New vehicles and weapons that would be cool to see in the game (no fakes or time travellers)

  1. Sd.Kfz 222
    Extensively used in WW2, can be on BR1-2 and subfolder of Autoblinda.

  2. Staghound

    US/UK equivalent, BR1-2.
    Or just keep the Daimler MK2 that we have.

  3. BA-64.

    Kind of Soviet equivalent but only with MG armament, maybe can be part of a new “MG armored car” class or open top like motorcycles.

  4. IJA Crossley Armored Car
    Kind of Japanese equivalent of the same.

  5. Sherman Easy Eight

    Late war so BR 5 but not at D-Day (idc how, but make it happen).

  6. Ferdinand with Elephant (MG + cupola) as subfolder

    Late war, BR 4-5, kind of useless in our 100 m x 100 m maps but cool af.

  7. ISU-122 with ISU-152 as subfolder
    Late war kitty-hunters, BR 4-5, kind of useless in our 100 m x 100 m maps but cool af.

  8. M3 Halftrack for the US faction
    Maybe without the MGs yet more armored than Studebaker but come on, they made the vehicle, they deserve to have it.
    (Maybe one for USSR as well for research tree)

  9. Sd.Kfz 251
    Maybe without the MG yet safer than Sd.Kfz 7, but it’s too damn classic to be premium only. Needs to be in the research tree.

  10. Hetzer

    BR4 minimum, as it should never appear in early war (1944 onwards), but could be a nimble mobile option instead of Pz IV / Panther.

  11. Sd.Kfz 251/21 AA
    Sort of German counterpart to M13 MGMC but late war, so actually needs to go to BR4 or not appear at all, since Germany already has Flakpanzer I but it’s an event vehicle
    USSR can get the quad Maxim Gaz but it also has the Gaz 72K as event AA truck.
    This light AA situation is tricky. And maybe better not touched at all.

  12. *Maybe, or maybe not needed at all:
    Ostwind and Wirbelwind for Germany

    Sherman Skink for USA
    The problem is the best counterpart for Japan is probably Ta Se already present and for USSR basically nothing (no, T-34 AA from WT doesn’t count) – maybe lend-lease M13 at best.

  1. *Vehicles and weapons for the French at the Battle of France (but for the love of god keep them BR 1-2-3 or whatever without fake stuff to stretch to BR 4-5, or don’t add the French at all – I honestly thought the Japanese would stay nicely with BR 1-3)

Shamelessly copied from PS/S44 because I’m not an expert there at all:


Grenades & Mortars


Stationary Weapons



The editor has the Hetzer and Sherman Easy Eight and ISU-152 and the m3Halftrack for the US and Wirbelwind.

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Ah no no no, we getting our M2 at minimum. Honestly I’d like to have the one with the cab mounted M2 and rear mounted M1919’s on the sides


All these French guns, yet not a MAS 44 in sight… :cry:

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Doesn’t the Russian already have F1 grenade?


Add the panzer II luchs and all is well


Personally I’m all pro halftracks wth MGs but the whales who just paid for M3/251 need to keep something special, I guess, would be the devs’ logic.
Maybe research trees could have “younger brothers” of premiums: M2 with M1918 instead of M3 and 250 instead of 251 but with MGs.

It’s post war, and we’re talking about 1940 Battle of France, where they absolutely were not used.
“By late 1945, rifles were coming off the production line”

That one sounds nice but was used in 1943-45, despite being of low BR, so I would rather not see it in Stalingrad and Moscow.
If the devs can keep it in late war, then sure.

I’m not sure if it’s the same one, but yes just a standard frag grenade.
In fact, many of those weaponsa re already in the game like Chauchat, MAS-46 or Lebel 1886.

Looks like PS has been doing their job.

We also need the m4 sherman to replace m4a2. M4a2 was mostly lend leased and used in pacific so m4 would be better because it was common in all theaters.

Also the m4a2 76w was never used by US it was only lend leased. Replacing it with m4a3 76w vvss would be an good idea.

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Well… it’s not really that different from flame planes. Remember?

Which it’s alright.

Gives a chance for players that bought them a double to use if they really like them.

And I did bought both the half tracks to get additional half tracks :eyes:

Beside, I kinda wished for a 250

And us will get the same half tracks as the ussr and the Germans get an identical ( yet tan ) 251

But as
@geek0505 said, tho others are all in the editor.

Anyway, for the additions, all great :+1:

Not… particularly on board with a Ferdinand,

Surprised to see a fellow staghound enjoyer though
More rare than vaquitas…

( p.s. that’s an 251 ausf. A )

( the one we got are ausf. D with the end rear cutted for cheaper production )

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Well if those who paid for M3 and 251 aren’t against them being in research tree, I’m fully on board of course

Still being a romantic and hoping that vehicles will change basic camo like soldiers one day as well, trucks and halftracks included :smiling_face_with_tear:

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it’s not gonna work like that,

but James and @Euthymia07 confirmed that halftracks will have customization

which it’s also confirmed by the skin templates associated with their names over the editor:

( prepare to be disappointed. or maybe it’s just me )

( unarmed APC do not have skin templates. maybe the will, but as currently, none of them do )

well, i guess they have at the very least, basic color for all enivorement.

but… selection is lacklaster at best.

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Why not?
Soldiers work like that, it only makes sense for vehicles to work in the same way too

Continuing with actual WW2 vehicles that would be cool to see, honestly these should not be only premiums (maybe that made sense when we just had US and everything British was premium) and would definitely help the British faction/lineup

A) Churchill (can be another variant from the premium)

B) Valentine

C) Archer (reversed Valentine with 17-pounder

D) Firefly (non-premium version again, yes)

E) Matilda II (non-premium version again, yes)

F) Lewis gun (maybe without the shroud as opposed to the USSR premium shrouded version)



i doubt they will change it just to please us.

they should, do similar to war thunder.

but it’s not really the first time we attempted to carry over the same system.

would be great to unlock camouflages of the basic color to then being able to buy slighlty better ones for gold.

but literally as you showed, the panzer IV has 3 skins.

I would guess that would be the final system goal:
basic automatic camo for each biome
e.g. Stug 3 is white for Moscow, yellow for Tunisia

but also your cooler options can be unlocked/bought with gold
e.g. white with zig zag lines, yellow with leopard dots

Hetzer is probably the ONLY vehicle that deservers to be at the same BR as if they had no turret, simply because they have a top mounted MG that is remote controlled, you can move down people in full cover without being touchable.

other than that, I’m confused at you claiming “minimum BR4” as if a tank hunter with a BR3 gun fits into BR 5.

about the Ferdinant / Elefant, they are technically better armored than Tiger II H - yet they have a pretty bad weakspot so they might be fair and square to add.

Also why are we not finally seeing decent AA vehicles? I am getting tired of pilots farming my tanks and I can’t do anything to stop them.

would make sense to add those with a British standalone faction.

It may be a “me” problem but I’m more concerned with vehicles appearing where they never were like Hetzer in Stalingrad or Tunisia.

If DF find a way to limit that, it’s actual BR probably should be around 3 indeed.
Same problem as with Puma and Pz IV J currently.

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I serve Lord Browning