regular troops did defend Berlin as well.
And even if King Tigers and FG-42s were a rare sight in yhe city itself, at least they were officially adopted and used by the military, unlike fantasy AS-44 stormtroopers near the Reichstag.


Russian kids run around Reichstag wearing commissar’s hat, white shirts and blue pants with AS-44 in their hands and panzerfaust on their back and somehow complain that German FG42 is unrealistic XD


Separating experimental stuff by giving them BR+1 could be a good idea. Ppl who want more historical berlin take max-1 BR and ppl who don’t care take max BR.
Everybody wins (as long as devs will make a working soft HA rule).

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Lol that is same for Gold order weapon, premium/event squad weapon. How are you gonna separate them?

Well. We already have a SKS ingame which was not issued to combat, let alone in Berlin.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Idk which premiums are fantasy/post-war?
I don’t really buy/follow premiums.

Lock them to the fantasy BR as well?
I don’t know what BR each weapon will be but I just want to play Berlin without having to face AS and RPD spam as if this is Wolfenstein.

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Won’t work lol. Those prototype weapon will be on various br. So you will need to have multiple fantasy br to accommodate them which will only increases the player base split.

I mean I know the best way scenario for me personally would be completely removing all the fantasy/prototype stuff at all.
But I understand that it’s already in the game so that’s not happening.

And as we’re now talking the lesser of the two evils, gold orders are at least limited to a couple pieces and can get a pass.

What I’m strongly against though is fantasy stuff and good stuff like AS or even Fedorov in iconic and well documented battles such as Berlin.


So you are discriminating other battles? What makes battle of Berlin that special so it need a special br for it?
Btw over half of the weapon that your listed on top are limited weapon(gold order/ premium squad).

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It’s a battle I care about and know thr history of. Problem?

For what it’s worth I would just as well prefer Normandy to not have M2 carbine, but I also don’t care about Normandy campaign too much.


Lol so the real reason is you only care about battle of Berlin. Such a lame reason won’t be accepted by dev for them to create a special br for Berlin.

Yes because they are prototypes, this game uses a similar rule to war thunder, if at least one functional prototype was made before the end of WW2 it can be added to the game.

Not my rules, its the devs rules.
